Solaris Volume Manager Administration Guide

Creating RAID 0 (Concatenation) Volumes

How to Create a RAID 0 (Concatenation) Volume

  1. Check Prerequisites for Creating Solaris Volume Manager Elements and Background Information for Creating RAID 0 Volumes.

  2. To create the concatenation use one of the following methods:

    • From the Enhanced Storage tool within the Solaris Management Console, open the Volumes node. Choose Action->Create Volume, then follow the instructions in the wizard. For more information, see the online help.

    • Use the following form of the metainit command:

      metainit {volume-name} {number-of-stripes} {[components-per-stripe]| [component-names]…}
      • volume-name is the name of the volume to create.

      • number-of-stripes specifies the number of stripes to create.

      • components-per-stripe specifies the number of components each stripe should have.

      • component-names specifies the names of the components that will be used.

      For more information, see the following examples and the metainit(1M) man page.

Caution – Caution –

Do not create volumes larger than 1TB if you expect to run the Solaris Operating Environment with a 32–bit kernel or if you expect to use a version of the Solaris Operating Environment prior to Solaris 9 4/03. See Overview of Solaris Volume Manager Large Volume Support for more information about large volume support in Solaris Volume Manager.

Example—Creating a Concatenation of One Slice

# metainit d25 1 1 c0t1d0s2
d25: Concat/Stripe is setup

This example shows the creation of a concatenation, d25, that consists of one stripe (the first number 1) made of a single slice (the second number 1 in front of the slice). The system verifies that the volume has been set up.

Note –

This example shows a concatenation that can safely encapsulate existing data.

Example—Creating a Concatenation of Four Slices

# metainit d40 4 1 c0t1d0s2 1 c0t2d0s2 1 c0t2d0s3 1 c0t2d1s3
d40: Concat/Stripe is setup

This example creates a concatenation called d40 that consists of four “stripes” (the number 4), each made of a single slice (the number 1 in front of each slice). The system verifies that the volume has been set up.

Where to Go From Here

To prepare the newly created concatenation for a file system, see “Creating File Systems (Tasks)” in System Administration Guide: Basic Administration.