Solaris 9 4/03 Release Notes

Installation Bugs That Occur During an Upgrade

Upgrade Fails to Install SUNWceudt Package (4826785)

If you upgrade from the Solaris 9, Solaris 9 9/02, or Solaris 9 12/02 operating environment to the Solaris 9 4/03 release, the following errors occur when you use the pkgchk command with the -n option:

ERROR: /usr/dt/appconfig/types/cs_CZ.ISO8859-2/datatypes.dt
pathname does not exist
ERROR: /usr/dt/appconfig/types/cs_CZ.ISO8859-2/develop.dt
pathname does not exist
ERROR: /usr/dt/appconfig/types/cs_CZ.ISO8859-2/dtfile.dt
pathname does not exist
ERROR: /usr/dt/appconfig/types/cs_CZ.ISO8859-2/dtmail.dt
pathname does not exist
ERROR: /usr/dt/appconfig/types/cs_CZ.ISO8859-2/dtpad.dt
pathname does not exist
ERROR: /usr/dt/appconfig/types/cs_CZ.ISO8859-2/print.dt
pathname does not exist
ERROR: /usr/dt/appconfig/types/cs_CZ.ISO8859-2/uxstd.dt
pathname does not exist 

Workaround: Use the Solaris 9 4/03 DVD or the Solaris 9 4/03 Software 1 of 2 CD to add back the SUNWceudt package. Follow these steps:

  1. Become superuser.

  2. Remove the SUNWceudt package.

    # pkgrm SUNWceudt
  3. Change directories to the product directory.

    # cd path-to-Solaris-9/Product
  4. Add the SUNWceudt package.

    # pkgadd   -d `pwd` SUNWceudt

Manually Register VDiskMgr.jar File Delivered by Patch 114711-01 or 114712-01 After Upgrading (4818306)

If you applied on your system patch 114711-01 (SPARC Platform Edition), or patch 114712-01 (x86 Platform Edition) , you must manually register the VDiskMgr.jar file delivered with these patches after you upgrade to the Solaris 9 4/03 operating environment. If you do not manually register the VDiskMgr.jar file that is delivered with the patch, the existing VDiskMgr.jar file remains on your system. In addition, the patch does not fully fix the problem.

To determine if either of these patches is installed on your system, type one of the following commands:

Workaround: Manually register the VDiskMgr.jar file delivered with the two specified patches after you upgrade to the Solaris 9 4/03 operating environment. Follow these steps:

  1. Become superuser.

  2. Replace the existing VDiskMgr.jar file with the .jar file delivered with the patch.

     # /usr/sadm/bin/smcregister tool -n \
    com.sun.admin.diskmgr/VDiskMgr.jar \
    /usr/sadm/lib/diskmgr/VDiskMgr.jar \
    /usr/sadm/lib/dismgr/VDiskMgr_classlist.txt \
    /usr/sadm/lib/diskmgr/VDiskMgrInfo.xml > /dev/null 2>$1
  3. Replace the existing VDiskMgr in the tools box with the VDiskMgr tool delivered in the patch.

    # /usr/sadm/bin/smcregister toolbox add -f tool \
    com.sun.admin.diskmgr.client.VDiskMgr \
    -F "/Storage/" >/dev/null 2>&1
  4. Stop the WBEM server.

    # /etc/init.d/init.wbem stop
  5. Restart the WBEM server.

    # /etc/init.d/init.wbem start

SPARC: Solaris Management Console Applications Dependent on Managed Object Format (MOF) Files Might Fail After Upgrade (4825349)

If you upgrade from the Solaris 9 operating environment to the Solaris 9 9/02, Solaris 9 12/02, or Solaris 9 4/03 release, the upgrade does not reregister existing Managed Object Format (MOF) files. During the upgrade, the old /var/sadm/wbem/logr directory is saved as the /var/sadm/wbem/logru3 directory. The registered MOF files are not reregistered after the upgrade. As a result, Solaris Management Console applications that depend on MOF files will fail.

The following error message is displayed when you use the console Mounts and Disks tools:


Workaround: Manually register the missing MOF files. The MOF files are available in the /var/sadm/wbem/logru3 directory. Complete the following steps:

  1. Become superuser.

  2. Manually register the MOF files.

     # /usr/sadm/bin/mofreg -r tag mof-file

    where tag is the directory located in the /var/sadm/wbem/logru3/unregDir/ directory and mof–file is the MOF file located in the tag directory.

    For example:

    # /usr/sadm/bin/mofreg -r svm \
  3. Stop the WBEM server.

    # /etc/init.d/init.wbem stop
  4. Restart the WBEM server.

    # /etc/init.d/init.wbem start

Installer Text Display Problem When Using Solaris Live Upgrade (4736488)

When using the Solaris Live Upgrade luupgrade(1M) command with the -i option to complete an upgrade of an inactive boot environment, the text that the installers display might be unreadable in some languages. The text is corrupted when the installers request fonts that do not exist on the older release that is on the current boot environment.

Workaround: Choose one of the following workarounds.

SPARC: luupgrade Command Cannot Add Patches When a Patch List File Is Specified (4679511)

If you use the -s option with the luupgrade command to add patches with a directory and a patch list file, the patches are not added. A message similar to the following message is displayed:

/usr/sbin/luupgrade [52]:		3 patch-list-file: bad number			

In the previous message, patch-list-file is the patch list file you specified for the luupgrade command to use to add patches.

Workaround: To add patches that specify a patch list file, perform the following steps.

  1. Become superuser.

  2. Mount the boot environment that you are patching.

    # lumount boot-envir-name mount-point
  3. Add the patches to the boot environment.

    # /usr/sbin/patchadd -R mount-point -M patch-path patch-list-file-name

    In the previous command, patch-path is the path name of a directory that contains patches to add. The patch-list-file-name is the file that contains the list of patches you are adding.

  4. Unmount the boot environment.

    # luumount boot-envir-name

SPARC: Removal of SUNWjxcft Package Records Error During Upgrade (4525236)

When you upgrade from the Solaris 8 operating environment to the Solaris 9 or the Solaris 9 4/03 operating environment, a problem is encountered when the SUNWjxcft package is removed. The following error message is recorded in the upgrade_log file:

Removing package SUNWjxcft:
Can't open /a/usr/openwin/lib/locale/ja/X11/fonts/TTbitmaps/fonts.upr
Can't open /a/usr/openwin/lib/locale/ja/X11/fonts/TTbitmaps/fonts.scale
Can't open /a/usr/openwin/lib/locale/ja/X11/fonts/TTbitmaps/fonts.alias
Can't open /a/usr/openwin/lib/locale/ja/X11/fonts/TT/fonts.upr
Can't open /a/usr/openwin/lib/locale/ja/X11/fonts/TT/fonts.scale
Can't open /a/usr/openwin/lib/locale/ja/X11/fonts/TT/fonts.alias
Removal of <SUNWjxcft> was successful

Workaround: Ignore the error message.

Upgrading From Solaris 8 Operating Environment Might Create Redundant Kerberos Privacy Mechanisms (4672740)

In the Solaris 9 4/03 operating environment, the Kerberos version 5 global mechanism includes privacy support. Therefore, the Kerberos domestic mechanism is not needed. If you installed the Kerberos domestic mechanism that is located in /usr/lib/gss/do/ on a Solaris 8 system, remove the Kerberos domestic mechanism, then upgrade the system to the Solaris 9 4/03 operating environment.

Workaround: Follow these steps before you upgrade to the Solaris 9 4/03 operating environment.

  1. Type the following command to determine if the Kerberos domestic mechanism is installed on the system.

    % pkginfo | fgrep ' SUNWk5'
    • If the output of this command includes any SUNWk5 package names, the Kerberos domestic mechanism is installed on the system. Go to step 2.

    • If the output does not include any SUNWk5 package names, the Kerberos domestic mechanism is not installed on the system. Skip the rest of these steps. Upgrade the system.

  2. Back up the /etc/nfssec.conf and /etc/gss/qop files by typing the following command.

    % tar -cf /var/tmp/krb_config_files.tar /etc/nfssec.conf /etc/gss/qop
  3. Verify that the files are backed up by typing the following command.

    % tar -tf /var/tmp/krb_config_files.tar
  4. Remove each package that is listed in the output of step 1.

    % pkgrm package-name package-name package-name
  5. Upgrade to the Solaris 9 4/03 operating environment.

    The upgrade program updates the global Kerberos mechanism code and enables Kerberos privacy support.

  6. In a text editor, change the following lines in the /etc/gss/mech file.

    • Uncomment the following line.

      kerberos_v5     1.2.840.113554.1.2.2    gl/ gl_kmech_krb5

      If necessary, add the previous line to the /etc/gss/mech file.

    • Remove the following line.

      kerberos_v5     1.2.840.113554.1.2.2    do/ do_kmech_krb5
    • Restore the /etc/nfssec.conf and /etc/gss/qop files by typing the following command.

      % tar -xf /var/tmp/krb_config_files.tar

Upgrading to Solaris 9 4/03 Operating Environment Might Disable Existing Secure Shell Daemon (sshd) (4626093)

If you upgrade to the Solaris 9 4/03 operating environment on a system that is running a third-party Secure Shell, such as OpenSSH, from the /etc/init.d/sshd daemon, the upgrade disables the existing Secure Shell daemon. During an upgrade, the Solaris 9 4/03 upgrade software overwrites the contents of /etc/init.d/sshd.

Workaround: Choose one of the following workarounds.

Upgrade Fails if /export Is Near Capacity (4409601)

If the /export directory is near full capacity and you upgrade to the Solaris 9 4/03 operating environment, space requirements for /export are miscalculated. The upgrade then fails. This problem commonly occurs if a diskless client is installed, or if third-party software is installed in the /export directory. The following message is displayed:

WARNING: Insufficient space for the upgrade.

Workaround: Before you upgrade, choose one of the following workarounds.

Upgrading Diskless Client Servers and Clients (4363078)

If your system currently supports diskless clients that were installed with the Solstice AdminSuiteTM 2.3 Diskless Client tool, you must perform two steps. First, delete all existing diskless clients that are the same Solaris version and architecture as the server. Then, install or upgrade to the Solaris 9 4/03 operating environment. For specific instructions, see the System Administration Guide: Basic Administration.

If you attempt to install the Solaris 9 4/03 operating environment over existing diskless clients, the following error message might be displayed:

The Solaris Version (Solaris version-number) on slice <xxxxxxxx> cannot 
be upgraded. 
There is an unknown problem with the software configuration installed 
on this disk.

In this error message, version-number refers to the Solaris version that is currently running on your system. <xxxxxxxx> refers to the slice that is running this version of the Solaris operating environment.