Solaris 9 Installation Guide


active boot environment

The boot environment that is currently booted.

alternate root (/) file system

A copy of the operating environment, not the currently running system.


A file that contains all of the files that were copied from a master system. The file also contains identification information about the archive, such as name and the date you created the archive. When you select to install an archive on a system, the system then contains the exact configuration of the master system you used to create the archive.

arrow keys

One of the four directional keys on the numeric keypad.

begin script

A user-defined Bourne shell script, specified within the rules file, that performs tasks before the Solaris software is installed on the system. You can use begin scripts only with custom JumpStart installations.


To load the system software into memory and start it.

boot environment

A bootable Solaris environment that consists of a set of disk slices and the appropriate mount points and file systems. These disk slices might be on the same disk or distributed across multiple disks.

boot server

A server system that provides client systems on the same network subnet with the programs and information that they need to start. A boot server is required to install over the network if the install server is on a different subnet than the systems on which Solaris software is to be installed.


The result of adding a group of data items that are used for checking the group. The data items can be either numerals or other character strings that are treated as numerals during the checksum calculation. The checksum value verifies that communication between two devices is successful.


In the client-server model for communications, the client is a process that remotely accesses resources of a compute server, such as compute power and large memory capacity.

clone system

A system that you installed by using a Web Start Flash archive. The clone system has the same installation configuration as the master system.


A logical collection of packages (software modules). The Solaris 9 software is divided into software groups, which are each composed of clusters and packages.

command line

A string of characters that begins with a command, often followed by arguments, including options, file names, and other expressions, and terminated by the end-of-line character.


A software group that contains the minimum software that is required to boot and run the Solaris operating environment on a system. Core includes some networking software and the drivers that are required to run the Common Desktop Environment (CDE) desktop. Core does not include the CDE software.

critical file systems

File systems that are required by the Solaris operating environment. When you use Solaris Live Upgrade, these file systems are separate mount points in the vfstab of the active and inactive boot environments. Examples are root (/), /usr, /var, or /opt. These file systems are always copied from the source to the inactive boot environment.

custom JumpStart

A type of installation in which the Solaris 9 software is automatically installed on a system based on a user-defined profile. You can create customized profiles for different types of users and systems. A custom JumpStart installation is a JumpStart installation you create.

custom probes file

A file, which must be located in the same JumpStart directory as the rules file, is a Bourne shell script that contains two types of functions: probe and comparison. Probe functions gather the information you want or do the actual work and set a corresponding SI_ environment variable you define. Probe functions become probe keywords. Comparison functions call a corresponding probe function, compare the output of the probe function, and return 0 if the keyword matches or 1 if the keyword doesn't match. Comparison functions become rule keywords. See also rules file.

derived profile

A profile that is dynamically created by a begin script during a custom JumpStart installation.

Developer Solaris Software Group

A software group that contains the End User Solaris Software Group plus the libraries, include files, man pages, and programming tools for developing software.


Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol is an application-layer protocol that enables individual computers, or clients, on a TCP/IP network to extract an IP address and other network configuration information from a designated and centrally maintained DHCP server or servers. This facility reduces the overhead of maintaining and administering a large IP network.


An optical disc, as opposed to a magnetic disk, which recognizes the common spelling that is used in the compact disc (CD) market. For example, a CD-ROM is an optical disc.


A round platter, or set of platters, of a magnetized medium that is organized into concentric tracks and sectors for storing data such as files. See also disc.

disk configuration file

A file that represents a structure of a disk (for example, bytes/sector, flags, slices). Disk configuration files enable you to use pfinstall from a single system to test profiles on different-size disks.

diskless client

A client on a network that relies on a server for all of its disk storage.


A part of the Internet naming hierarchy. A domain represents a group of systems on a local network that share administrative files.

domain name

The name that is assigned to a group of systems on a local network that share administrative files. The domain name is required for the Network Information Service (NIS) database to work properly. A domain name consists of a sequence of component names that are separated by periods (for example: As you read a domain name from left to right, the component names identify more general (and usually remote) areas of administrative authority.

