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System Administrationmoveboard(1m)


 moveboard - move a board from one domain to another


 moveboard -d domain_id| domain_tag [-c function] [-r retry_count [-t timeout] ] [-q] [-f] [-y|-n] location
 moveboard -h



moveboard(1M) first attempts to unconfigure, disconnect, and unassign location from the domain it is currently assigned to and possibly active in, then proceeds to assign, connect, and configure location to the domain domain_id|domain_tag.

The -c function command option is used to specify the transition of the board from the current configuration state to a new configuration state. Configuration states are: assign, connect, or configure. If the -c option is not specified, the default expected configuration state is configure.

Note – moveboard performs tasks synchronously and does not return control to the user until the command is complete. If the board is not powered on or tested and a -c connect|configure option is specified, then the command will power on the board and test it. Note – If the specified board is in the automatic system recovery (ASR) blacklist file, moveboard displays an error message when assigning a board and continues. When using the connect or configure functions, moveboard displays an error message and exits.



The following options are supported.

-c function
Valid function values are assign, connect, and configure. This value is used to control the configuration state transition. Note – If the moveboard command fails, a board does not return to its original state. A dxs or dca error message is logged to the domain. If the error is recoverable you can retry the command. If it is unrecoverable, you will need to reboot the domain in order to use that board.
The possible transition states and their meaning are as follows:
Unconfigures the board from the Solaris operating environment running on the domain. Solaris software stops using any of the hardware resources on the board. (See deleteboard -c unconfigure).

Disconnects the board. Transitions the board into the disconnected|unconfigured state. (see deleteboard -c disconnect).

Unassigns the board from the current domain. (See deleteboard -c unassign).

Moves the board out of the logical domain by changing its state to available.

Assigns the board to the new logical domain. This is a board state in which the domain has sole access to the board; however, the board is not active. Once assigned, the board can be connected or configured into the domain either by using setkeyswitch on or using the connect or configure options.

Unconfigures the board from the Solaris operating environment running on the domain. Solaris software stops using any of the hardware resources on the board. (See deleteboard -c unconfigure).

Disconnects the board. Transitions the board into the disconnected|unconfigured state. (See deleteboard -c disconnect).

Unassigns the board from the current domain. (see deleteboard -c unassign).

Moves the board out of the logical domain by changing its state to available. Assigns the board to the new logical domain. (See assign above; see also addboard(1M) -c assign).

Transitions the board into the connected|unconfigured state. In this state, the board is assigned to the logical domain and connected (active). This state allows the normal system access to hardware resources on the board. The hardware resources of the board are not represented by the normal Solaris software data structures, however, and cannot be used by the Solaris operating environment. Allowed operations on the board are limited to configuration administration operations. (See also addboard -c connect). This is an intermediate state and does not have any standalone implementation at this time.

Unconfigures the board from the Solaris operating environment running on the domain. Solaris software stops using any of the hardware resources on the board. (See deleteboard -c unconfigure).

Disconnects the board. Transitions the board into the disconnected|unconfigured state. (See deleteboard -c disconnect).

Unassigns the board from the current domain. (See deleteboard -c unassign).

Moves the board out of the logical domain by changing its state to available. Assigns the board to the new logical domain. (See assign above; see also addboard -c assign).

Transitions the board into the connected|unconfigured state. In this state, the board is assigned to the logical domain and connected (active). This state allows the normal system access to hardware resources on the board. The hardware resources of the board are not represented by the normal Solaris software data structures, however, and cannot be used by the Solaris operating environment. Allowed operations on the board are limited to configuration administration operations. (See connect above; see also addboard -c connect).

Transitions the board into the connected|configured state. In this state, the board is not only assigned and connected to a domain, but also configured into the Solaris operating environment. The hardware resources on the board can be used by Solaris software. (See also addboard -c configure).

-d domain_id
ID for a domain. Valid domain_ids are 'A'...'R' and are case insensitive. This is the domain to which the board is being moved.
-d domain_tag
Name assigned to a domain using addtag(1M). This is the domain to which the board is being moved.
Forces the specified action to occur. Typically, this is a hardware-dependent override of a safety feature. Forcing a state change operation can allow use of the hardware resources of an occupant that is not in the ok or unknown conditions, at the discretion of any hardware-dependent safety checks.
Help. Displays usage descriptions. Note – Use alone. Any option specified in addition to -h is ignored.
Automatically answers "no" to all prompts. Prompts are displayed unless used with the -q option.
Quiet. Suppresses all messages to stdout including prompts.

