System Administration Guide: Security Services

Solaris Secure Shell Files

The following table shows the important Solaris Secure Shell files and the suggested UNIX permissions.

Table 12–1 Solaris Secure Shell Files

File Name 


Suggested Permissions and Owner 


Contains configuration data for sshd, the Secure Shell daemon.

-rw-r--r-- root


Contains the host private key. 

-rw------- root


Contains the host public key. Used to copy the host key to the local known_hosts file.

-rw-r--r-- root


Contains the process ID of the Secure Shell daemon, sshd, which listens for connections (if there are multiple daemons, the file contains the last daemon that was started).

rw-r--r-- root


Lists the RSA keys that can be used with v1 to log into the user's account, or the DSA and RSA keys that can be used with v2. 

-rw-rw-r-- johndoe


Contains the host public keys for all hosts with which the client may communicate securely. The file should be prepared by the administrator. 

-rw-r--r-- root


Contains the host public keys for all hosts with which the client may communicate securely. The file is maintained automatically. Whenever the user connects with an unknown host, the remote host key is added to the file. 

-rw-r--r-- johndoe


If this file exists, sshd refuses to let anyone except root log in. The contents are displayed to users who are attempting to log in.

-rw-r--r-- root


Contains the host-user name pairs that specifies the hosts to which the user can log in to without a password. The file is used Secure Shell, as well as by the rlogind and rshd daemons.

-rw-r—r-- johndoe


Contains the host-user name pairs that specifies the hosts to which the user can log in to without a password using Secure Shell only. 

-rw-r—r-- johndoe


Contains the hosts that are used in .rhosts authentication and Secure Shell authentication.

-rw-r--r-- root


Contains the hosts that are used in Secure Shell authentication. 

-rw-r--r-- root


Used for initialization to make assignments at login. 

-rw------- johndoe


Runs initialization routines before the user shell starts. 

-rw------- johndoe


Runs host-specific initialization routines that are specified by an administrator for all users. 

-rw-r--r-- root

The following table summarizes the major Solaris Secure Shell commands.

Table 12–2 Solaris Secure Shell Commands




A program for logging in to a remote machine and for executing commands on a remote machine. The command is intended to replace rlogin and rsh, and provide secure encrypted communications between two untrusted hosts over an insecure network. X11 connections and arbitrary TCP/IP ports can also be forwarded over the secure channel.


The daemon for Secure listens. This daemon listens for connections from clients and provides secure encrypted communications between two untrusted hosts over an insecure network. 


Generates and manages authentication keys for ssh.


A program that holds private keys that are used for public key authentication. ssh-agent is started at the beginning of an X-session or a login session, and all other windows or programs are started as clients to the ssh-agent program. Through the use of environment variables, the agent can be located and automatically used for authentication when users log in to other machines while using ssh.


Adds RSA or DSA identities (keys) to the authentication agent, ssh-agent.


Securely copies files between hosts on a network by using ssh for data transfer. Unlike rcp, scp asks for passwords or passphrases (if they are needed for authentication).


An interactive file transfer program, similar to ftp, that performs all operations over an encrypted ssh transport. sftp connects and logs into the specified host name and then enters an interactive command mode.