Solaris 9 Installation Guide

To Create a Boot Environment and Copy a Shareable File System (Command-Line Interface)

If you want a shareable file system to be copied to the new boot environment, specify the mount point to be copied with the -m option. Otherwise, shareable file systems are shared by default, and maintain the same mount point in the vfstab file. Any updating that is applied to the shareable file system is available to both boot environments.

  1. Log in as superuser.

  2. Create the boot environment.

    # lucreate [-A 'BE_description'] -m mountpoint:device:fs_type \
    [[-m ]]mountpoint:device:fs_type  -n BE_name

    -A 'BE_description'

    (Optional) Enables the creation of a boot environment description that is associated with the boot environment name (BE_name). The description can be any length and can contain any characters. 

    -m mountpoint:device:fs_type [-m...]

    Specifies the file systems' configuration of the new boot environment. The file systems that are specified as arguments to -m can be on the same disk or they can be spread across multiple disks. Use this option as many times as needed to create the number of file systems that are needed.

    • mountpoint can be any valid mount point or (hyphen), indicating a swap partition.

    • device field can be one of the following:

      • The name of a disk device, of the form /dev/dsk/cnumdnumtnumsnum

      • The name of a Solaris Volume Manager metadevice, of the form /dev/md/dsk/dnum

      • The name of a Veritas Volume Manager volume, of the form /dev/vx/dsk/volume_name

      • The keyword merged, indicating that the file system at the specified mount point is to be merged with its parent

    • fs_type field can be one of the following:

      • ufs, which indicates a UFS file system.

      • vxfs, which indicates a Veritas file system.

      • swap, which indicates a swap file system. The swap mount point must be a (hyphen).

    -n BE_name

    The name of the boot environment to be created. BE_name must be unique.

    Example 32-6 Creating a Boot Environment and Copying a Shareable File System (Command-Line Interface)

    In this example, the current boot environment contains two file systems, root (/) and /home. In the new boot environment, root (/) is split into two file systems, root (/) and /usr. The /home file system is copied to the new boot environment. A description, Solaris 9 test Jan. 2001, is associated with the boot environment name second_disk.

    # lucreate -A 'Solaris 9 test Jan 2001' -c first_disk \
    -m /:/dev/dsk/c0t4d0s0:ufs -m /usr:/dev/dsk/c0t4d0s3:ufs \
    -m /home:/dev/dsk/c0t4d0s4:ufs -n second_disk

    When creation of the new boot environment is complete, it can be upgraded and activated (made bootable). See Chapter 33, Upgrading With Solaris Live Upgrade (Tasks).