System Administration Guide: Security Services

How to Create a New User Key That Uses NIS Credentials with Diffie-Hellman Authentication

  1. Log in to the server as superuser or assume an equivalent role.

    Only system administrators, when logged in to the NIS+ server, can generate a new key for a user.

  2. Create a new key for a user.

    # newkey -u username 

    username is the name of the user. The system prompts for a password. You can type a generic password. The private key is stored in an encrypted form by using the generic password.

    # newkey -u george
    Adding new key for unix.12345@Abc.North.Acme.COM
    New Password:
    Retype password:
    Please wait for the database to get updated...
    Your new key has been successfully stored away.
  3. Tell the user to log in and type the chkey -p command.

    This command allows the user to re-encrypt his or her private key with a password known only to the user.

    earth% chkey -p
    Updating nis publickey database.
    Reencrypting key for unix.12345@Abc.North.Acme.COM
    Please enter the Secure-RPC password for george:
    Please enter the login password for george:
    Sending key change request to pluto...

    Note –

    The chkey command can be used to create a new key-pair for a user.