System Administration Guide: Resource Management and Network Services

PPPoE Client Commands and Files

To run PPP over a DSL modem, a machine must become a PPPoE client. You have to plumb an interface to run PPPoE, and then use the pppoec utility to “discover” the existence of an access server. Thereafter, the client can create the PPPoE tunnel over the DSL modem and run PPP.

The PPPoE client relates to the access server in the traditional client-server model. The PPPoE tunnel is not a dial-up link, but the tunnel is configured and operated in much the same manner.

The commands and files that set up a PPPoE client include the following:

/usr/lib/inet/pppoec Utility

The /usr/lib/inet/pppoec utility is responsible for negotiating the client side of a PPPoE tunnel. pppoec is similar to the Solaris PPP 4.0 chat utility. You do not invoke pppoec directly. Rather, you start /usr/lib/inet/pppoec as an argument to the connect option of pppd. Plugin is the PPPoE shared object that must be loaded by PPPoE to provide PPPoE capability to access servers and clients. The pppoe.soshared object limits MTU and MRU to 1492, filters packets from the driver, and handles runtime PPPoE messages.

On the client side, pppd loads when the user specifies the plugin option.

/etc/ppp/peers/peer-name File for Defining an Access Server Peer

When you define an access server to be discovered by pppoec, you use options that apply to both pppoec and the pppd daemon. A /etc/ppp/peers/peer-name file for an access server requires the following parameters:

The remaining parameters in the /etc/ppp/peers/peer-name file should apply to the PPP link on the server. Use the same options that you would for /etc/ppp/peers/peer-name on a dial-out machine. Try to limit the number of options to the minimum you need for the PPP link.

The following example is introduced in How to Define a PPPoE Access Server Peer.

Example 36–10 /etc/ppp/peers/peer-name to Define a Remote Access Server

# vi /etc/ppp/peers/dslserve
connect "/usr/lib/inet/pppoec hme0"
user Red
password redsecret

This file defines parameters to be used when setting up a PPPoE tunnel and PPP link to access server dslserve. The options that are included are as follows.




Defines sppptun as the name of the serial device.


Instructs pppd to load the shared object.

connect "/usr/lib/inet/pppoec hme0"

Runs pppoec and designates hme0 as the interface for the PPPoE tunnel and PPP link.


Turns off CCP compression on the link.

Note –

Many ISPs use only proprietary compression algorithms. Turning off the publicly available CCP algorithm saves negotiation time and avoids very occasional interoperability problems.


Stops pppd from demanding authentication credentials from the access server. Most ISPs do not provide authentication credentials to customers.

user Red

Sets the name Red as the user name for the client, which is required for PAP authentication by the access server.

password redsecret

Defines redsecret as the password to be provided to the access server for PAP authentication.


Assigns as the initial IP address. 


Tells pppd to install a default IPv4 route after IPCP negotiation. You should include defaultroute in /etc/ppp/peers/peer-name when the link is the system's link to the Internet, which is true for a PPPoE client.