Solaris 9 (SPARC 平台版) 版次注意事項

優先分頁和相關的可調核心程式 (priority_paging/cachefree)

Solaris 9 發行版本中並不支援 priority_pagingcachefree 可調參數。 這些參數將取代成已增強的檔案系統快取架構,它可執行類似於優先分頁的分頁策略,但每次都會啟用。 在 /etc/system 檔案中嘗試設定這些參數將會產生開機階段的警告,如下所示:

sorry, variable 'priority_paging' is not defined in the 'kernel'
sorry, variable 'cachefree' is not defined in the 'kernel'

若您升級至 Solaris 9 發行版本,或 pkgaddSUNWcsr 套裝軟體,且 /etc/system 檔案包含了 priority_pagingcachefree 參數,則會產生下列情況:

  1. 如果您在 /etc/system 檔案中設定 priority_pagingcachefree 參數,則會顯示下列訊息:

    NOTE: /etc/system has been modified since it contains references to
    priority paging tunables. Please review the changed file.
  2. 註釋會插入在 /etc/system 檔案中,且會是在任何一行設定 priority_pagingcachefree 之前的位置。 例如,若您將 priority_paging 設為 1,這一行就會取代成下列幾行文字:

    * NOTE: As of Solaris 9, priority paging is unnecessary and 
    * has been removed. Since references to priority paging-related tunables 
    * will now result in boot-time warnings, the assignment below has been 
    * commented out. For more details, see the Solaris 9 Release Notes, or 
    * the "Solaris Tunable Parameters Reference Manual".
    * set priority_paging=1