System Administration Guide: Naming and Directory Services (DNS, NIS, and LDAP)

Masters and Replicas

Only NIS+ masters are allowed to write data to LDAP. NIS+ replicas can obtain updates either from the NIS+ master (which might or might not have obtained it from LDAP), or they can read data directly from an LDAP server. A combination of the two is also possible. Therefore, there are two principal ways to arrange for NIS+ replication.

Replication Timestamps

When an NIS+ replica is obtaining data for at least one object in a particular NIS+ directory from LDAP, the update timestamps printed by nisping(1M) do not necessarily indicate the degree of data consistency between the NIS+ master and the replica. For example, assume that the NIS+ directory dir1 contains the tables table1 and table2. When the replica is obtaining data for both table1 and table2 from the NIS+ master, you might see an output like the following.

# nisping dir1

Master server is "master.some.domain."
Last update occurred at Mon Aug  5 22:11:09 2002

Replica server is "replica.some.domain." 		
	Last Update seen was Mon Aug  5 22:11:09 2002

The above indicates that the master and replica have exactly the same data. However, if the replica is getting data for either or both of table1 and table2 from LDAP, the output only shows that the replica has received an NIS_PING from the master, and updated its resynchronization time stamp for housekeeping purposes. The data in the table or tables mapped from LDAP might differ from that on the NIS+ master if either of the following are true.

If you cannot accept this type of data inconsistency, let all NIS+ replicas obtain their data from the NIS+ master only. Once you have configured the NIS+ master to get data from LDAP, you do not need to make modifications to the replicas.