What's New in the Solaris 9 12/02 Operating Environment

Language Support Enhancements


Improved Data Interoperability

Data interoperability with non-Solaris environments has been improved in the Solaris 9 release. Additions include new iconv utilities for data conversion between UTF-8 and the following native encodings: HKSCS, GB18030, ISO 8859-11, and Hindi. Additionally, Japanese language support has been expanded through iconv modules. These modules convert between Solaris Japanese locale codesets and Japanese mainframe codesets from Fujitsu, Hitachi, and NEC.

For further information on language support in the Solaris 9 release, see the International Language Environments Guide.

New TrueType Fonts

The new TrueType fonts provide a common appearance between the codesets and offer support for the same typefaces across the codesets. The TrueType fonts are common to all European locales. Each Asian locale has its own TrueType fonts file. 

For further information, see the International Language Environments Guide.

Expanded Unicode Support

The Solaris 9 release offers broader support for Unicode. Additions include new Unicode (UTF-8) locales for Thailand, India, Hong Kong, Turkey, Egypt, Brazil, Finland, and Belgium-Walloon.  

For further information about Unicode support in the Solaris 9 release, see the International Language Environments Guide.

Print Filter Enhancement – the mp Program

The mp program accepts international text files from various Solaris locales. The program produces output for the specified locale. Because the complex text layout (CTL) is supported in the mp program, the output contains proper text layout, such as bidirectional text rendering and shaping. Depending on the mp system font configuration for each locale, the PostScript output file can contain glyph images from Solaris system-resident scalable or bitmap fonts.

For more information, see "Print Filter Enhancement With" in International Language Environments Guide.

New iconv Modules

iconv modules enable conversion between native encoded data and Unicode. The following new iconv modules have been added to support new character sets:

  • UTF-8 <---> HKSCS

  • UTF-8 <---> GB18030

  • UTF-8 <---> ISO8859-11

  • UTF-8 <---> Hindi

Enhanced Conversion of Dtpad File Open/Save Codeset

Enhancements include the addition of an "encoding" option to the File Open/Save dialog box. This option supports file encoding changes with the iconv utility. This option enables users to open or save files in various encodings, such as UTF-8 and UTF-16.

See the iconv(3C) man page.