man pages section 1M: System Administration Commands
Numbers and Symbols
 — ikecert ( Index Term Link )
 — logadm ( Index Term Link )
 — mount_xmemfs ( Index Term Link )
 — projadd ( Index Term Link )
 rctladm ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 sftp-server ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 sshd ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 construct a udfs file system — mkfs_udfs ( Index Term Link )
Numbers and Symbols
 24-bit TrueColor Visual for OpenWindows with an S24 frame buffer system (TCX) — tcxconfig, configure the default linearity ( Index Term Link )
 accept — accept print requests ( Index Term Link )
 access system administration tools with a graphical user interface — solstice ( Index Term Link )
 accounting, run daily — runacct ( Index Term Link )
 accounting commands
  — acctcms ( Index Term Link )
  — acctcon ( Index Term Link )
  — acctdisk ( Index Term Link )
  — acctdusg ( Index Term Link )
  — acctmerg ( Index Term Link )
  — accton ( Index Term Link )
  — acctprc ( Index Term Link )
  — acctwtmp ( Index Term Link )
  — closewtmp ( Index Term Link )
  — fwtmp ( Index Term Link )
  — utmp2wtmp ( Index Term Link )
  — wtmpfix ( Index Term Link )
 accounting shell procedures
  — chargefee ( Index Term Link )
  — ckpacct ( Index Term Link )
  — dodisk ( Index Term Link )
  — lastlogin ( Index Term Link )
  — monacct ( Index Term Link )
  — nulladm ( Index Term Link )
  — prctmp ( Index Term Link )
  — prdaily ( Index Term Link )
  — prtacct ( Index Term Link )
  — runacct ( Index Term Link )
  — shutacct ( Index Term Link )
  — startup ( Index Term Link )
  — turnacct ( Index Term Link )
 acct — miscellaneous accounting commands ( Index Term Link )
 acctadm — configure extended accounting facility ( Index Term Link )
 acctcms — command summary from process accounting records ( Index Term Link )
 acctcon — create summary of connect records ( Index Term Link )
 acctcon1 — create summary of connect records ( Index Term Link )
 acctcon2 — create summary of connect records ( Index Term Link )
 acctdisk — create disk usage records ( Index Term Link )
 acctdusg — compute disk usage by login ( Index Term Link )
 acctmerg — merge or add total disk accounting files ( Index Term Link )
 accton — turn on process accounting ( Index Term Link )
 acctprc — summary of process accounting ( Index Term Link )
 acctprc1 — summary of process accounting ( Index Term Link )
 acctprc2 — summary of process accounting ( Index Term Link )
 acctsh — shell procedures for accounting ( Index Term Link )
 acctwtmp — create connect accounting record in /var/adm/wtmp ( Index Term Link )
 adb scripts, generate — adbgen ( Index Term Link )
 adbgen — generate adb script ( Index Term Link )
 add (create) a new group definition on the system — groupadd ( Index Term Link )
 add a new device driver to the system — add_drv ( Index Term Link )
 add_drv — add a new device driver to the system ( Index Term Link )
 addbadsec — map out defective disk blocks ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 address resolution display and control — arp ( Index Term Link )
 adds an application to the Solstice application registry — soladdapp ( Index Term Link )
 administer a new role account on the system — roleadd ( Index Term Link )
 administer disk space used for caching file systems with the Cache File-System (CacheFS) — cfsadmin ( Index Term Link )
 administer files available as block devices through lofi — lofiadm ( Index Term Link )
 administer flash archives — flar ( Index Term Link )
 administer FTP Server enhanced group access file — privatepw ( Index Term Link )
 administer NIS+ aliases, — aliasadm ( Index Term Link )
 administration program for the Sun Enterprise Network Array (SENA), RSM, SPARCstorage Array (SSA) subsystems, Sun Fire 880 internal storage subsystem, and individual Fiber Channel Arbitrated Loop (FC_AL) devices — luxadm ( Index Term Link )
 admintool — system administration tool with a graphical interface ( Index Term Link )
 afbconfig — configure the AFB Graphics Accelerator ( Index Term Link )
 aliasadm — administer NIS+ aliases ( Index Term Link )
 ancillary agent for inbound zone transfers — named-xfer ( Index Term Link )
 answerbook2_admin — bring up AnswerBook2 administration tool GUI ( Index Term Link )
 AnswerBook2 administration tool GUI — answerbook2_admin ( Index Term Link )
 apache — Apache hypertext transfer protocol server overview ( Index Term Link )
 Apache hypertext transfer protocol server overview — apache ( Index Term Link )
 apply a patch package to a Solaris 2 system — patchadd ( Index Term Link )
 arp — address resolution display and control ( Index Term Link )
  monitors or restricts accesses to system files and directories — aset ( Index Term Link )
  prints tasks status — taskstat ( Index Term Link )
 aset.restore — restore files and directories to the state before ASET was installed ( Index Term Link )
 audit — maintain audit trail ( Index Term Link )
 audit records, select or merge from audit trail files — auditreduce ( Index Term Link )
 audit_startup shell script ( Index Term Link )
 audit statistics report — auditstat ( Index Term Link )
 audit trail file, select records from — auditreduce ( Index Term Link )
 audit_warn — audit daemon warning script ( Index Term Link )
 auditconfig — get and set kernel audit parameters ( Index Term Link )
 auditd — audit daemon ( Index Term Link )
 auditreduce — select or merge audit records from audit trail files ( Index Term Link )
 auditstat — display kernel audit statistics ( Index Term Link )
 autoboot procedures — boot ( Index Term Link )
 autofs, automatically mount file systems — automount ( Index Term Link )
 Autofs, mount/unmount request server — automountd ( Index Term Link )
 Automated conversational exchange tool — chat ( Index Term Link )
 Automated Security Enhancement Tool
  See ASET
 automount — automatically mount file systems ( Index Term Link )
 automountd — Autofs mount/unmount request server ( Index Term Link )
 autopush — configures lists of automatically pushed STREAMS modules ( Index Term Link )
 backup NIS+ directories — nisbackup ( Index Term Link )
 Basic Security Module, enable — bsmconv, bsmunconv ( Index Term Link )
 Basic Security Module commands
  — audit ( Index Term Link )
  — audit_startup ( Index Term Link )
  — audit_warn ( Index Term Link )
  — auditconfig ( Index Term Link )
  — auditd ( Index Term Link )
  — auditreduce ( Index Term Link )
  — auditstat ( Index Term Link )
 bdconfig — configures the bd (buttons and dials) stream ( Index Term Link )
 snmpXwbemd — SNMP Adapter Subagent for WBEM ( Index Term Link )
 boot — bootstrap procedures ( Index Term Link )
 boot parameter server — rpc.bootparamd ( Index Term Link )
 boot — system startup procedures ( Index Term Link )
  DHCP network table management utility — pntadm ( Index Term Link )
  administration — dhtadm ( Index Term Link )
  server — in.dhcpd ( Index Term Link )
  service — dhcpconfig ( Index Term Link )
 bootstrap procedures — boot ( Index Term Link )
 bootstrap PROM monitor program — monitor ( Index Term Link )
 Bootstrap Protocol
  See 'DHCP'
 Bourne shell, — rsh ( Index Term Link )
 broadcast message
  network wall server — rpc.rwalld ( Index Term Link )
  write to all users — wall ( Index Term Link )
  write to all users of a group— wall ( Index Term Link )
  write to all users over a network — rwall ( Index Term Link )
 bsmconv — eable Solaris system to use Basic Security Module ( Index Term Link )
 bsmrecord — display Solaris audit record formats ( Index Term Link )
 bsmunconv — eable Solaris system to use Basic Security Module ( Index Term Link )
 build class list and compile Solaris Management Console service beans for remote use — smccompile ( Index Term Link )
 busstat — report bus-related performance statistics ( Index Term Link )
  cachefslog — Cache File System logging ( Index Term Link )
  cachefsstat — Cache File System statistics ( Index Term Link )
  cachefswssize — Determine working set size for cachefs ( Index Term Link )
  cfsadmin — administer disk space used for caching file systems with the Cache File-System (CacheFS) ( Index Term Link )
  fsck_cachefs — check integrity of data cached with CacheFS ( Index Term Link )
  mount_cachefs — mount CacheFS file systems ( Index Term Link )
 CacheFS daemon — cachefsd ( Index Term Link )
 cachefsd — CacheFS daemon ( Index Term Link )
 cachefspack — pack files and file systems in the cache ( Index Term Link )
 captoinfo — convert termcap description to terminfo description ( Index Term Link )
 catman — create formatted files for manual pages ( Index Term Link )
 CD-ROM, packages on — pkgadd ( Index Term Link )
 CD-ROM, managing, — rmmount ( Index Term Link )
 CD-ROM, mounting, — rmmount ( Index Term Link )
 cfgadm — configuration administration ( Index Term Link )
 cfgadm_ac — EXX00 memory system administration ( Index Term Link )
 cfgadm_scsi — SCSI hardware specific commands for cfgadm ( Index Term Link )
 cfgadm_sysctrl — EXX00 system board administration ( Index Term Link )
  See cachefs
 cfsadmin — administer disk space used for caching file systems with the Cache File-System (CacheFS) ( Index Term Link )
  CacheFS Resource Parameters ( Index Term Link )
 cg14config — configure the cgfourteen device ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 change processor operational status — psradm ( Index Term Link )
 chargefee — accounting shell procedure ( Index Term Link )
 chat — Automated conversational exchange tool ( Index Term Link )
 check-hostname — check if sendmail can determine the system's fully-qualified host name ( Index Term Link )
 check if sendmail can determine the system's fully-qualified host name — check-hostname ( Index Term Link )
 check integrity of data cached with CacheFS — fsck_cachefs ( Index Term Link )
 check-permissions — check permissions on mail rerouting files ( Index Term Link )
 check permissions on mail rerouting files — check-permissions ( Index Term Link )
 chown — change owner of file ( Index Term Link )
 chroot — change root directory for a command ( Index Term Link )
 CIM Boot Manager, starting ( Index Term Link )
 CIM Object Manager, stopping ( Index Term Link )
 ckpacct — accounting shell procedure ( Index Term Link )
 clear inode
  — clri ( Index Term Link )
  — dcopy ( Index Term Link )
 clear_locks — clear locks held on behalf of an NFS client ( Index Term Link )
 clear locks held on behalf of an NFS client — clear_locks ( Index Term Link )
 client configuration daemon — dhcpagent ( Index Term Link )
 clinfo — display cluster information ( Index Term Link )
 close down the FTP Servers at a given time — ftpshut ( Index Term Link )
 closewtmp — puts a false DEAD_PROCESS record in /var/adm/wtmpx file ( Index Term Link )
 clri — clear inode ( Index Term Link )
 command used to launch the MQ Administration Console, a graphical user interface for performing MQ administration tasks — imqadmin ( Index Term Link )
 command utility for managing a Message Queue user repository — imqusermgr ( Index Term Link )
 compile MOF files into CIM classes — mofcomp ( Index Term Link )
 configuration applications, execute or define — sysidconfig ( Index Term Link )
 configure the AFB Graphics Accelerator — afbconfig ( Index Term Link )
 configure the FFB Graphics Accelerator — ffbconfig ( Index Term Link )
 configure the M64 Graphics Accelerator — m64config ( Index Term Link )
 configure the PGX32 Graphics Accelerator — pgxconfig ( Index Term Link )
 configure the Raptor GFX Graphics Accelerator — GFXconfig ( Index Term Link )
  cgfourteen device — cg14config ( Index Term Link )
  contiguous memory for sx video — sxconfig ( Index Term Link )
  undo system configuration — sys-unconfig ( Index Term Link )
 configure and administer a smartcard — smartcard ( Index Term Link )
 configure extended accounting facility — acctadm ( Index Term Link )
 configure Mobility IP Agent — mipagentconfig ( Index Term Link )
 configure operating system crash dump — dumpadm ( Index Term Link )
 configure or unconfigure mouse, keyboard, display — kdmconfig ( Index Term Link )
 configure system wide IPsec policy — ipsecconf ( Index Term Link )
