System Administration Guide: Security Services

Adding an Allocatable Device (Task Map)

The following task map describes the major steps that are required to define a new allocatable device.



For Instructions 

1. Create or change an entry in the device_allocate file

Defines which devices are controlled by the device-allocation mechanism. 

How to Change Which Devices Can Be Allocated

2. Create a lock file 

Enables the device allocation mechanism to work on a specific device. 

How to Set Up Lock Files for an Allocatable Device

3. (Optional) Create a device-clean script 

Purges data from a physical device. 

Device-Clean Scripts

4. Allocate the device 

Adds a device to the device-allocation mechanism. 

How to Allocate a Device

5. (Optional) Deallocate the device 

Removes a device from use. 

How to Deallocate a Device