Linker and Libraries Guide

Obtaining New Symbols

A process can obtain the address of a specific symbol using dlsym(3DL). This function takes a handle and a symbol name, and returns the address of the symbol to the caller. The handle directs the search for the symbol in the following manner:

The first example is probably the most common. An application adds additional objects to its address space and use dlsym(3DL) to locate function or data symbols. The application then uses these symbols to call upon services provided in these new objects. For example, suppose the file main.c contains the following code:

#include    <stdio.h>
#include    <dlfcn.h>
        void *  handle;
        int *   dptr, (* fptr)();
        if ((handle = dlopen("", RTLD_LAZY)) == NULL) {
                (void) printf("dlopen: %s\n", dlerror());
                exit (1);
        if (((fptr = (int (*)())dlsym(handle, "foo")) == NULL) ||
            ((dptr = (int *)dlsym(handle, "bar")) == NULL)) {
                (void) printf("dlsym: %s\n", dlerror());
                exit (1);
        return ((*fptr)(*dptr));

The symbols foo and bar are searched for in the file, followed by any dependencies that are associated with this file. The function foo is then called with the single argument bar as part of the return() statement.

If the application prog is built using the above file main.c and its initial dependencies are:

$ ldd prog =>    /usr/lib/ =>     /usr/lib/

then if the file name specified in the dlopen(3DL) had the value 0, the symbols foo and bar are searched for in prog, followed by /usr/lib/, and finally /usr/lib/

Once the handle has indicated the root at which to start a symbol search, the search mechanism follows the same model as described in “Symbol Lookup”.

If the required symbol cannot be located, dlsym(3DL) returns a NULL value. In this case, dlerror(3DL) can be used to indicate the true reason for the failure. In the following example the application prog was unable to locate the symbol bar.

$ prog
dlsym: main: fatal: bar: can't find symbol

Testing for Functionality

The special handle RTLD_DEFAULT enables an application to test for the existence of another symbol. The symbol search follows the same model as used to relocate the calling object. See “Default Symbol Lookup Model”. For example, if the application prog contained the following code fragment:

        if ((fptr = (int (*)())dlsym(RTLD_DEFAULT, "foo")) != NULL)

then foo is searched for in prog, followed by /usr/lib/, and then /usr/lib/ If this code fragment was contained in the file from the example shown in Figure 3–1, then the search for foo continues into and then

This mechanism provides a robust and flexible alternative to the use of undefined weak references, discussed in “Weak Symbols”.

Using Interposition

The special handle RTLD_NEXT enables an application to locate the next symbol in a symbol scope. For example, if the application prog contained the following code fragment:

        if ((fptr = (int (*)())dlsym(RTLD_NEXT, "foo")) == NULL) {
                (void) printf("dlsym: %s\n", dlerror());
                exit (1);
        return ((*fptr)());

then foo is searched for in the shared objects associated with prog, which in this case are /usr/lib/ and then /usr/lib/ If this code fragment was contained in the file from the example shown in Figure 3–1, then foo is searched for in the associated shared object only.

Using RTLD_NEXT provides a means to exploit symbol interposition. For example, a function within an object can be interposed upon by a preceding object, which can then augment the processing of the original function. For example, if the following code fragment is placed in the shared object

#include    <sys/types.h>
#include    <dlfcn.h>
#include    <stdio.h>
void *
malloc(size_t size)
        static void * (* fptr)() = 0;
        char             buffer[50];
        if (fptr == 0) {
                fptr = (void * (*)())dlsym(RTLD_NEXT, "malloc");
                if (fptr == NULL) {
                        (void) printf("dlopen: %s\n", dlerror());
                        return (0);
        (void) sprintf(buffer, "malloc: %#x bytes\n", size);
        (void) write(1, buffer, strlen(buffer));
        return ((*fptr)(size));

then by interposing this shared object between the system library /usr/lib/ where malloc(3C) usually resides, any calls to this function are interposed on before the original function is called to complete the allocation:

$ cc -o -G -K pic malloc.c
$ cc -o prog file1.o file2.o ..... -R.
$ prog
malloc: 0x32 bytes
malloc: 0x14 bytes

Alternatively, this same interposition can be achieved by:

$ cc -o -G -K pic malloc.c
$ cc -o prog main.c
$ LD_PRELOAD=./ prog
malloc: 0x32 bytes
malloc: 0x14 bytes

Note -

Users of any interposition technique must be careful to handle any possibility of recursion. The previous example formats the diagnostic message using sprintf(3C), instead of using printf(3C) directly, to avoid any recursion caused by printf(3C)'s possible use of malloc(3C).

The use of RTLD_NEXT within a dynamic executable or preloaded object provides a predictable and useful interposition technique. Be careful when using this technique in a generic object dependency, as the actual load order of objects is not always predictable.