IPQoS Administration Guide

How to Configure Forwarding for Application Traffic in the IPQoS Configuration File

The next procedure shows how to configure forwarding for application traffic. In the procedure, you define per-hop behaviors for application traffic classes that might have lower precedence than other traffic on a network. The procedure assumes that you have an existing IPQoS configuration file with already-defined classes and filters for the applications to be marked. The steps continue building the /var/ipqos/BigAPPs.qos file in Example 3–3.

  1. Open the IPQoS configuration file you have created for the applications server.

    Locate the end of the last filter clause. In the /var/ipqos/BigAPPs.qos file, the last filter is the following:

     filter {
            name ftpdata
            sport ftp-data
            class ftp
  2. Invoke the marker as follows:

    action {
        module dscpmk
        name markAF13



    module dscpmk

    Invokes the marker module dscpmk

    name markAF13

    Gives the name markAF13 to the action statement

  3. Define the per-hop behavior to be marked on electronic mail traffic flows.

        params {
            global_stats FALSE
            next_action continue



    global_stats FALSE

    Enables statistics taking for the markAF13 marker action statement. However, because the value of enable_stats is FALSE, statistics are not turned on.


    Assigns a DS codepoint of 14 to the packet headers of the traffic class smtp, which is currently being processed by the marker.

    next_action continue

    Indicates that no further processing is required on packets of the traffic class smtp. These packets can then return to the network stream.

    The DS codepoint 14 tells the marker to set all entries in the dscp map to the decimal value 14 (binary 001110). This value sets the AF13 per-hop behavior and marks packets of the smtp traffic class with the DS codepoint 14 in the DS field.

    AF13 assigns all packets with a DS codepoint of 14 to a high-drop precedence. However, because AF13 also assures a Class 1 priority, the router still guarantees outgoing email traffic a high priority in its queue. For a table of possible AF codepoints, refer to Table 6–2.

  4. Add a marker action statement to define a per-hop behavior for network news traffic:

    action {
        module dscpmk
        name markAF21
        params {
            global_stats FALSE
            next_action continue

    The next table explains parameters that have not yet been defined in this procedure.



    name markAF21

    Gives the name markAF21 to the action statement


    Assigns a DS codepoint of 18 to the packet headers of the traffic class nntp, which is currently being processed by the marker

    The DS codepoint 18 tells the marker to set all entries in the dscp map to the decimal value 18 (binary 010010). This value sets the AF21 per-hop behavior and marks packets of the news traffic class with the DS codepoint 18 in the DS field.

    AF21 assures that all packets with a DS codepoint of 18 receive a low-drop precedence, but with only Class 2 priority. Thus, the possibility of network news traffic being dropped is low, but the router gives a higher forwarding probability to traffic classes with a Class 1 mark.

Where to Go From Here


For Information 

Add configuration information for web servers 

How to Begin the IPQoS Configuration File and Define Traffic Classes

Configure flow control by using the metering modules 

How to Configure Flow Control in the IPQoS Configuration File

Configure flow accounting 

How to Enable Accounting for a Class in the IPQoS Configuration File

Configure forwarding behaviors on a router 

How to Configure a Router on an IPQoS-Enabled Network

Activate the IPQoS configuration file 

How to Apply a New Configuration to the IPQoS Kernel Modules