Solaris 9 Installation Guide

Chapter 12 Preparing to Install From the Network With CD Media (Tasks)

This chapter describes how to use CD media to set up your network and systems to install the Solaris software from the network. Network installations enable you to install the Solaris software from a system that has access to the Solaris 9 disc images, called an install server, to other systems on the network. You copy the contents of the CD media to the install server's hard disk. Then, you can install the Solaris software from the network by using any of the Solaris installation methods. This chapter covers the following topics:

Task Map: Preparing to Install From the Network With CD Media

Table 12-1 Task Map: Setting Up an Install Server With CD Media



For Instructions 

Create an install server.

Use the setup_install_server(1M) command to copy the Solaris 9 Software 1 of 2 CD to the install server's hard disk.

Use the add_to_install_server(1M) command to copy the Solaris 9 Software 2 of 2 CD and the Solaris 9 Languages CD to the install server's hard disk.

Use the modify_install_server(1M) command to add the Solaris Web Start user interface software to the net installation image.

"Creating an Install Server With CD Media"

(Optional) Create boot servers.

If you want to install systems from the network that are not on the same subnet as the install server, you must create a boot server on the subnet to boot the systems. If you are using Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP), a boot server is not necessary. 

"Creating a Boot Server on a Subnet With a CD Image"

Add systems to be installed from the network.

Use the add_install_client command to set up each system that you want to install from the network. Each system that you want to install needs to find the install server, the boot server if required, and configuration information on the network.

"Adding Systems to Be Installed From the Network"

Creating an Install Server With CD Media

The install server contains the installation image needed to install systems from the network. You must create an install server to install the Solaris software on a system from the network. You do not always need to set up a separate boot server.

To Create an Install Server With CD Media

Note -

You cannot use a system that is running a SunOS version that was released prior to the Solaris 2.3 release.

Note -

This procedure assumes that the system is running the Volume Manager. If you are not using the Volume Manager to manage media, refer to System Administration Guide: Basic Administration for detailed information about managing removable media without the Volume Manager.

  1. On the system that is to become the install server, become superuser.

    The system must include a CD-ROM drive and be part of the site's network and name service. If you use a name service, the system must already be in a name service, such as NIS, NIS+, DNS, or LDAP. If you do not use a name service, you must distribute information about this system by following your site's policies.

  2. Insert the Solaris 9 Software 1 of 2 CD in the system's drive.

  3. Create a directory for the CD image.

    # mkdir -p install_dir_path


    Specifies the directory where the CD image is to be copied 

  4. Change to the Tools directory on the mounted disc.

    # cd /cdrom/cdrom0/s0/Solaris_9/Tools
  5. Copy the image in the drive to the install server's hard disk.

    # ./setup_install_server install_dir_path


    Specifies the directory where the CD image is to be copied 

    Note -

    The setup_install_server command indicates whether you have enough disk space available for the Solaris 9 Software disc images. To determine available disk space, use the df -kl command.

  6. Decide if you need make the install server available for mounting.

    • If the install server is on the same subnet as the system to be installed or you are using DHCP, you do not need to create a boot server. Proceed to Step 7.

    • If the install server is not on the same subnet as the system to be installed and you are not using DHCP, you must share the installation image with the boot server and start the NFS daemon. Continue.

    1. Verify that the path to the install server's installation image is shared appropriately.

      # share | grep install_dir_path


      Specifies the path to boot server installation image 

      • If the path to the install server's directory is displayed and anon=0 is displayed in the options, proceed to Step 7.

      • If the path to the install server's directory is not displayed or you do not have anon=0 in the options, continue.

    2. Make the install server available to the boot server by adding this entry to the /etc/dfs/dfstab file.

      share -F nfs -o ro,anon=0 -d "install server directory" install_dir_path
    3. Make sure the install server's directory path is correctly shared.

      # ps -ef | grep nfsd
      • If nfsd daemon is not running, start it.

        # /etc/init.d/nfs.server start 
      • If nfsd daemon is running, share the install server.

        # shareall
  7. Change directories to root (/).

    # cd /
  8. Eject the Solaris 9 Software 1 of 2 CD.

  9. Insert the Solaris 9 Software 2 of 2 CD in the system's CD-ROM drive.

  10. Change to the Tools directory on the mounted CD:

    # cd /cdrom/cdrom0/Solaris_9/Tools
  11. Copy the CD in the CD-ROM drive to the install server's hard disk.

    # ./add_to_install_server install_dir_path


    Specifies the directory where the CD image is to be copied 

  12. Change directories to root (/).

    # cd /
  13. Eject the Solaris 9 Software 2 of 2 CD.

  14. Insert the Solaris 9 Languages CD in the system's CD-ROM drive.

  15. Change to the Tools directory on the mounted CD:

    # cd /cdrom/cdrom0/sol_9_lang_sparc/Tools
  16. Copy the CD in the CD-ROM drive to the install server's hard disk.

    # ./add_to_install_server install_dir_path


    Specifies the directory where the CD image is to be copied 

  17. Change directories to root (/).

    # cd /
  18. Decide if you want to enable users to use the Solaris Web Start installation method to boot a system and install the Solaris 9 software from a network.

