System Administration Guide: Naming and Directory Services (FNS and NIS+)

timezone Attributes and Object Class

Create attributes and object class as below, and then create the container for the timezone data. The suggested container name is ou=Timezone. (The LDIF data is suitable for ldapadd(1). Attribute and object class OIDs are examples only.)

dn: cn=schema
changetype: modify
add: attributetypes
attributetypes:	( NAME 'nisplusTimeZone' \
		  DESC 'tzone column from NIS+ timezone table' \

dn: cn=schema
changetype: modify
add: objectclasses
objectclasses:	( NAME 'nisplusTimeZoneData' \
		  DESC 'NIS+ timezone table data' \
		  SUP top STRUCTURAL MUST ( cn ) \
		  MAY ( nisplusTimeZone $ description ) )

To create the ou=Timezone container, put the following LDIF data in a file. (Substitute your actual search base for searchBase.)

dn: ou=Timezone,searchBase ou: Timezone objectClass: top

objectClass: organizationalUnit

Use the above file as input to ldapadd(1) in order to create the ou=Timezone container. For example, if your LDAP administrator DN is cn=directory manager, and the file with the LDIF data is called tzfile.

# ldapadd -D cn="directory manager" -f tzfile

Depending on the authentication required, the ldapadd command might prompt for a password.

The /var/nis/NIS+LDAPmapping.template file contains commented-out definitions for the timezone.org_dir table. Copy these to the actual mapping file, enable by removing the comment character '#', and restart therpc.nisd daemon. If necessary, synchronize NIS+ and LDAP data as described in NIS+ to LDAP Migration Scenarios.