What's New in the Solaris 9 12/02 Operating Environment

New European and Middle Eastern Locale Support


New European and Middle Eastern Keyboard Support

The Solaris 9 release has added Sun I/O keyboard support for TurkeyQ, TurkeyF, and Arabic. Also, support is added for the Sun Ray USB keyboard for TurkeyQ, TurkeyF, Belgian, and Arabic.  

For further information, see the International Language Environments Guide.

New Unicode (UTF-8) Locales for Europe and the Middle East

For the Solaris 8 10/00 release, Russian, Polish, and two new locales for Catalan were added to the European and Middle Eastern locales. For the Solaris 8 4/01 release, two additional languages, Turkish UTF-8 Codeset and Russian UTF-8 Codeset, were added. 

In the Solaris 9 release, European and Middle Eastern language support also includes the addition of UTF-8 locales for Turkey, Egypt, Brazil, Finland, and Belgium-Walloon.  

The locale names are as follows: 

  • ca_ES.ISO8859-1 locale is a Unicode locale for Spain (Catalan).

  • ca_ES.ISO8859-15 locale is an additional Unicode locale for Spain (Catalan).

  • pl_PL.UTF-8 locale is the Unicode locale for Poland.

  • ru_RU.UTF-8 locale is the Unicode locale for Russia.

  • tr_TR.UTF-8 locale is the Unicode locale for Turkey.

  • ar_EG.UTF-8 locale is the Unicode locale for Egypt.

  • pt_BR.UTF-8 locale is the Unicode locale for Brazil.

  • fi_FI.UTF-8 locale is the Unicode locale for Finland.

  • fr_BE.UTF-8 locale is the Unicode locale for Belgium-Walloon.

Euro Default Currency Support

The following locales have changed from their national currency unit (NCU) to the euro currency glyph:

  • ca_ES.ISO8859-15 (Spain)

  • de_AT.ISO8859-15 (Austria)

  • de_DE.ISO8859-15 (Germany)

  • de_DE.UTF-8 (Germany)

  • en_IE.ISO8859-15 (Ireland)

  • es_ES.ISO8859-15 (Spain)

  • es_ES.UTF-8 (Spain)

  • fr_BE.ISO8859-15 (Belgium)

  • fr_BE.UTF-8 (Belgium)

  • fi_FI.ISO8859-15 (Finland)

  • fi_FI.UTF-8 (Finland)

  • fr_FR.ISO8859-15 (France)

  • fr_FR.UTF-8 (France)

  • it_IT.ISO8859-15 (Italy)

  • it_IT.UTF-8 (Italy)

  • nl_BE.ISO8859-15 (Belgium)

  • nl_NL.ISO8859-15 (Netherlands)

  • pt_PT.ISO8859-15 (Portugal)