Solaris 9 (SPARC Platform Edition) 9/02 Release Notes

luupgrade Command Cannot Add Patches When a Patch List File Is Specified (4679511)

If you use the -s option with the luupgrade command to add patches with a directory and a patch list file, the patches are not added. A message similar to the following message is displayed:

/usr/sbin/luupgrade [52]:		3 patch-list-file: bad number			

In the previous message, patch-list-file is the patch list file you specified for the luupgrade command to use to add patches.

Workaround: To add patches specifying a patch list file, perform the following steps.

  1. Become superuser.

  2. Mount the boot environment that you want to patch.

    # lumount boot-envir-name mount-point
  3. Add the patches to the boot environment.

    # /usr/sbin/patchadd -R mount-point -M  patch-path patch-list-file-name

    In the previous command, patch-path is the path name of a directory that contains patches to add. The patch-list-file-name is the file that contains the list of patches you want to add.

  4. Unmount the boot environment.

    # luumount boot-envir-name