IPQoS Administration Guide

Assured Forwarding (AF) PHB

Assured forwarding (AF) provides four different classes of forwarding behaviors that you can specify to the marker. The next table shows the classes, the three drop precedences that are provided with each class, and the recommended DCSPs that are associated with each precedence. Each DSCP is represented by its AF value, its value in hexadecimal, and its value in binary.

Table 6–2 Assured Forwarding Codepoints


Class 1 

Class 2 

Class 3 

Class 4 

Low-Drop Precedence

AF11 = 

10 (001010) 

AF21 = 

18 (010010) 

AF31 = 

26 (011010) 

AF41 = 

34 (100010) 

Medium-Drop Precedence

AF12 = 

12 (001100) 

AF22 = 

20 (010100) 

AF32 = 

28 (011100) 

AF42 =  

36 (100100) 

High-Drop Precedence

AF13 = 

14 (001110) 

AF23 = 


AF33 = 

30 (011110) 

AF43 = 

38 (100110) 

Any diffserv-aware system can use the AF codepoint as a guide for providing differentiated forwarding behaviors to different classes of traffic.

For example, suppose your QoS policy assigns DSCPs of AF31 and AF13 to two different traffic classes. When packets that are marked AF31 (011010) leave the IPQoS system, they receive lower forwarding probability than the packets with AF13 (001110).

When these packets reach a diffserv router, the router evaluates the packets' codepoints along with DS codepoints of other traffic in the queue. The router then forwards or drops packets, depending on the available bandwidth and the priorities that are assigned by the packets' DS codepoints. Note that packets that are marked with the EF PHB are guaranteed bandwidth over packets that are marked with the various AF PHBs.

Coordinate packet marking between any IPQoS systems on your network and the diffserv router to ensure that packets are forwarded as expected. For example, suppose IPQoS systems on your network marks packets with AF21 (010010), AF13 (001110), AF43 (100110), and EF (101110) codepoints. You then need to add the AF21, AF13, AF43, and EF DS codepoints to the appropriate file on the diffserv router.

For a technical explanation of the AF codepoint table, refer to RFC 2597. Router manufacturers Cisco Systems and Juniper Networks have detailed information about setting the AF PHB in their Web sites. You can use this information to define AF PHBs for IPQoS systems as well as routers. Additionally, router manufacturers' documentation contains instructions for setting DS codepoints on their equipment.