System Administration Guide: Naming and Directory Services (FNS and NIS+)

“Shorthand” Bindings

FNS defines the following “shorthand” bindings in the initial context to enable the use of shorter names to refer to objects in certain commonly referenced namespaces.


The namespace identifier user (or _user) is bound in the initial context to the username context in organizational unit of the host running the process. This allows other users in the same organizational unit to be named from this context.

From the initial context, the names user and thisorgunit/user resolve to the same context. For example, if the host running the process is a machine altair and altair is in the east.sales organizational unit, the name user/medici names the user medici in east.sales.


The namespace identifier host (or _host) is bound in the initial context to the hostname context organizational unit of the host running the process. This allows other hosts in the same organizational unit to be named from this context.

From the initial context, the names host and thisorgunit/host resolve to the same context. For example, if the host running the process is a machine named sirius and it is in the east.sales organizational unit, the name host/sirius names the machine sirius in the organizational unit east.sales.


The namespace identifier org (or orgunit, _orgunit) is bound in the initial context to the root context of the organization of the enterprise to which the host running the process belongs.

From the initial context, the names org and thisens/orgunit resolve to the same context. For example, if the host running the process is the machine aldebaran and aldebaran is in the enterprise, the name org/east.sales names the organizational unit east.sales in


The namespace identifier site (or _site) is bound in the initial context to the root of the site naming system of the top organizational unit of the enterprise to which the host running the process belongs.

From the initial context, the names site and thisens/site resolve to the same context. For example, if the host running the process is the machine aldebaran and aldebaran is in the enterprise, the name site/pine.bldg-5 names a conference room, pine in building 5 of