    • If no, eject the Solaris 9 Languages CD and proceed to Step 22.

    • If yes, eject the Solaris 9 Languages CD and continue.

  19. Insert the Solaris 9 Installation CD into the system's CD-ROM drive.

  20. Change to the directory that contains modify_install_server on the mounted CD:

    # cd /cdrom/cdrom0/s0
  21. Copy the Solaris Web Start interface software to the install server.

    # ./modify_install_server -p install_dir_path installer_miniroot_path


    Preservers the existing image's miniroot in install_dir_path/Solaris_9/Tools/Boot.orig


    Specifies the directory where the Solaris Web Start interface is to be copied 


    Specifies the directory on the CD from which the Solaris Web Start interface is to be copied 

  22. Decide if you want to patch the files that are located in the miniroot (/install_dir_path/Solaris_9/Tools/Boot) on the net install image that was created by setup_install_server. Patching a file might be necessary if a boot image has problems.

    • If no, continue.

    • If yes, use the patchadd -C command to patch the files that are located in the miniroot.

      Caution - Caution -

      Don't use the patchadd -C command unless you have read the Patch Readme instructions or have contacted your local Sun support office.

  23. Decide if you need to create a boot server.

Example 12-1 Creating an Install Server With CD Media

The following example illustrates how to create an install server by copying the following CDs to the install server's /export/home/s9cdsparc directory:

# mkdir -p /export/home/s9cdsparc
# cd /cdrom/cdrom0/s0/Solaris_9/Tools
# ./setup_install_server /export/home/s9cdsparc

If you have a separate boot server, add these steps:

Add the following path to the /etc/dfs/dfstab file:
share -F nfs -o ro,anon=0 -d "install server directory" \
# ps -ef | grep nfsd
If nfsd daemon is not running, start it.
# /etc/init.d/nfs.server start
If nfsd daemon is running, share it.
# shareall
Continue with the following steps.

If you do not need a boot server or have added the steps for a separate 
boot server, continue:
# cd /
# cd /cdrom/cdrom0/Solaris_9/Tools
# ./add_to_install_server /export/home/s9cdsparc
# cd /
# cd /cdrom/cdrom0/sol_9_lang_sparc/Tools
# ./add_to_install_server /export/home/s9cdsparc
# cd /
# cd /cdrom/cdrom0/s0
# ./modify_install_server -p /export/home/s9cdsparc /cdrom/cdrom0/s0 

In this example, each CD is inserted and automatically mounted before each of the commands. After each command, the CD is removed.

Creating a Boot Server on a Subnet With a CD Image

You must create an install server to install the Solaris software on a system from the network. You do not always need to set up a boot server. A boot server contains enough of the boot software to boot systems from the network, and then the install server completes the installation of the Solaris software.

To Create a Boot Server on a Subnet With a CD Image

  1. On the system you intend to make the boot server for the subnet, log in and become superuser.

    The system must include a local CD-ROM drive or have access to the remote Solaris 9 disc images, which are normally on the install server. If you use a name service, the system should be in the name service. If you do not use a name service, you must distribute information about this system by following your site's policies.

  2. Mount the Solaris 9 Software 1 of 2 CD image from the install server.

    # mount -F nfs -o ro server_name:path /mnt


    Is the install server name and absolute path to the disc image 

  3. Create a directory for the boot image.

    #  mkdir -p boot_dir_path


    Specifies the directory where the boot software is to be copied 

  4. Change to the Tools directory on the Solaris 9 Software 1 of 2 CD image.

    # cd /mnt/Solaris_9/Tools
  5. Copy the boot software to the boot server.

    # ./setup_install_server -b boot_dir_path


    Specifies to set up the system as a boot server 


    Specifies the directory where the boot software is to be copied 

    Note -

    The setup_install_server command indicates whether you have enough disk space available for the images. To determine available disk space, use the df -kl command.

