System Administration Guide: Resource Management and Network Services

/etc/default/sendmail File

This file is used to store startup options for sendmail so that they are not removed when a host is upgraded. The following variables can be used.


Selects additional options to be used with the client daemon, which looks in the client-only queue (/var/spool/clientmqueue) and acts as a client queue runner. No syntax checking is done, so be careful when making changes to this variable.


Similar to the QUEUEINTERVAL option, CLIENTQUEUEINTERVAL sets the time interval for mail queue runs. However, the CLIENTQUEUEINTERVAL option controls the functions of the client daemon, instead of the master daemon. Typically, the master daemon is able to deliver all messages to the SMTP port. However, if the message load is too high or the master daemon is not running, then messages go into the client-only queue, /var/spool/clientmqueue. The client daemon, which checks in the client-only queue, then acts as a client queue processor.


Enables an SMTP client and server to interact immediately without waiting for the periodic queue run intervals. The server can immediately deliver the portion of its queue that goes to the specified hosts. For more information, refer to the etrn(1M) man page.


Selects the mode to start sendmail with. Use the -bd option or leave it undefined.


Selects additional options to be used with the master daemon. No syntax checking is done, so be careful when making changes to this variable.


Sets the interval for mail queue runs on the master daemon. # can be a positive integer that is followed by either s for seconds, m for minutes, h for hours, d for days, or w for weeks. The syntax is checked before sendmail is started. If the interval is negative or if the entry does not end with an appropriate letter, the interval is ignored and sendmail starts with a queue interval of 15 minutes.


Enables one persistent queue runner that sleeps between queue run intervals, instead of a new queue runner for each queue run interval. You can set this option to p, which is the only setting available. Otherwise, this option is not set.