Solaris 9 Installation Guide

Installing Web Start Flash Archives With the Solaris suninstall Program

This section provides the procedure for using the Solaris suninstall program on the Solaris 9 Software 1 of 2 CD to install Web Start Flash archives that are stored on the following:

To Install a Web Start Flash Archive With the Solaris suninstall Program

  1. Begin the Solaris suninstall program as described in Chapter 15, Using the Solaris suninstall Program (Tasks).

  2. On the Flash Archive Retrieval Method screen, select the location of the Web Start Flash archive.

    The Solaris suninstall program installation prompts you to proceed, depending on the media you selected.

  3. Type the information that you are prompted to enter.

    Media Selected 



    Specify the URL and proxy information that is needed to access the Web Start Flash archive. 


    Specify the FTP server and the path to the Web Start Flash archive. Specify the user and password information that allows you access to the FTP server. Specify any proxy information that is needed to access the FTP server. 

    Network File System 

    Specify the path to the network file system where the Web Start Flash archive is located. You can also specify the archive file name. 

    Local file 

    Specify the path to the local file system where the Web Start Flash archive is located. 

    Local tape 

    Specify the local tape device and the position on the tape where the Web Start Flash archive is located. 

    Local device 

    Specify the local device, the path to the Web Start Flash archive, and the type of file system on which the Web Start Flash archive is located.  

  4. On the Flash Archive Selection screen, you can select to install layered Web Start Flash archives by selecting New. If you do not want to install additional archives, press Continue to complete the installation.