End User Solaris Software Group

A software group that contains the Core software group plus the recommended software for an end user, including the Common Desktop Environment (CDE) and DeskSet software.

Entire Solaris Software Group

A software group that contains the entire Solaris 9 release.

Entire Solaris Software Group Plus OEM Support

A software group that contains the entire Solaris 9 release, plus additional hardware support for OEMs. This software group is recommended when installing Solaris software on SPARC based servers.


A directory that contains critical system configuration files and maintenance commands.


A file system on an OS server that is shared with other systems on a network. For example, the /export file system can contain the root file system and swap space for diskless clients and the home directories for users on the network. Diskless clients rely on the /export file system on an OS server to boot and run.


A reversion to the environment that ran previously. Use fallback when you are activating an environment and the boot environment that is designated for booting fails (or shows some undesirable behavior).

file server

A server that provides the software and file storage for systems on a network.

file system

In the SunOSTM operating system, a tree-structured network of files and directories that you can access.

finish script

A user-defined Bourne shell script, specified within the rules file, that performs tasks after the Solaris software is installed on the system, but before the system reboots. You can use finish scripts only with custom JumpStart installations.


To put data into a structure or divide a disk into sectors for receiving data.

function key

One of the 10 or more keyboard keys that are labeled F1, F2, F3, and so on that are mapped to particular tasks.

hard link

A directory entry that references a file on disk. More than one such directory entry can reference the same physical file.

host name

The name by which a system is known to other systems on a network. This name must be unique among all the systems within a particular domain (usually, this means within any single organization). A host name can be any combination of letters, numbers, and minus signs (-), but it cannot begin or end with a minus sign.


(Hypertext Transfer Protocol) (n.) The Internet protocol that fetches hypertext objects from remote hosts. This protocol is based on TCP/IP.

inactive boot environment

Any boot environment that is not currently booted and not designated for activation on next reboot.

initial installation option

An option that is presented by the Solaris Web Start program and the Solaris suninstall program that overwrites the disk(s) with a new version of Solaris. The initial installation option is presented for systems that can be upgraded. However, the disk(s) that contain the old version of Solaris software (including the local modifications) are overwritten if you choose the initial installation option.

install server

A server that provides the Solaris 9 CD images from which other systems on a network can install Solaris (also known as a media server). You can create an install server by copying the Solaris 9 CD images to the server's hard disk.

IP address

Internet protocol address. In TCP/IP, a unique 32-bit number that identifies each host in a network. An IP address consists of four numbers that are separated by periods (, for example). Most often, each part of the IP address is a number between 0 and 225. However, the first number must be less than 224 and the last number cannot be 0.

IP addresses are logically divided into two parts: the network (similar to a telephone area code), and the local system on the network (similar to a phone number). The numbers in a Class A IP address, for example, represent "network.local.local.local" and the numbers in a Class C IP address represent ""


Range (xxx is a number 0 to 255)

Number of Available IP Addresses 

Class A -

Over 16 million 

Class B -

Over 65,000 

Class C -



IPv6 is a new version (version 6) of Internet Protocol (IP) that is designed to be an evolutionary step from the current version, IPv4 (version 4). IPv6 is an increment to IPv4. Deploying IPv6, using defined transition mechanisms, does not disrupt current operations. In addition, IPv6 provides a platform for new Internet functionality.

IPv6 is described in more detail in "Overview of IPv6" in System Administration Guide, Volume 3.


A user-defined task to be completed by a computer system.

JumpStart directory

When you use a profile diskette for custom JumpStart installations, the JumpStart directory is the root directory on the diskette that contains all the essential custom JumpStart files. When you use a profile server for custom JumpStart installations, the JumpStart directory is a directory on the server that contains all the essential custom JumpStart files.

