Solaris 9 Installation Guide

Updating a Previously Configured Boot Environment

You can update the contents of a previously configured boot environment with the Copy menu or the lumake command. File Systems from the active (source) boot environment are copied to the target boot environment. The data on the target is also destroyed. A boot environment must have the status "complete" before you can copy from it. See "Displaying the Status of All Boot Environments" to determine a boot environment's status.

The copy job can be scheduled for a later time, and only one job can be scheduled at a time. To cancel a scheduled copy, see "Canceling a Scheduled Create, Upgrade, or Copy Job".

To Update a Previously Configured Boot Environment (Character Interface)

  1. From the main menu, select Copy.

  2. Type the name of the inactive boot environment to update:

    Name of Target Boot Environment: solaris8
  3. Continue or schedule the copy to occur later:

    • To continue with the copy, press Return.

      The inactive boot environment is updated.

    • To schedule the copy for later, type y, a time (by using the at command format), and the email address to which to send the results:

      Do you want to schedule the copy? y
      Enter the time in 'at' format to schedule copy: 8:15 PM
      Enter the address to which the copy log should be mailed:

      For information on time formats, see the at(1) man page.

      The inactive boot environment is updated.

      To cancel a scheduled copy, see "Canceling a Scheduled Create, Upgrade, or Copy Job".

To Update a Previously Configured Boot Environment (Command-Line Interface)

This procedure copies source files over outdated files on a boot environment that was previously created.

  1. Log in as superuser.

  2. Type:

    # lumake -n  BE_name [-s source_BE] [-t  time] [-m email_address]

    -n BE_name

    Specifies the name of the boot environment that has file systems that are to be replaced. 

    -s source_BE

    (Optional) Specifies the name of the source boot environment that contains the file systems to be copied to the target boot environment. If you omit this option, lumake uses the current boot environment as the source.

    -t time

    (Optional) Set up a batch job to copy over file systems on a specified boot environment at a specified time. The time is given in the format that is specified by the man page, at(1).

    -m email_address

    (Optional) Enables you to email lumake output to a specified address on command completion. email_address is not checked. You can use this option only in conjunction with -t.

    Example 34-1 Updating a Previously Configured Boot Environment (Command-Line Interface)

    In this example, file systems from first_disk are copied to second_disk. When the job is completed, an email is sent to Joe at

    # lumake -n second_disk -s first_disk -m 

    The files on first_disk are copied to second_disk and email is sent for notification. To cancel a scheduled copy, see "Canceling a Scheduled Create, Upgrade, or Copy Job".