IPQoS Administration Guide

IPQoS Basics

IPQoS enables the Differentiated Services (diffserv) architecture that is defined by the Differentiated Services Working Group of the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF). In the Solaris™ 9, 9/02 operating environment, IPQoS is implemented at the IP level of the TCP/IP protocol stack.

What Are Differentiated Services?

By enabling IPQoS, you can provide different levels of network service for selected customers and selected applications. These differentiated services can be based on a structure of service levels that your company offers to its customers. You can also provide differentiated services that are based on the priorities set for applications or users on your network.

Providing quality of service involves the following activities:

IPQoS Features

IPQoS has the following features:

Where to Get More Information About Quality of Service

You can find information on differentiated services and quality of service from print and online sources.


For more information on quality-of-service theory and practice, refer to the following books:

Requests for Comments (RFCs)

IPQoS conforms to the specifications that are described in the following RFCs and Internet drafts:

Web Sites

The Differentiated Services Working Group of the IETF maintains a Web site with links to diffserv Internet drafts at http://www.ietf.org/html.charters/diffserv-charter.html.

Router manufacturers such as Cisco Systems and Juniper Networks provide information on their corporate Web sites that describes how differentiated services are implemented on their products.

Man Pages

The IPQoS distribution includes the following man pages.