JumpStart installation

A type of installation in which the Solaris 9 software is automatically installed on a system by using the factory-installed JumpStart software.


A network authentication protocol that uses strong, secret-key cryptography to enable a client and server to identify themselves to each other over an insecure network connection.


A geographic or political region or community that shares the same language, customs, or cultural conventions (English for the U.S. is en_US, and English for the U.K. is en_UK).

master system

A system that you use to create a Web Start Flash archive. The system configuration is saved in the archive.

media server

See install server.


See volume.


The smallest possible bootable Solaris root file system. A miniroot contains a kernel and just enough software to install the Solaris environment on a hard disk. The miniroot is the file system that is copied to a machine in the initial installation.


The process of accessing a directory from a disk that is attached to a machine that is making the mount request or a remote disk on a network. To mount a file system, you need a mount point on the local system and the name of the file system to be mounted (for example, /usr).

mount point

A workstation directory to which you mount a file system that exists on a remote machine.

name server

A server that provides a name service to systems on a network.

name service

A distributed network database that contains key system information about all the systems on a network so that the systems can communicate with each other. With a name service, the system information can be maintained, managed, and accessed on a network-wide basis. Sun supports the following name services: NIS and NIS+. Without a name service, each system has to maintain its own copy of the system information (in the local /etc files).

networked systems

A group of systems (called hosts) that are connected through hardware and software, so that they can communicate and share information. Referred to as a local area network (LAN). One or more servers are usually needed when systems are networked.

network installation

A way to install software over the network-from a system with a CD-ROM drive to a system without a CD-ROM drive. Network installations require a name server and an install server.


The SunOSTM 4.0 (minimum) Network Information Service. A distributed network database that contains key information about the systems and the users on the network. The NIS database is stored on the master server and all the slave servers.


The SunOS 5.0 (minimum) Network Information Service. NIS+ replaces NIS, the SunOS 4.0 (minimum) Network Information Service.

non-networked systems

Systems that are not connected to a network or do not rely on other systems.


A file system that contains the mount points for third-party and unbundled software.

OS server

A system that provides services to systems on a network. To serve diskless clients, an OS server must have disk space set aside for each diskless client's root file system and swap space (/export/root, /export/swap).


A collection of software that is grouped into a single entity for modular installation. The Solaris 9 software is divided into software groups, which are each composed of clusters and packages.

patch analyzer

A script that you can run manually or as part of the Solaris suninstall program or the Solaris Web Start program. The patch analyzer performs an analysis on your system to determine which (if any) patches will be removed by upgrading to a Solaris 9 Update.

platform group

A vendor-defined grouping of hardware platforms for the purpose of distributing specific software. Examples of valid platform groups are i86pc and sun4u.

platform name

The output of the uname -i command. For example, the platform name for the Ultra 60 is SUNW,Ultra-60.

Power Management

Software that automatically saves the state of a system and turns it off after it is idle for 30 minutes. When you install the Solaris software on a system that complies with Version 2 of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's Energy Star guidelines-a sun4u SPARC system, for example-the Power Management software is installed by default. After a subsequent reboot, you are prompted to enable or disable the Power Management software.

Energy Star guidelines require that systems or monitors automatically enter a "sleep state" (consume 30 watts or less) after the system or monitor becomes inactive.

probe keyword

A syntactical element that extracts attribute information about a system without the need to set up a matching condition and run a profile as required for a rule. See also rule.


A text file that defines how to install the Solaris software (for example, which software group to install). Every rule specifies a profile that defines how a system is to be installed when the rule is matched. You usually create a different profile for every rule. However, the same profile can be used in more than one rule. See also rules file.

profile diskette

A diskette that contains all the essential custom JumpStart files in its root directory (JumpStart directory).

profile server

A server that contains all the essential custom JumpStart files in a JumpStart directory.