 Configure the power management system — pmconfig ( Index Term Link )
 configure the Solaris Management Console — smcconf ( Index Term Link )
 configure the XVR-1000 Graphics Accelerator — SUNWgfb_config ( Index Term Link )
 configure transport providers for use by sockets — soconfig ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 configures the bd (buttons and dials) stream — bdconfig ( Index Term Link )
 connect accounting
  — acctcon ( Index Term Link )
  — fwtmp ( Index Term Link )
  — utmp2wtmp ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  — wtmpfix ( Index Term Link )
 consadm — select or display devices used as auxiliary console devices ( Index Term Link )
 construct a FAT file system — mkfs_pcfs ( Index Term Link )
 control and query bindings of processes to processors — pbind ( Index Term Link )
 conv_lp — convert LP configuration ( Index Term Link )
 conv_lpd — convert LPD configuration ( Index Term Link )
 convert a JavaSpaces datastore to the newer Reliable Log datastore format — wbemconfig ( Index Term Link )
 convert LP configuration — conv_lp ( Index Term Link )
 convert LPD configuration — conv_lpd ( Index Term Link )
 convert name server configuration files — named-bootconf ( Index Term Link )
 copy FNS contexts — fncopy ( Index Term Link )
 coradm — core file administration ( Index Term Link )
 core file administration — coradm ( Index Term Link )
 CPU PROM monitor, program — monitor ( Index Term Link )
 cpustat — monitor system behavior using CPU performance counters ( Index Term Link )
 create, NIS dbm file — makedbm ( Index Term Link )
 create a flash archive from a master system — flarcreate ( Index Term Link )
 create a temporary snapshot of a UFS file system — fssnap_ufs ( Index Term Link )
 create an FNS context — fncreate ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 create FNS file system contexts — fncreate_fs ( Index Term Link )
 create LDAP entries from corresponding /etc files — ldapaddent ( Index Term Link )
 create new printers in the FNS namespace — fncreate_printer ( Index Term Link )
 create temporary snapshots of a file system — fssnap ( Index Term Link )
 creation and management of processor sets — psrset ( Index Term Link )
 cron — clock daemon ( Index Term Link )
 cvcd — virtual console daemon ( Index Term Link )
 daemon, distributed system administration — sadmind ( Index Term Link )
 daemon for DHCP client configuration — dhcpagent ( Index Term Link )
 daemon for the Internet Key Exchange (IKE) — in.iked ( Index Term Link )
 daemon to monitor metadevices — mdmonitord ( Index Term Link )
  clock daemon — cron ( Index Term Link )
  Internet Trivial File Transfer Protocol — in.tftpd ( Index Term Link )
  kernel statistics — rpc.rstatd ( Index Term Link )
  network router discovery daemon — in.rdisc ( Index Term Link )
  network username server — rpc.rusersd ( Index Term Link )
  network wall server — rpc.rwall ( Index Term Link )
  network status monitor — statd ( Index Term Link )
  NFS — nfsd ( Index Term Link )
  NIS+ service — rpc.nisd ( Index Term Link )
  remote quota — rquotad ( Index Term Link )
  RPC-based remote execution — rpc.rexd ( Index Term Link )
  server which records packets sent by spray — rpc.sprayd ( Index Term Link )
 date, set system date from a remote host — rdate ( Index Term Link )
 dcopy — clear inode ( Index Term Link )
 dcs — domain configuration server ( Index Term Link )
 dd — convert and copy a file ( Index Term Link )
 debug tools, generate adb script — adbgen ( Index Term Link )
 delete a project from the system — projdel ( Index Term Link )
 delete a user's login from the system — roledel ( Index Term Link )
 destroy an FNS context — fndestroy ( Index Term Link )
 devattr — displays the values for a device's attributes ( Index Term Link )
 devfsadm — administration command for /dev and /devices ( Index Term Link )
 devfsadmd — administration daemon for /dev and /devices ( Index Term Link )
 device access, verifies accessibility — getvol ( Index Term Link )
 device_maps, display entries — dminfo ( Index Term Link )
  add, modify remove device entry from table — putdev ( Index Term Link )
  add, remove and change device group table — putdgrp ( Index Term Link )
  adds /dev entries for miscellaneous devices and pseudo-devices — devlinks ( Index Term Link )
  adds /dev entries for tape drives attached to the system — tapes ( Index Term Link )
  cgfourteen — configure the cgfourteen device ( Index Term Link )
  display access control entries from device_maps ( Index Term Link )
  display attributes — devattr ( Index Term Link )
  group list — getdgrp ( Index Term Link )
  list — getdev ( Index Term Link )
  lists members of a group — listdgrp ( Index Term Link )
  name — devnm ( Index Term Link )
  print information about disk devices — devinfo ( Index Term Link )
  release from exclusive use — devfree ( Index Term Link )
  remove a device driver from the system — rm_drv ( Index Term Link )
  reserve for exclusive use — devfree ( Index Term Link )
 /devices directory, configure — drvconfig ( Index Term Link )
 devinfo — print device specific information ( Index Term Link )
 df — display amount of used and available disk space ( Index Term Link )
 df_ufs — dispay amount of space occupied by ufs ( Index Term Link )
 dfmounts — displays information on resources shared through DFS ( Index Term Link )
 dfmounts_nfs — displays information on resources shared through NFS ( Index Term Link )
  display information on resources shared — dfmounts ( Index Term Link )
  list available resources from remote or local systems — dfshares ( Index Term Link )
 dfshares — list available resources from remote or local systems ( Index Term Link )
 dfshares_nfs — list available resources from remote systems ( Index Term Link )
  network table management utility — pntadm ( Index Term Link )
  administration — dhtadm ( Index Term Link )
  server — in.dhcpd ( Index Term Link )
  service — dhcpconfig ( Index Term Link )
 DHCP client configuration daemon — dhcpagent ( Index Term Link )
 DHCP service lock daemon — dsvclockd ( Index Term Link )
