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System Administrationesmd(1m)


 esmd - environmental status monitoring daemon





esmd(1M) monitors system cabinet environmental conditions, for example, voltage, temperature, fan tray, and power supply. esmd logs abnormal conditions and takes action, if necessary, to protect the hardware.

This daemon is started automatically by the ssd(1M) daemon. Do not start it manually from the command line.



esmd monitors the following boards for out-of-range conditions:

  • CPU board
  • MaxCPU board
  • HPCI board
  • Expander board
  • Centerplane support board
  • SC control board
  • SC I/O
  • Fan control board
  • Power supplies (bulk)

esmd recognizes the following events and alerts the appropriate clients/daemons:

  • Component insertion -- Notices component presence from one polling cycle to the next. esmd only sends notification if that client (hwad(1M), pcd(1M), dsmd(1M) and so on) has requested it for that particular component type.
  • Component removal -- Notices component absence from one polling cycle to the next. esmd only sends notification if that client (hwad, pcd, dsmd and so on) has requested it for that particular component type.
  • PCI card insertion -- Notices whenever a PCI card has been inserted into a PCI board.
  • PCI card removal -- Notices whenever a PCI card has been removed from a PCI board.
  • Board power off -- Notices whenever a board is powered off or when board power, previously on, is off.
  • Board power on -- Notices when a board is powered on or when board power, previously off, is on.
  • Board temperature change -- Notices when temperature sensors on a board register a two degree difference or when a temperature crosses a temperature threshold.
  • Board voltage change -- Notices if a voltage sensor value has changed so that it is close to being out-of-range and again if the new value is out of range. In this case, esmd will remove the board from the domain and power it off.
  • Board current change -- Notices whenever any of the monitored board current values change.
  • CSB state change -- Notices when any of the monitored CSB board properties change.
  • EXB state change -- Notices when any of the monitored EXB board properties change.
  • CPU state change -- Notices when any of the monitored CPU board properties change.
  • Bulk power state change -- Notices when any of the bulk power supply properties change.
  • Fan tray state change -- Notices when any of the monitored fan tray properties change.
  • PCI card state change -- Notices when any of the monitored PCI card properties change.

esmd clients include:

  • hwad -- hardware access daemon
  • pcd -- platform configuration database daemon
  • dsmd -- domain status monitoring daemon

For more information see the System Management Services (SMS) 1.2 Administrator Guide for the Sun Fire 15K/12K Systems.



The following exit values are returned:

Successful completion
An error occurred.



The following files are supported:

Stores message files



See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes:

Attribute TypesAttribute Values



dsmd(1m), hwad(1m), pcd(1m), ssd(1m)

SMS 1.2Go To TopLast Changed 22 April 2002

Copyright 2002 Sun Microsystems, Inc., 4150 Network Circle, Santa Clara, CA 95054 USA. All rights reserved.