/ (root)

In a hierarchy of items, the one item from which all other items are descended. The root item has nothing above it in the hierarchy. / is the base directory from which all other directories stem, directly or indirectly. The root directory contains the directories and files critical for system operation, such as the kernel, device drivers, and the programs that are used to start (boot) a system.


A series of values that assigns one or more system attributes to a profile.

rules file

A text file that contains a rule for each group of systems (or single systems) that you want to install automatically. Each rule distinguishes a group of systems, based on one or more system attributes. The rules file links each group to a profile, which is a text file that defines how the Solaris 9 software is to be installed on each system in the group. See also profile.

rules.ok file

A generated version of the rules file. The rules.ok file is required by the custom JumpStart installation software to match a system to a profile. You must use the check script to create the rules.ok file.


A network device that manages resources and supplies services to a client.

shareable file systems

File systems that are user-defined files such as /export/home and /swap. These file systems are shared between the active and inactive boot environment when you use Solaris Live Upgrade. Shareable file systems contain the same mount point in the vfstab in both the active and inactive boot environments. Updating shared files in the active boot environment also updates data in the inactive boot environment. Shareable file systems are shared by default, but you can specify a destination slice, and then the file systems are copied.


The unit into which the disk space is divided by the software.

software group

A logical grouping of the Solaris software (clusters and packages). During a Solaris installation, you can install one of the following software groups: Core, End User Solaris Software, Developer Solaris Software, or Entire Solaris Software, and Entire Solaris Software Group Plus OEM Support.

Solaris 9 CD images

The Solaris 9 software that is installed on a system, which you can access on the Solaris 9 CDs or an install server's hard disk to which you have copied the Solaris 9 CD images.

Solaris suninstall program

A command-line interface (CLI), menu-driven, interactive script that enables you to set up a system and install the Solaris 9 software on it.

Solaris Web Start program

A graphical user interface (GUI) or command-line interface (CLI) installation program that uses wizard panels to guide you step-by-step through installing the Solaris 9 software and third-party software.


A computer that does not require support from any other machine.


A working scheme that divides a single logical network into smaller physical networks to simplify routing.

subnet mask

A bit mask that is used to select bits from an Internet address for subnet addressing. The mask is 32 bits long and selects the network portion of the Internet address and 1 or more bits of the local portion.

swap space

A slice or file that temporarily holds the contents of a memory area till it can be loaded back into memory. Also known as the /swap or swap file system.

sysidcfg file

A file in which you specify a set of special system configuration keywords that preconfigure a system.

time zone

Any of the 24 longitudinal divisions of the earth's surface for which a standard time is kept.


The process of removing access to a directory on a disk that is attached to a machine or to a remote disk on a network.

upgrade option

An option that is presented by the Solaris Web Start program and the Solaris suninstall program. The upgrade procedure merges the new version of Solaris with existing files on your disk(s). An upgrade also saves as many local modifications as possible since the last time Solaris was installed.


A file system on a standalone system or server that contains many of the standard UNIX programs. Sharing the large /usr file system with a server rather than maintaining a local copy minimizes the overall disk space that is required to install and run the Solaris 9 software on a system.


A standard program, usually furnished at no charge with the purchase of a computer, that does the computer's housekeeping.


A file system or directory (on standalone systems) that contains system files that are likely to change or grow over the life of the system. These files include system logs, vi files, mail files, and uucp files.


A group of physical slices that are accessed as a single logical device by concatenation, striping, mirroring, setup RAID5 volumes, or logging physical devices. After they are created, volumes are used like slices. The volume maps logical block address to the correct location on one of the physical devices. The type of mapping depends on the configuration of the particular volume.

Also known as pseudo device or virtual device in standard UNIX terms.

Volume Manager

A program that provides a mechanism to administer and obtain access to the data on CD-ROMs and diskettes.

Web Start Flash

A Solaris installation feature that enables you to create an archive of the files on a system, known as the master system. You can then use the archive to install other systems, making the other systems identical in their configuration to the master system.