System Administration Guide: Security Services

How Is Auditing Related to Security?

To secure a computer system, especially a system on a network, is complex. Security requires mechanisms that control activities before system processes or user processes begin. Security requires tools that monitor activities as the activities occur. Security also requires reports of activities after the activities have happened. Initial configuration of Solaris auditing requires that parameters be set before users log in or machine processes begin. Most auditing activities involve monitoring current events and reporting those events that meet the specified parameters. How Solaris auditing monitors and reports these events is discussed in detail in Chapter 21, Audit Planning and Chapter 22, Managing the BSM Service (Tasks).

Auditing cannot prevent hackers from unauthorized entry. However, the audit subsystem can report, for example, that a specific user performed specific actions at a specific time and date. The audit report can identify the user by entry path and user name. Such information can be reported immediately to your terminal and to a file for later analysis. Thus, the audit subsystem provides data that helps you determine the following: