Solaris 9 Installation Guide

sysidcfg File Keywords

The following table describes the keywords you can use in the sysidcfg file.

Table 7-2 Keywords You Can Use in sysidcfg

Configuration Information 


Values or Examples 

Name service, domain name, name server 

name_service=NIS, NIS+, DNS, LDAP, NONE


Options for NIS and NIS+: {domain_name=domain_name name_server=hostname(ip_address)}

name_service=NIS { name_server=timber(}

name_service=NIS+ { name_server=timber(}


Options for DNS: {domain_name=domain_name name_server=ip_address,ip_address, ip_address (three maximum) search=domain_name,domain_name,domain_name,domain_name,domain_name, domain_name (six maximum, total length less than or equal to 250 characters)}

name_service=DNS { name_server=,,}

Note -

Choose only one value for name_service. Include either, both, or neither the domain_name and name_server keywords, as needed. If neither keyword is used, omit the curly braces {}.


Options for LDAP: {domain_name=domain_name profile=profile_name profile_server=ip_address}

name_service=LDAP { profile=default profile_server=}

Network interface, host name, Internet Protocol (IP) address, netmask, DHCP, IPv6 

network_interface=NONE, PRIMARY, or value


  • NONE turns off networking

  • PRIMARY is the first up, non-loopback interface that is found on the system. The order is the same as with "ifconfig." If no interfaces are up, then the first non-loopback interface is used. If no non-loopback interfaces are found, then the system is set to NON-NETWORKED.

  • value specifies an interface such as le0 or hme0.

  If DHCP is to be used, specify: {dhcp protocol_ipv6=yes_or_no}

network_interface=primary {dhcp protocol_ipv6=yes}

  If DHCP is not to be used, specify: {hostname=host_name default_route=ip_address ip_address=ip_address netmask=netmask protocol_ipv6=yes_or_no}

network_interface=le0 {hostname=feron default_route= ip_address= netmask= protocol_ipv6=no}

Note -

Choose only one value for network_interface. Include any combination or none of the hostname, ip_address, and netmask keywords, as needed. If you do not use any of these keywords, omit the curly braces ({}).

Note -

If you do not use DHCP, you do not need to specify protocol_ipv6 and default_route. But, a JumpStart installation requires protocol_ipv6 to be specified now or you will be prompted interactively later.

Root password 


Encrypted from /etc/shadow.

Security policy 

security_policy=kerberos, NONE

Options for Kerberos: {default_realm=FQDN admin_server=FQDN kdc=FQDN1, FQDN2, FQDN3}

(FQDN is a fully qualified domain name)


Note -

You can list a maximum of three key distribution centers (KDCs), but at least one is required.

Language in which to display the install program and desktop 


The /usr/lib/locale directory or Chapter 40, Locale Values (Reference) provides the valid locale values.

Terminal type 


The subdirectories in the /usr/share/lib/terminfo directory provide the valid terminal values.

Time zone 


The directories and files in the /usr/share/lib/zoneinfo directory provide the valid time zone values. The time zone value is the name of the path relative to the /usr/share/lib/zoneinfo directory. For example, the time zone value for mountain standard time in the United States is US/Mountain. The time zone value for Japan is Japan. You can also specify any valid Olson time zone.

Date and time 

timeserver=localhost, hostname, ip_addr

If you specify localhost as the time server, the system's time is assumed to be correct. If you are not running a name service and you specify the hostname or ip_addr of a system, that system's time is used to set the time.