 dhcpagent — daemon for DHCP client configuration ( Index Term Link )
 dhcpconfig — DHCP service configuration utility ( Index Term Link )
 dhcpmgr — graphical interface for managing DHCP service ( Index Term Link )
 dhtadm — DHCP configuration table management utility ( Index Term Link )
 Diffie-Hellman key pair ( Index Term Link )
 directories, move — mvdir ( Index Term Link )
 directoryserver — front end for the Directory Server (DS) ( Index Term Link )
 disk accounting
  — acctdisk ( Index Term Link )
  — acctdusg ( Index Term Link )
  — acctmerg ( Index Term Link )
 disk blocks, display free ones — df ( Index Term Link )
 disk quotas, remote quota daemon — rquotad ( Index Term Link )
 disk quotas and usage, display for a user's ufs file system — quota ( Index Term Link )
 diskettes, packages on — pkgadd ( Index Term Link )
 disks — adds /dev entries for hard disks attached to the system ( Index Term Link )
 disks, partitioning and maintenance utility — format ( Index Term Link )
 diskscan — perform surface analysis ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  system configuration information — prtconf ( Index Term Link )
  system diagnostic information — prtdiag ( Index Term Link )
 display cluster information — clinfo ( Index Term Link )
 SNMP Adapter Subagent for WBEM — snmpXwbemd ( Index Term Link )
 display kernel statistics — kstat ( Index Term Link )
 display or set boot environment description — ludesc ( Index Term Link )
 display Solaris audit record formats — bsmrecord ( Index Term Link )
 displays information about processors — psrinfo ( Index Term Link )
 Distributed File System
  See DFS
 dmesg — create error log from system diagnostic messages ( Index Term Link )
 dmi_cmd — DMI command line interface utility ( Index Term Link )
 DMI command line interface utility — dmi_cmd ( Index Term Link )
 DMI command line retrieval utility — dmiget ( Index Term Link )
 dmiget — DMI command line retrieval utility ( Index Term Link )
 dminfo — display device_maps entries ( Index Term Link )
 dmispd — Sun Solstice Enterprise DMI Service Provider ( Index Term Link )
 DoD Internet, host table — gettable ( Index Term Link )
 DoD Internet format host table, convert — htable ( Index Term Link )
 dodisk — accounting shell procedure ( Index Term Link )
 domain configuration server — dcs ( Index Term Link )
 domainname — display name of current domain ( Index Term Link )
 domainname — set name of current domain ( Index Term Link )
 driver statistics from a synchronous serial link, report — syncstat ( Index Term Link )
 drvconfig — configure /devices ( Index Term Link )
 dsvclockd — DHCP service lock daemon ( Index Term Link )
 dumpadm — configure operating system crash dump ( Index Term Link )
 Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol
  See 'DHCP'
 edquota — edit user quotas for ufs file system ( Index Term Link )
 EEPROM display and load program — eeprom ( Index Term Link )
 efdaemon — embedded FCode interpreter daemon ( Index Term Link )
 embedded FCode interpreter daemon — efdaemon ( Index Term Link )
 encryption keys, server for storing private keys — keyserv ( Index Term Link )
 environment variables, convert termcap description into terminfo description — captoinfo ( Index Term Link )
 error log, create from system diagnostic messages — dmesg ( Index Term Link )
 etrn – send ETRN commands to start mail queue ( Index Term Link )
 EXX00 memory system administration — cfgadm_ac ( Index Term Link )
 EXX00 system board administration — cfgadm_sysctrl ( Index Term Link )
 fbconfig — Frame Buffer configuration utility ( Index Term Link )
 fbconfig module for configuring Sun XVR-4000 Graphics Accelerator — SUNWzulu_config ( Index Term Link )
 fbconfig module for configuring XVR-100 Graphics Accelerator — SUNWpfb_config ( Index Term Link )
 fdetach — detach a name from STREAMS-based file descriptor ( Index Term Link )
 fdisk — create or modify fixed disk partition table, Menu Options ( Index Term Link )
 ffbconfig — configure the FFB Graphics Accelerator ( Index Term Link )
 FIFO, make FIFO special file — mkfifo ( Index Term Link )
 FIFO, make — mknod ( Index Term Link )
 File Transfer Protocol Server — ftpd ( Index Term Link )
 File Transfer Protocol Server — in.ftpd ( Index Term Link )
 file system
  cache file systems
   See cachefs
  change the dynamic parameters — tunefs ( Index Term Link )
  check and repair — fsck ( Index Term Link )
  check and repair ufs — fsck_ufs ( Index Term Link )
  construct — mkfs ( Index Term Link )
  construct ufs — mkfs_ufs ( Index Term Link )
  create new — newfs ( Index Term Link )
  debugger — fsdb ( Index Term Link )
  dispay amount of used disk space occupied by ufs — df_ufs ( Index Term Link )
  display amount of used and available disk space — df ( Index Term Link )
  grow — growfs ( Index Term Link )
  link and unlink files and directories — link ( Index Term Link )
  list file names and statistics — ff ( Index Term Link )
  list file names and statistics for ufs — ff_ufs ( Index Term Link )
  loopback — mount ( Index Term Link )
  make literal copy — volcopy ( Index Term Link )
  mount — mount ( Index Term Link )
  mount — mountall ( Index Term Link )
  mount ufs — mount_ufs ( Index Term Link )
  move directory — mvdir ( Index Term Link )
  provide labels — labelit ( Index Term Link )
  provide labels for ufs — labelit_ufs ( Index Term Link )
  report processes using file or file structure — fuser ( Index Term Link )
  share multiple resources — shareall ( Index Term Link )
  ufs, make image copy — volcopy_ufs ( Index Term Link )
  unmount — umount ( Index Term Link )
  unmount — umountall ( Index Term Link )
  unshare multiple resources — unshareall ( Index Term Link )
 file system consistency check and interactive — fsck_pcfs ( Index Term Link )
 file system type, determine — fstyp ( Index Term Link )
  change ownership — chown ( Index Term Link )
  convert and copy — dd ( Index Term Link )
 flar — administer flash archives ( Index Term Link )
 flarcreate — create a flash archive from a master system ( Index Term Link )
