System Administration Guide: Security Services

How to Display Audit Records

  1. Become superuser or assume an equivalent role.

  2. Change directories to an audit files directory, such as /usr/audit_summary/logins.

    # cd /usr/audit_summary/logins
  3. Read a file by using the praudit command.

    # praudit 19990413000000.19990413235959.logins | more

Example—Putting Audit Records in XML Format

In this example, the audit records are converted to XML format. XML format can be displayed in a browser. The format can also be used to create a report.

# praudit -x 19990413000000.19990413235959.logins > 19990413.logins.xml

The *xml file can be displayed in a browser. The contents of the file can be operated on by a script to extract the relevant information.