System Administration Guide: Naming and Directory Services (FNS and NIS+)

How Servers Propagate Changes

An NIS+ master server implements updates to its objects immediately; however, it tries to “batch” several updates together before it propagates them to its replicas. When a master server receives an update to an object, whether a directory, group, link, or table, it waits about two minutes for any other updates that may arrive. Once it is finished waiting, it stores the updates in two locations: on disk and in a transaction log (it has already stored the updates in memory).

The transaction log is used by a master server to store changes to the namespace until they can be propagated to replicas. A transaction log has two primary components: updates and time stamps.


An update is an actual copy of a changed object. For instance, if a directory has been changed, the update is a complete copy of the directory object. If a table entry has been changed, the update is a copy of the actual table entry. The time stamp indicates the time at which an update was made by the master server.

After recording the change in the transaction log, the master sends a message to its replicas, telling them that it has updates to send them. Each replica replies with the time stamp of the last update it received from the master. The master then sends each replica the updates it has recorded in the log since the replica's time stamp:


When the master server updates all its replicas, it clears the transaction log. In some cases, such as when a new replica is added to a domain, the master receives a time stamp from a replica that is before its earliest time stamp still recorded in the transaction log. If that happens, the master server performs a full resynchronization, or resync. A resync downloads all the objects and information stored in the master down to the replica. During a resync, both the master and replica are busy. The replica cannot answer requests for information; the master can answer read requests but cannot accept update requests. Both respond to requests with a Server Busy - Try Again or similar message.