  6. Change directories to root (/).

    # cd /
  7. Unmount the installation image.

    # umount /mnt

You are now ready to set up systems to be installed from the network. See "Adding Systems to Be Installed From the Network".

Example 12-2 Creating a Boot Server on a Subnet With CD Media

The following example illustrates how to create a boot server on a subnet. These commands copy the boot software from the Solaris 9 Software 1 of 2 CD image to /export/install/boot on the system's local disk.

# mount -F nfs -o ro crystal:/export/install/boot /mnt 
# mkdir -p /export/install/boot 
# cd /mnt/Solaris_9/Tools
# ./setup_install_server -b /export/install/boot
# cd /
# umount /mnt

In this example, the disc is inserted and automatically mounted before the command. After the command, the disc is removed.

Adding Systems to Be Installed From the Network

After you create an install server and, if necessary, a boot server, you must set up each system that you want to install from the network. Each system that you want to install needs to find the following:

Use the following add_install_client procedure for setting up install servers and clients. Also, see the example procedures for the following:

For more options to use with this command, see the man page, add_install_client(1M).

To Add Systems to Be Installed From the Network With add_install_client From a Server

If you have a boot server, make sure you have shared the install server installation image. See the procedure "To Create an Install Server,"Step 6.

  1. On the install server or boot server, become superuser.

  2. If you use the NIS, NIS+, DNS, or LDAP name service, verify that the following information about the system to be installed has been added to the name service:

    • Host name

    • IP address

    • Ethernet address

    For more information on name services, see System Administration Guide: Naming and Directory Services (DNS, NIS, and LDAP).

  3. Change to the Tools directory on the Solaris 9 CD image on the install server:

    # cd /install_dir_path/Solaris_9/Tools


    Specifies the path to the Tools directory

  4. Set up the client system to be installed from the network.

    # ./add_install_client [[-d]] [[-s install_server:install_dir_path]] \
    [[-c jumpstart_server:jumpstart_dir_path]]   [[-p server:path]] \
      [[-t boot_image_path]] client_name platform_group 


    Specifies that the client is to use DHCP to obtain the network install parameters. 

    -s install_server:install_dir_path

    Specifies the name and path to the install server.  

    • install_server is the host name of the install server

    • install_dir_path is the absolute path to the Solaris 9 CD image

    -c jumpstart_server:jumpstart_dir_path

    Specifies a JumpStart directory for custom JumpStart installations. jumpstart_server is the host name of the server on which the JumpStart directory is located. jumpstart_dir_path is the absolute path to the JumpStart directory.

    -p sysid_server:path

    Specifies the path to the sysidcfg file for preconfiguring system information. sysid_server is either a valid host name or an IP address for the server that contains the file. path is the absolute path to the directory containing the sysidcfg file.

    -t boot_image_path

    Specifies the path to an alternate boot image if you want to use a boot image other than the one in the Tools directory on the Solaris 9 net installation image, CD, or DVD.  


    Is the name of the system to be installed from the network. This name is not the host name of the install server.


    Is the platform group of the system to be installed. A detailed list of platform groups appears in Chapter 39, Platform Names and Groups (Reference).

Example 12-3 Adding an Install Client on an Install Server When Using DHCP (CDs)

The following example illustrates how to add an install client when you are using DHCP to set installation parameters on the network. The install client is named basil, which is an UltraTM 5 system. The file system /export/home/s9cdsparc/Solaris_9/Tools contains the add_install_client command.

install_server# cd /export/home/s9cdsparc/Solaris_9/Tools
install_server# ./add_install_client -d basil sun4u

Example 12-4 Adding an Install Client That Is on the Same Subnet as Its Server (CDs)

The following example illustrates how to add an install client that is on the same subnet as the install server. The install client is named basil, which is an UltraTM 5 system. The file system /export/home/s9cdsparc/Solaris_9/Tools contains the add_install_client command.

install_server# cd /export/home/s9cdsparc/Solaris_9/Tools
install_server# ./add_install_client basil sun4u

Example 12-5 Adding an Install Client to a Boot Server (CDs)

The following example illustrates how to add an install client to a boot server. The install client is named rose, which is an UltraTM 5 system. Run the command on the boot server. The -s option is used to specify an install server that is named rosemary, which contains a Solaris 9 CD image in /export/home/s9cdsparc.

boot_server# cd /export/home/s9cdsparc/Solaris_9/Tools
boot_server# ./add_install_client -s rosemary:/export/home/s9cdsparc rose sun4u