System Administration Guide: Resource Management and Network Services

Deprecated and Unsupported Configuration File Options for sendmail

Refer to the following table for a list of deprecated configuration file options. The table includes the AutoRebuildAliases option, which is not in version 8.12 of sendmail.

Table 27–3 Deprecated and Unsupported Configuration File Options for sendmail




Because a denial-of-service attack could occur if this option is set, this option is not in version 8.12 of sendmail. Refer to the Release Notes that are part of the sendmail distribution at A user could kill the sendmail process while the aliases file is being rebuilt and leave the file in an inconsistent state.

Furthermore, because AutoRebuildAliases is not available, newaliases must be run manually now in order for changes to /etc/mail/aliases to become effective. Also, you must remember that because sendmail is no longer setuid root, only root can run newaliases.


This option, which now defaults to True, has been deprecated. Refer to the Release Notes that are part of the sendmail distribution at


This option is deprecated. If required, you should now use the GroupWritableForwardFileSafe and GroupWritableIncludeFileSafe arguments for the DontBlameSendmail option.


This option is deprecated. Furthermore, because this option violates RFC 1123, you should avoid using this option.