IPv6 Administration Guide

How to Monitor Only IPv6 Network Traffic

In this procedure, you use the snoop command to display all IPv6 packets.

  1. Become superuser.

  2. On the command line, type the following command.

    # snoop ip6

For more information on the snoop command, see the snoop(1M) man page.

Example—Displaying Only IPv6 Network Traffic

# snoop ip6
Using device /dev/le (promiscuous mode)
fe80::a0:a1 -> ff02::9     IPv6  S=fe80::a0:a1 D=ff02::9 LEN=892
fe80::a0:de -> fe80::a0:a8 IPv6  S=fe80::a0:de D=fe80::a0:a8 LEN=104
fe80::a0:a8 -> fe80::a0:de IPv6  S=fe80::a0:a8 D=fe80::a0:de LEN=104
fe80::a0:a1 -> ff02::9     IPv6  S=fe80::a0:a1 D=ff02::9 LEN=892
fe80::a0:de -> fe80::a0:a8 IPv6  S=fe80::a0:de D=fe80::a0:a8 LEN=104
fe80::a0:a8 -> fe80::a0:de IPv6  S=fe80::a0:a8 D=fe80::a0:de LEN=152
fe80::a0:a1 -> ff02::9     IPv6  S=fe80::a0:a1 D=ff02::9 LEN=892
fe80::a0:de -> fe80::a0:a8 IPv6  S=fe80::a0:de D=fe80::a0:a8 LEN=72
fe80::a0:a8 -> fe80::a0:de IPv6  S=fe80::a0:a8 D=fe80::a0:de LEN=72
fe80::a0:a8 -> fe80::a0:de IPv6  S=fe80::a0:a8 D=fe80::a0:de LEN=72
fe80::a0:de -> fe80::a0:a8 IPv6  S=fe80::a0:de D=fe80::a0:a8 LEN=72