Solaris 9 Installation Guide

Adding or Changing a Description Associated With a Boot Environment Name

You can associate a description with a boot environment name. The description never replaces the name. Although a boot environment name is restricted in length and characters, the description can be of any length and of any content. The description can be simple text or as complex as a gif file. You can create this description at these times:

For more information on using the -A option with lucreate, see To Create a Boot Environment for the First Time (Command-Line Interface). For more information on creating the description after the boot environment has been created, see the following procedures or the man page, ludesc(1M).

To Add or Change a Description for a Boot Environment Name With Text

  1. Log in as superuser.

  2. Type:

    # /usr/sbin/ludesc -n  BE_name  'BE_description'
    -n BE_name 'BE_description'

    Specifies the boot environment name and the new description to be associated with the name

Example 34–5 Adding a Description to a Boot Environment Name With Text

In this example, a boot environment description is added to a boot environment that is named second_disk. The description is a text file that is enclosed in single quotes.

# /usr/sbin/ludesc -n second_disk 'Solaris 9 test build, January 2001.'

To Add or Change a Description for a Boot Environment Name With a File

  1. Log in as superuser.

  2. Type:

    # /usr/sbin/ludesc -n BE_name  -f file_name
    -n BE_name

    Specifies the boot environment name and the new description to be associated with the name


    Specifies the file to be associated with a boot environment name

Example 34–6 Adding a Description to a Boot Environment Name With a File

In this example, a boot environment description is added to a boot environment that is named second_disk. The description is contained in a gif file.

# /usr/sbin/ludesc -n second_disk -f rose.gif

To Determine a Boot Environment Name From a Text Description

  1. Log in as superuser.

  2. Type:

    # /usr/sbin/ludesc -A 'BE_description'
    -A 'BE_description'

    Displays the boot environment name that is associated with the description

Example 34–7 Determining a Boot Environment Name From a Description

In this example, the name of the boot environment, second_disk, is determined by using the -A option with the description.

# /usr/sbin/ludesc -A  'Solaris 9 test build, January 2001.'

To Determine a Boot Environment Name From a Description in a File

  1. Log in as superuser.

  2. Type:

    # /usr/sbin/ludesc -f  file_name
    -f file_name

    Displays the boot environment name that is associated with the description that is located in a file

Example 34–8 Determining a Boot Environment Name From a Description in a File

In this example, the name of the boot environment, second_disk, is determined by using the -f option and the name of the file that contains the description.

# /usr/sbin/ludesc -f rose.gif 

To Determine a Boot Environment Description From a Name

  1. Log in as superuser.

  2. Type:

    # /usr/sbin/ludesc -n BE_name
    -n BE_name

    Displays the description that is associated with the boot environment name

Example 34–9 Determining a Boot Environment Description From a Name

In this example, the description is determined by using the -n option with the boot environment name.

# /usr/sbin/ludesc -n  second_diskSolaris 9 test build, January 2001