System Administration Guide: Naming and Directory Services (DNS, NIS, and LDAP)

LDAP Naming Services Setup (Task Map)


For Instructions 

Plan the network model 

Planning the Network Model

Plan the DIT 

Planning the Directory Information Tree (DIT)

Set up replica servers 

Replica Servers

Plan the security model 

Planning the Security Model

Choose client profiles and default attribute values 

Planning Client Profiles and Default Attribute Values

Plan the data population 

Planning the Data Population

Configure Sun ONE Directory Server 5.1 prior to using it with LDAP naming servicess 

Using Express and Typical Configuration

Set up Sun ONE Directory Server 5.1 for use with LDAP naming clients 

Chapter 15, Setting Up Sun ONE Directory Server 5.1 (Tasks)

Manage printer entries 

Managing Printer Entries

Initialize an LDAP client 

Initializing a Client

Initialize a client using profiles 

Using Profiles to Initialize a Client

Initialize a client manually  

Initializing a Client Manually

Uninitialize a client 

Uninitializing a Client

Use service search descriptors to modify client profiles 

Using Service Search Descriptors to Modify Client Access to Various Services

Retrieve naming service information 

Retrieving LDAP Naming Services Information

Customize a client environment 

Customizing the Client Environment