Solaris 9 Installation Guide

Chapter 29 Solaris Live Upgrade (Topics)

This section provides instructions for using Solaris Live Upgrade to create and upgrade an inactive boot environment. The boot environment can then be switched to become the active boot environment.

Chapter 30, Solaris Live Upgrade (Overview)

Provides overview information on the Solaris Live Upgrade process. 

Chapter 31, Solaris Live Upgrade (Planning)

Provides information that you need to know before creating a boot environment. 

Chapter 32, Using Solaris Live Upgrade to Create a Boot Environment (Tasks)

Provides step-by-step instructions for installing Solaris Live Upgrade, using the menus, and creating a boot environment. 

Chapter 33, Upgrading With Solaris Live Upgrade (Tasks)

Provides step-by-step instructions for an operating system upgrade or installing a Web Start Flash archive on a boot environment, switching a boot environment to make it active, and recovering quickly from a failed upgrade. 

Chapter 34, Maintaining Solaris Live Upgrade Boot Environments (Tasks)

Provides step-by-step instructions for maintaining a boot environment and viewing status. 

Chapter 35, Solaris Live Upgrade (Examples)

Provides examples of a Solaris Live Upgrade. 

Chapter 36, Solaris Live Upgrade (Command Reference)

Lists Solaris Live Upgrade commands.