man pages section 7: Device and Network Interfaces
 packet routing device — routing ( Index Term Link )
 packet routing ioctls
  SIOCADDRT — add route ( Index Term Link )
  SIOCDELRT — delete route ( Index Term Link )
 parallel port, bi-directional — bpp ( Index Term Link )
 parallel port, bi-directional — ecpp ( Index Term Link )
 parallel port, driver for parallel port — lp ( Index Term Link )
 pcata — PCMCIA ATA card device driver ( Index Term Link )
 pcelx — 3COM EtherLink III PCMCIA Ethernet Adapter ( Index Term Link )
 pcfs — DOS formatted file system ( Index Term Link )
 pcic — Intel i82365SL PC Card Interface Controller ( Index Term Link )
 pckt — STREAMS Packet Mode module ( Index Term Link )
 PCMCIA ATA card device driver — pcata ( Index Term Link )
 PCMCIA memory card nexus driver — pcmem ( Index Term Link )
 PCMCIA RAM memory card device driver — pcram ( Index Term Link )
 PCMCIA serial card device driver — pcser ( Index Term Link )
 pcmem — PCMCIA memory card nexus driver ( Index Term Link )
 pcn — AMD PCnet Ethernet controller device driver ( Index Term Link )
 pcram — PCMCIA RAM memory card device driver ( Index Term Link )
 pcscsi — low-level module for the AMD PCscsi, PCscsi II, PCnet-SCSI, and Qlogic QLA510 PCI-to-SCSI bus adapters ( Index Term Link )
 pcser — PCMCIA serial card device driver ( Index Term Link )
 pf_key — security association database ( Index Term Link )
 pfmod — STREAMS packet filter module ( Index Term Link )
 pipemod — STREAMS pipe flushing module ( Index Term Link )
 Platform-dependent Beep driver for BBC-based hardware — bbc_beep ( Index Term Link )
 Platform-dependent Beep driver for SMBus-based hardware — grbeep ( Index Term Link )
 Platform Specific Module (PSM) for Tricord Systems Enterprise Server Models ES3000, ES4000 and ES5000 — tpf ( Index Term Link )
 pln — SPARC Storage Array SCSI Host Bus adapter driver ( Index Term Link )
 PLN SCSI Host Bus Adapter driver — pln ( Index Term Link )
 pm — Power Management Driver ( Index Term Link )
 poll — driver for fast poll on many file descriptors ( Index Term Link )
 Power Management Driver — pm ( Index Term Link )
 PPP tunneling pseudo-driver — sppptun ( Index Term Link )
 PROM, monitor configuration interface — openprom ( Index Term Link )
 pseudo-terminal driver — pty ( Index Term Link )
 Pseudo Terminal Emulation module, STREAMS — ptem ( Index Term Link )
 ptem — STREAMS Pseudo Terminal Emulation module ( Index Term Link )
 ptm — STREAMS Buffer module ( Index Term Link )
 pts — STREAMS pseudo-tty slave driver ( Index Term Link )
 pty — pseudo-terminal driver ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )