System Administration Guide: Resource Management and Network Services

How Autofs Selects the Nearest Read-Only Files for Clients (Multiple Locations)

The example direct map contains the following:

/usr/local          -ro \
   /bin                   ivy:/export/local/sun4\
   /share                 ivy:/export/local/share\
   /src                   ivy:/export/local/src
/usr/man            -ro   oak:/usr/man \
                          rose:/usr/man \
/usr/games          -ro   peach:/usr/games
/usr/spool/news     -ro   pine:/usr/spool/news \

The mount points /usr/man and /usr/spool/news list more than one location, three locations for the first mount point, two locations for the second mount point. This means any of the replicated locations can provide the same service to any user. This procedure is sensible only when you mount a file system that is read-only, as you must have some control over the locations of files that you write or modify. You don't want to modify files on one server on one occasion and, minutes later, modify the “same” file on another server. The benefit is that the best available server is used automatically without any effort that is required by the user.

If the file systems are configured as replicas (see What Is a Replicated File System?), the clients have the advantage of using failover. Not only is the best server automatically determined, but if that server becomes unavailable, the client automatically uses the next-best server. Failover was first implemented in the Solaris 2.6 release.

An example of a good file system to configure as a replica is man pages. In a large network, more than one server can export the current set of man pages. Which server you mount the man pages from does not matter if the server is running and exporting its file systems. In the previous example, multiple mount locations are expressed as a list of mount locations in the map entry.

/usr/man -ro oak:/usr/man rose:/usr/man willow:/usr/man 

In this example, you can mount the man pages from the servers oak, rose, or willow. Which server is best depends on a number of factors, including the following:

During the sorting process, a count is taken of the number of servers that support the NFS version 2 and NFS version 3 protocols. Whichever protocol is supported on the most servers becomes the protocol that is supported by default. This selection provides the client with the maximum number of servers to depend on.

After the largest subset of servers with the same protocol version is found, that server list is sorted by proximity. Servers on the local subnet are given preference over servers on a remote subnet. The closest server is given preference, which reduces latency and network traffic. Figure 16–3 illustrates server proximity.

Figure 16–3 Server Proximity

The context describes the graphic.

If several servers that support the same protocol are on the local subnet, the time to connect to each server is determined and the fastest server is used. The sorting can also be influenced by using weighting (see Autofs and Weighting).

If version 3 servers are more abundant, the sorting process becomes more complex. Normally, servers on the local subnet are given preference over servers on a remote subnet. A version 2 server can complicate matters, as a version 2 server might be closer than the nearest version 3 server. If a version 2 server is on the local subnet and the closest version 3 server is on a remote subnet, the version 2 server is given preference. This preference is only checked if more version 3 servers exist than version 2 servers. If more version 2 servers exist, only a version 2 server is selected.

With failover, the sorting is checked once at mount time to select one server from which to mount, and again anytime the mounted server becomes unavailable. Multiple locations are useful in an environment where individual servers might not export their file systems temporarily.

This feature is particularly useful in a large network with many subnets. Autofs chooses the nearest server and therefore confines NFS network traffic to a local network segment. In servers with multiple network interfaces, list the host name that is associated with each network interface as if the interface were a separate server. Autofs selects the nearest interface to the client.

Autofs and Weighting

You can influence the selection of servers at the same proximity level by adding a weighting value to the autofs map. For example:

/usr/man -ro oak,rose(1),willow(2):/usr/man

The numbers in parentheses indicate a weighting. Servers without a weighting have a value of zero and, therefore, are most likely to be selected. The higher the weighting value, the lower the chance that the server is selected.

Note –

All other server selection factors are more important than weighting. Weighting is only considered when selecting between servers with the same network proximity.