 floppy, managing, — rmmount ( Index Term Link )
 floppy, mounting, — rmmount ( Index Term Link )
 flush disk activity — sync ( Index Term Link )
 fmthard — populate Volume Table of Contents on hard disks ( Index Term Link )
 fncopy — copy FNS contexts ( Index Term Link )
 fncreate — create an FNS context ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 fncreate_fs — create FNS file system contexts ( Index Term Link )
 fncreate_printer — create new printers in the FNS namespace ( Index Term Link )
 fndestroy — destroy an FNS context ( Index Term Link )
  copy FNS contexts — fncopy ( Index Term Link )
  create context — fncreate ( Index Term Link )
  create FNS file system contexts — fncreate_fs ( Index Term Link )
  select naming service for FNS Initial Context — fnselect ( Index Term Link )
 fnselect — select naming service for FNS Initial Context ( Index Term Link )
 format — disk partitioning and maintenance utility ( Index Term Link )
 Frame Buffer configuration utility — fbconfig ( Index Term Link )
 front end for the Directory Server (DS) — directoryserver ( Index Term Link )
 fruadm — prints and updates customer data associated with FRUs ( Index Term Link )
 fsck_cachefs — check integrity of data cached with CacheFS ( Index Term Link )
 fsck — check and repair file systems ( Index Term Link )
 fsck_pcfs — file system consistency check and interactive ( Index Term Link )
 fsck_ufs — check and repair ufs ( Index Term Link )
 fsdb — file system debugger ( Index Term Link )
 fsdb_ufs — ufs file system debugger ( Index Term Link )
  Commands ( Index Term Link )
  Expressions ( Index Term Link )
  Formatted Output ( Index Term Link )
  Inode Commands ( Index Term Link )
 fsirand — install random inode generation numbers ( Index Term Link )
 fssnap — create temporary snapshots of a file system ( Index Term Link )
 fssnap_ufs — create a temporary snapshot of a UFS file system ( Index Term Link )
 fstyp — determine file system type ( Index Term Link )
 ftpaddhost — set up a virtual FTP host ( Index Term Link )
 ftpconfig — set up anonymous FTP ( Index Term Link )
 ftpd — File Transfer Protocol Server ( Index Term Link )
 ftprestart — restart previously shutdown FTP Servers ( Index Term Link )
 ftpshut — close down the FTP Servers at a given time ( Index Term Link )
 fuser — identify processes using file or file structure ( Index Term Link )
 fwtmp — convert connect accounting records to ASCII ( Index Term Link )
 generate a self-signed certificate for secure communication — imqkeytool ( Index Term Link )
 generate message IDs — msgid ( Index Term Link )
 get printer configuration — lpget ( Index Term Link )
 getdev — lists devices that match given criteria ( Index Term Link )
 getdgrp — lists device groups which contain devices that match given criteria ( Index Term Link )
 getent — gets a list of entries from administrative databases ( Index Term Link )
 gettable — get DoD Internet host table ( Index Term Link )
 getty — set terminal type, modes, speed, and line discipline ( Index Term Link )
 getvol — verifies device accessibility ( Index Term Link )
 GFXconfig — configure the Raptor GFX Graphics Accelerator ( Index Term Link )
 graphical interface for managing DHCP service — dhcpmgr ( Index Term Link )
 group file, check for inconsistencies — grpck ( Index Term Link )
 groupadd — add (create) a new group definition on the system ( Index Term Link )
 groupdel — delete a group definition on the system ( Index Term Link )
 groupmod — modify a group definition on the system ( Index Term Link )
 growfs — grow file system ( Index Term Link )
 halt — stop the processor ( Index Term Link )
 hard disks, populate Volume Table of Contents — fmthard ( Index Term Link )
 hostconfig — configure a system's host parameters ( Index Term Link )
  labels for hsfs file systems, provide and print — labelit_hsfs ( Index Term Link )
  mount — mount_hsfs ( Index Term Link )
 htable — convert DoD Internet format host table ( Index Term Link )
 I/O statistics report — iostat ( Index Term Link )
 IA Network Booting RPL (Remote Program Load) Server — rpld ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 ICMP, router discovery daemon — in.rdisc ( Index Term Link )
 id — return user identity ( Index Term Link )
 idsconfig — prepare an iPlanet Directory Server (iDS) to be populated with data and serve LDAP clients ( Index Term Link )
 ifconfig — configure network interface parameters ( Index Term Link )
 ikeadm — manipulate Internet Key Exchange (IKE) parameters and state ( Index Term Link )
 ikecert — ( Index Term Link )
 imqadmin — command used to launch the MQ Administration Console, a graphical user interface for performing MQ administration tasks ( Index Term Link )
 imqbrokerd — start a Message Queue broker instance ( Index Term Link )
 imqcmd — manage Message Queue brokers ( Index Term Link )
 imqdbmgr — manage a plugged-in JDBC-compliant Message Queue data store ( Index Term Link )
 imqkeytool — generate a self-signed certificate for secure communication ( Index Term Link )
 imqobjmgr — manage Message Queue administered objects ( Index Term Link )
 imqusermgr — command utility for managing a Message Queue user repository ( Index Term Link )
 in.comsat — biff server ( Index Term Link )
 in.dhcpd — DHCP server ( Index Term Link )
 in.fingerd — remote user information server ( Index Term Link )
 in.ftpd — File Transfer Protocol Server ( Index Term Link )
 in.iked — daemon for the Internet Key Exchange (IKE) ( Index Term Link )
 in.lpd — print job listener ( Index Term Link )
 in.rarpd — Reverse Address Resolution Protocol server ( Index Term Link )
 in.rdisc — ICMP router discovery daemon ( Index Term Link )
 in.rexecd — remote execution server ( Index Term Link )
 in.ripngd — network routing daemon for IPv6 ( Index Term Link )
 in.rlogind — remote login server ( Index Term Link )
 in.routed — network routing daemon ( Index Term Link )
 in.rshd — remote shell server ( Index Term Link )
 in.rwhod — system status server ( Index Term Link )
 in.talkd — talk server ( Index Term Link )