When used alone -q defaults to the -n option for all prompts.

When used with either the -y or the -n option, -q suppresses all user prompts and automatically answers with either 'y' or 'n' based on the option chosen.

-r retry_count -t timeout
These command arguments allow the user to specify retries in case of failures encountered during state transitions. The -r retry_count option indicates the number of times the configuration state change request should be retried by the domain. The -t timeout option specifies the number of seconds that the domain should wait before the next retry is made. This option must be specified with retry_count. The default is zero, meaning the request is retried immediately.
Automatically answers "yes" to all prompts. Prompts are displayed unless used with the -q option.



The following operands are supported:

Board location separated by a space. Multiple location arguments are not permitted.

The following location forms are accepted:

Sun Fire 15K, Sun Fire 12K

SB(0...17), SB(0...8)

IO(0...17), IO(0...8)

Note – Use showboards(1M) to display board type.



Group Privileges Required


Users with platform administrator privileges can perform the -c assign option if the board is in the assigned state (not active in a running domain) of the domain from which the board is being removed.

Users with domain administrator or configurator privileges can execute this command, but only on their respective domains. You must belong to both domain groups affected and the board must be in the available component list of both domains.

Refer to Chapter 2 in the System Management Services (SMS) 1.2 Administrator Guide for the Sun Fire 15K/12K Systems for more information.



For all examples, if the board is currently active in another domain, you must have domain administrator privileges for that domain. In addition, you must have platform administrator privileges or the board must be in the domain available component list in order for it to be unassigned from its current domain.

You must have platform privileges or the board must be in the domain's available component list for you to assign the system board to a new domain. In addition, the user must have domain privileges in the new domain in order to connect or configure the board into the domain.

Example 1. Assigning a CPU Board at SB4 to Domain A
sc0:sms-user:> moveboard -d A -c assign SB4 
SB at SB4 assigned to domain: A
Example 2. Assigning a Blacklisted CPU Board at SB4 to Domain A
sc0:sms-user:> moveboard -d A -c assign SB4 
SB at SB4 assigned to domain: A
Warning: CPU at SB4 is blacklisted. 
You will not be able to connect or configure it.
Example 3. Configuring an IO Board into Domain A

Note: the default function is to configure.

sc0:sms-user:> moveboard -d A IO2
IO2 unassigned from domain: B
IO2 assigned to domain: A
assign IO2
assign IO2 done
poweron IO2
poweron IO2 done
test IO2
test IO2 done
connect IO2
connect IO2 done
configure IO2
configure IO2 done
notify online /devices/pci@5d,700000
notify online /devices/pci@5d,600000
notify online /devices/pci@5c,700000
notify online /devices/pci@5c,600000
notify add capacity IO2 done
Example 4. Connecting an IO Board at IO7 to Domain R

You must have platform privileges or the board must be in the domain available component list.

sc0:sms-user:> moveboard -d R -c connect IO7
Example 5. Connecting a Blacklisted Board to Domain C
sc0:sms-user:> moveboard -d C -c connect SB0
SB at SB0 is blacklisted. Exiting.



The following exit values are returned:

Successful completion
No acknowledge
Not supported
Operation not supported
Invalid privileges
System Busy
Data error
Library error
No Library
Insufficient condition
A PID doesn't exist
Invalid attribute
Invalid board ID type
Invalid permissions
Assigned to another domain
Unable to get permissions
Unable to get domain board info
Unable to get active board list
Unable to get assigned board list
Get blacklist failed
Solaris not running
DR command syntax error
DR operation failed



The following file is used by this command.

List of components excluded by esmd.

Note – This file is created and used internally and should not be edited manually. To remove a component from the ASR blacklist file, use enablecomponent(1M).



See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes:

Attribute TypesAttribute Values



addtag(1m), addboard(1m), deleteboard(1m), enablecomponent(1m), esmd(1m), showcomponent(1m)

SMS 1.2Go To TopLast Changed 22 April 2002

Copyright 2002 Sun Microsystems, Inc., 4150 Network Circle, Santa Clara, CA 95054 USA. All rights reserved.