Solaris 9 Installation Guide

Booting From Media, Error Messages

le0: No carrier - transceiver cable problem


The system is not connected to the network.


If this is a non-networked system, ignore this message. If this is a networked system, ensure that the Ethernet cabling is attached securely.

The file just loaded does not appear to be executable


The system cannot find the proper media for booting.


Verify that the system has been set up properly to install the Solaris 9 software from the network from an install server. For example, ensure that you specified the correct platform group for the system when you set it up.

Or, if you did not copy the images of the Solaris 9 DVD or Solaris 9 Software 1 of 2, Solaris 9 Software 2 of 2, and Solaris 9 Languages CDs to the install server, ensure the Solaris 9 DVD or Solaris 9 Software 1 of 2 CD is mounted and accessible on the install server.

boot: cannot open /kernel/unix


This error occurs when you override the location of the boot - file by explicitly setting it to /kernel/unix.

  • Reset the boot -file in the PROM to " " (blank).

  • Ensure that the diag-switch is set to off and to true.

Can't boot from file/device


The installation media cannot find the bootable media.


Ensure that the following conditions are met:

  • The DVD-ROM or CD-ROM drive is installed properly and turned on.

  • Solaris 9 DVD or the Solaris 9 Software 1 of 2 CD is inserted into the drive.

  • The disc is free of damage or dirt.

WARNING: clock gained xxx days -- CHECK AND RESET DATE!


This is an informational message.


Ignore the message and continue with the installation.