 in.telnetd — DARPA TELNET virtual terminal protocol server ( Index Term Link )
 in.tftpd — Internet Trivial File Transfer Protocol server ( Index Term Link )
 in.tnamed — DARPA trivial name server ( Index Term Link )
 in.uucpd — UUCP server ( Index Term Link )
 incremental file system dump — ufsdump ( Index Term Link )
 inetd — Internet services daemon ( Index Term Link )
 init — process control initialization ( Index Term Link )
  /etc/defaults/init file ( Index Term Link )
  init and System Booting ( Index Term Link )
  inittab Additions ( Index Term Link )
  Run Level Changes ( Index Term Link )
  Run Level Defined ( Index Term Link )
  telinit ( Index Term Link )
 init.wbem — start CIM Boot Manager ( Index Term Link )
 init.wbem — stop CIM Object Manager ( Index Term Link )
 inode, clear — clri ( Index Term Link )
 install — install commands ( Index Term Link )
 install, SunOS/SVR4 — suninstall ( Index Term Link )
 installboot procedures — boot ( Index Term Link )
 installer — Solaris Web Start installer utility ( Index Term Link )
 installf — add a file to software installation database ( Index Term Link )
  biff server — in.comsat ( Index Term Link )
  DARPA TELNET virtual terminal protocol server — in.telnetd ( Index Term Link )
  DARPA trivial name server — in.tnamed ( Index Term Link )
  DHCP server — in.dhcpd ( Index Term Link )
  DHCP service configuration — dhcpconfig ( Index Term Link )
  ICMP router discovery daemon — in.rdisc ( Index Term Link )
  network routing daemon — in.routed ( Index Term Link )
  query domain name servers — nslookup ( Index Term Link )
  query domain name servers — nstest ( Index Term Link )
  RARP server — in.rarpd ( Index Term Link )
  remote user information server — in.fingerd ( Index Term Link )
  send ICMP ECHO_REQUEST packets to network hosts — ping ( Index Term Link )
  server for talk program — in.talkd ( Index Term Link )
  services daemon — inetd ( Index Term Link )
  system status server — in.rwhod ( Index Term Link )
  Trivial File Transfer Protocol server — in.tftpd ( Index Term Link )
 Internet Control Message Protocol
  See ICMP
 Internet Protocol, to Ethernet addresses — arp ( Index Term Link )
 Interprocess Communication, make FIFO special file — mkfifo ( Index Term Link )
 iostat — report I/O statistics ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 ipsecconf — configure system wifde IPsec policy ( Index Term Link )
 ipseckey — manually manipulate an IPsec Security Association Database (SABD) ( Index Term Link )
 kadb — a kernel debugger ( Index Term Link )
 kdb5_util — Kerberos Database maintenance utility ( Index Term Link )
 kdmconfig — configure or unconfigure keyboard, display, and mouse options ( Index Term Link )
 Kerberos Database maintenance utility — kdb5_util ( Index Term Link )
 Kerberos warning daemon — ktkt_warnd ( Index Term Link )
 kernel — UNIX system executable file containing basic operating system services ( Index Term Link )
  debugger — kadb ( Index Term Link )
  display status of loaded modules — modload ( Index Term Link )
  load a module — modload ( Index Term Link )
 kernel — UNIX system executable file containing basic operating system services
  SPARC Only ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  unload a module — modunload ( Index Term Link )
 kernel debugger — kadb ( Index Term Link )
 Kernel Symbolic Debugging for OpenBoot Firmware — obpsym ( Index Term Link )
 kernel system event command invocation daemon — syseventconfd ( Index Term Link )
 kernel system event notification daemon — syseventd ( Index Term Link )
 keyserv — server for storing private encryption keys ( Index Term Link )
 killall — kill all active processes ( Index Term Link )
 kstat — display kernel statistics ( Index Term Link )
 ktkt_warnd — Kerberos warning daemon ( Index Term Link )
 labelit — provide labels for file systems ( Index Term Link )
 labelit_hsfs — provide and print labels for hsfs file systems ( Index Term Link )
 labelit_ufs — provide labels for ufs ( Index Term Link )
 lastlogin — accounting shell procedure ( Index Term Link )
 ldapaddent — create LDAP entries from corresponding /etc files ( Index Term Link )
 link — link and unlink files and directories ( Index Term Link )
 listdgrp — lists members of a device group ( Index Term Link )
 listen — network listener daemon ( Index Term Link )
 llc2_loop — loopback diagnostics to test the driver, adapter and network. ( Index Term Link )
 lock, — lockstat ( Index Term Link )
 lockd — network lock daemon ( Index Term Link )
 lockfs — lock file system ( Index Term Link )
 lockstat — report kernel lock and profiling statistics ( Index Term Link )
 lofiadm — administer files available as block devices through lofi ( Index Term Link )
 log files and system log daemon — syslogd ( Index Term Link )
 logadm — ( Index Term Link )
 logins — list user and system login information ( Index Term Link )
 loopback diagnostics to test the driver, adapter and network. — llc2_loop ( Index Term Link )
 loopback file system, mount — mount ( Index Term Link )
 LP print services
  administer filters — lpfilter ( Index Term Link )
  administer forms — lpforms ( Index Term Link )
  configure — lpadmin ( Index Term Link )
  register remote systems — lpsystem ( Index Term Link )
  set printing queue priorities — lpusers ( Index Term Link )
 lpadmin — configure LP print service ( Index Term Link )
 lpfilter — administer filters used with LP print service ( Index Term Link )
 lpforms — administer forms used with LP print service ( Index Term Link )
 lpforms — administer forms used with the LP print service
  Adding or Changing a Form ( Index Term Link )
  Allowing and Denying Access to a Form ( Index Term Link )
 lpforms — administer forms used with the, Deleting a Form ( Index Term Link )
 lpforms — administer forms used with the LP print service
  Listing Form Attributes ( Index Term Link )
  Listing the Current Alert ( Index Term Link )
  Removing an Alert Definition ( Index Term Link )
  Setting an Alert to Mount a Form ( Index Term Link )
  Terminating an Active Alert ( Index Term Link )
 lpget — get printer configuration ( Index Term Link )
