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System Administrationmld(1m)


 mld - message logging daemon


 mld [-f config_file] [-t]



mld(1M) provides logging services to all SMS daemons and processes. mld is the first SMS daemon started by ssd(1M) in order to capture the output of all other SMS daemons and processes during their startup phases.

  • Platform log messages are stored in:


    in the following format:

    time host program [pid]:[msg_id hrtime_t level file_line] message

    file line is optional and only appears in verbose mode.

    For example:

    Feb 2 09:16:10 2002 sun15 mld[904]:[209 2345678901 
    INFO 141] Platform messages file created.
  • Domain log messages are stored in:


    in the same format as platform messages with additional domain_id|domain_tag information following the pid:

    time host program [pid]domain_id|domain_tag:[msg_id hrtime_t level file_line] message

    For example:

    Feb 2 09:18:55 2002 sun15 mld[904]-B (engB):
    [314 2345678902 ERR 424]
    message queue limit exceeded, messages will be dropped.
  • Domain syslog messages are stored in:


    in the same format in which they are received.



The following options are supported.

-f config_file
Provides an absolute path to an alternative remote-message-reception configuration file.
Disables remote message reception (for example; domain syslog messages).



The following exit values are returned:

Successful completion
An error occurred.



The following file is used by this command:

Message logging daemon configuration file.

This file supports three configuration directives:

FILE -- Specifies where to output messages. The default is msgdaemon and should not be changed.

LEVEL -- Specifies the minimum level necessary for mld to log a message. The supported levels are: debug, info, notice, warning, err, crit, alert, and emerg. The default is notice.

MODE -- Specifies the verbosity of the messages. Two modes are available: verbose and terse. The default is verbose.

Note – All directive arguments are case insensitive.



See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes:

Attribute TypesAttribute Values




SMS 1.2Go To TopLast Changed 22 April 2002

Copyright 2002 Sun Microsystems, Inc., 4150 Network Circle, Santa Clara, CA 95054 USA. All rights reserved.