 lpmove — moves print requests that are queued ( Index Term Link )
 lpsched — start the LP print service ( Index Term Link )
 lpset — set printing configuration ( Index Term Link )
 lpshut — stop the LP print service ( Index Term Link )
 lpsystem — register remote systems with LP print service ( Index Term Link )
 lpusers — set printing queue priorities ( Index Term Link )
 lu ( Index Term Link )
 luactivate ( Index Term Link )
 lucancel ( Index Term Link )
 lucompare ( Index Term Link )
 lucreate ( Index Term Link )
 lucurr ( Index Term Link )
 ludelete ( Index Term Link )
 ludesc — display or set boot environment description ( Index Term Link )
 ludesc ( Index Term Link )
 lufslist ( Index Term Link )
 lumake ( Index Term Link )
 lumount ( Index Term Link )
 lurename ( Index Term Link )
 lustatus ( Index Term Link )
 luupgrade ( Index Term Link )
 luxadm — administration program for the Sun Enterprise Network Array (SENA), RSM, SPARCstorage Array (SSA) subsystems, Sun Fire 880 internal storage subsystem, and individual Fiber Channel Arbitrated Loop (FC_AL) devices ( Index Term Link )
 luxadm — administration program for the Sun Enterprise Network Array (SENA), RSM and SPARCstorage Array (SSA) subsystems
  Enclosure ( Index Term Link )
  Enclosure Services Card Subcommands ( Index Term Link )
  Other Expert Mode Subcommands ( Index Term Link )
  Pathname ( Index Term Link )
  SENA Expert Mode Subcommands ( Index Term Link )
  SPARCstorage Array Subcommands ( Index Term Link )
  Subcommands ( Index Term Link )
  usr/sbin ( Index Term Link )
 m64config — configure the M64 Graphics Accelerator ( Index Term Link )
 mail delivery server — sendmail ( Index Term Link )
 mail.local — store mail in a mailbox ( Index Term Link )
 mail utilities
  biff server — in.comsat ( Index Term Link )
  create aliases database — newaliases ( Index Term Link )
 make device_allocate entries — mkdevalloc ( Index Term Link )
 make device_maps entries — mkdevmaps ( Index Term Link )
 make FIFO — mknod ( Index Term Link )
 make FIFO special file — mkfifo ( Index Term Link )
 make local NFS file systems available for mounting by remote systems — share_nfs ( Index Term Link )
 make named pipe — mkfifo ( Index Term Link )
 make named pipe — mknod ( Index Term Link )
 make special file — mknod ( Index Term Link )
 makedbm — make NIS ndbm file ( Index Term Link )
 manage a plugged-in JDBC-compliant Message Queue data store — imqdbmgr ( Index Term Link )
 manage and view WBEM log files — smlog ( Index Term Link )
 manage bulk operations on user accounts — smmultiuser ( Index Term Link )
 manage diskless client support for a server — smdiskless ( Index Term Link )
 manage email alias entries — smmaillist ( Index Term Link )
 manage entries in the exec_attr database — smexec ( Index Term Link )
 manage group entries — smgroup ( Index Term Link )
 manage jobs in the crontab database — smcron ( Index Term Link )
 manage Message Queue administered objects — imqobjmgr ( Index Term Link )
 manage Message Queue brokers — imqcmd ( Index Term Link )
 manage OS services — smosservice ( Index Term Link )
 manage patches — smpatch ( Index Term Link )
 manage profiles in the prof_attr and exec_attr databases — smprofile ( Index Term Link )
 manage roles and users in role accounts — smrole ( Index Term Link )
 manage serial port — smserialport ( Index Term Link )
 manage user entries — smuser ( Index Term Link )
 manipulate Internet Key Exchange (IKE) parameters and state — ikeadm ( Index Term Link )
 manual pages, create formatted files for — catman ( Index Term Link )
 manually manipulate an IPsec Security Association Database (SABD) — ipseckey ( Index Term Link )
 map out defective disk blocks — addbadsec ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 mdmonitord — daemon to monitor metadevices ( Index Term Link )
 medstat command ( Index Term Link )
 metaclear command ( Index Term Link )
 metadb file ( Index Term Link )
 metadetach command ( Index Term Link )
 metadevadm command ( Index Term Link )
 metahs command ( Index Term Link )
 metainit command ( Index Term Link )
 metaoffline command ( Index Term Link )
 metaonline command ( Index Term Link )
 metaparam command ( Index Term Link )
 metarecover — recover soft partition information ( Index Term Link )
 metarename command ( Index Term Link )
 metareplace command ( Index Term Link )
 metaroot command ( Index Term Link )
 metaset command ( Index Term Link )
 metastat command ( Index Term Link )
 metasync command ( Index Term Link )
 metattach command ( Index Term Link )
 mibiisa — Sun SNMP Agent ( Index Term Link )
 mipagent — Mobile IP agent ( Index Term Link )
 mipagentconfig — configure Mobility IP Agent ( Index Term Link )
 mipagentstat — show Mobile IP Mobility Agent status ( Index Term Link )
 mkdevalloc — make device_allocate entries ( Index Term Link )
 mkdevmaps — make device_maps entries ( Index Term Link )
 mkfifo — make FIFO special file ( Index Term Link )
 mkfile — create a file ( Index Term Link )
 mkfs — make file system ( Index Term Link )
 mkfs_pcfs — construct a FAT file system ( Index Term Link )
 mkfs_udfs — construct a udfs file system ( Index Term Link )
 mkfs_ufs — construct ufs ( Index Term Link )
 mknod — make special file ( Index Term Link )
 Mobile IP agent — mipagent ( Index Term Link )
 modify a project's information on the system — projmod ( Index Term Link )
 modify a role's login information on the system — rolemod ( Index Term Link )
 modify device driver attributes — update_drv ( Index Term Link )
 modinfo — display status of loaded kernel modules ( Index Term Link )
 modload — load a kernel module ( Index Term Link )
 modunload — unload a kernel module ( Index Term Link )
 mofcomp — compile MOF files into CIM classes ( Index Term Link )
 monacct — accounting shell procedure ( Index Term Link )
 monitor program — monitor ( Index Term Link )
 monitor system behavior using CPU performance counters — cpustat ( Index Term Link )
 mount — mount filesystems and remote resources ( Index Term Link )
 mount, show all remote mounts — showmount ( Index Term Link )
 mount_cachefs — mount CacheFS file systems ( Index Term Link )
 mount_hsfs — mount hsfs file systems ( Index Term Link )
 mount hsfs file systems — mount_hsfs ( Index Term Link )
 mount_nfs — mount remote NFS resources ( Index Term Link )
 mount_pcfs — mount pcfs file systems ( Index Term Link )
 mount pcfs file systems — mount_pcfs ( Index Term Link )
 mount_tmpfs — mount tmpfs ( Index Term Link )
 mount_ufs — mount ufs ( Index Term Link )
 mount_xmemfs — ( Index Term Link )
 mountall — mount multiple filesystems ( Index Term Link )
 mountd — NFS mount request server ( Index Term Link )
 mouse, keyboard, display, configure or unconfigure — kdmconfig ( Index Term Link )
 mpstat — report per-processor statistics ( Index Term Link )
 msgid — generate message IDs ( Index Term Link )
 mvdir — move a directory ( Index Term Link )
 name service cache daemon — nscd ( Index Term Link )
 named-bootconf — convert name server configuration files ( Index Term Link )
 named pipe, make — mkfifo ( Index Term Link )
 named pipe, make — mknod ( Index Term Link )
 named-xfer — ancillary agent for inbound zone transfers ( Index Term Link )
 ncaconfd — Solaris Network Cache and Accelerator (NCA) configuration daemon ( Index Term Link )
 ncheck — generate a list of path names vs i-numbers of all files on special ( Index Term Link )
 ncheck_ufs — generate a list of pathnames vs i-numbers for ufs ( Index Term Link )
 ndd — get and set driver configuration parameters ( Index Term Link )
 netstat — show network status ( Index Term Link )
 netstat — display network status
  Active Sockets (First Form) ( Index Term Link )
  DHCP Interface Information (Sixth Form) ( Index Term Link )
  Interface Status (Third Form) ( Index Term Link )
  Multicast Routing Tables (Fifth Form) ( Index Term Link )
  Network Data Structures (Second Form) ( Index Term Link )
  Routing Table (Fourth Form) ( Index Term Link )
  TCP Sockets ( Index Term Link )
 network routing daemon — in.routed ( Index Term Link )
  listener daemon — listen ( Index Term Link )
  lock daemon — lockd ( Index Term Link )
  test connections to hosts using ICMP — ping ( Index Term Link )
 Network File System
  See NFS
 network interface parameters, configure — ifconfig ( Index Term Link )
 network listener service, administration — nlsadmin ( Index Term Link )
 network packets capture and inspection — snoop ( Index Term Link )
 network routing daemon for IPv6 — in.ripngd ( Index Term Link )
 Network Time Protocol daemon — xntpd ( Index Term Link )
 newaliases — make mail aliases database ( Index Term Link )
 newfs — make new file system ( Index Term Link )
 newkey — create a new key in publickey database ( Index Term Link )
  crash and recovery functions for locking services — statd ( Index Term Link )
  create files for use as NFS mounted swap areas — mkfile ( Index Term Link )
  daemon — nfsd ( Index Term Link )
  display information on resources shared — dfmounts_nfs ( Index Term Link )
  display statistics — nfsstat ( Index Term Link )
  list available resources from remote systems — dfshares_nfs ( Index Term Link )
  make local NFS filesystem unavailable for mounting by remote systems — unshare_nfs ( Index Term Link )
  mount — mount_nfs ( Index Term Link )
  mount request server — mountd ( Index Term Link )
 NFS, secure, create a new key in publickey database — newkey ( Index Term Link )
 NFS security, server for storing private encryption keys — keyserv ( Index Term Link )
 nfsstat — display NFS statistics ( Index Term Link )
  binder process — ypbind ( Index Term Link )
  make ndbm file — makedbm ( Index Term Link )
  point binder process ypbind at a particular server — ypset ( Index Term Link )
  rebuild database — ypmake ( Index Term Link )
  return current version of a NIS map at a NIS server host — yppoll ( Index Term Link )
  transfer NIS map from a NIS server to host — ypxfr ( Index Term Link )
  add /etc files and NIS maps into their corresponding NIS+ tables — nisaddent ( Index Term Link )
  client and root server initialization utility — nisinit ( Index Term Link )
  credential creation tool — nisaddcred ( Index Term Link )
  display the contents of the NIS+ transaction log — nislog ( Index Term Link )
  initialize a domain to store system administration information— nissetup ( Index Term Link )
  nisping — ping NIS+ servers ( Index Term Link )
  nissetup — initialize a NIS+ domain to serve clients ( Index Term Link )
  nisstat — report NIS+ server statistics ( Index Term Link )
  service daemon — rpc.nisd ( Index Term Link )
  update public keys in NIS+ directory object — nisupdkeys ( Index Term Link )
  utility to cache location information about NIS+ servers — nis_cachemgr ( Index Term Link )
  utility to print out the contents of the shared cache file — nisshowcache ( Index Term Link )
 NIS+ credentials for NIS+ principals, initialize — nisclient ( Index Term Link )
 NIS+ password update daemon
  — nispasswdd ( Index Term Link )
  — rpc.nispasswdd ( Index Term Link )
 NIS+ servers, set up — nisserver ( Index Term Link )
 NIS+ utility to set server preferences for NIS+ clients — nisprefadm ( Index Term Link )
 NIS server and binder processes
  — ypserv ( Index Term Link )
  — ypxfrd ( Index Term Link )
 NIS services, start, — ypstart ( Index Term Link )
 NIS services, stop, — ypstop ( Index Term Link )
 nisaddcred — create NIS+ credentials ( Index Term Link )
 nisaddent — add /etc files and NIS maps into their corresponding NIS+ tables ( Index Term Link )
 nisbackup — backup NIS+ directories ( Index Term Link )
 nisclient — initialize NIS+ credentials for NIS+ principals ( Index Term Link )
 nisldapmaptest — test NIS+ and LDAP mapping configuration files ( Index Term Link )
 nispasswdd — NIS+ password update daemon ( Index Term Link )
 nisping — ping NIS+ servers ( Index Term Link )
 nispopulate — populate the NIS+ tables in a NIS+ domain ( Index Term Link )
 nisprefadm — NIS+ utility to set server preferences for NIS+ clients ( Index Term Link )
 nisrestore — restore NIS+ directory backup ( Index Term Link )
 nisserver — set up NIS+ servers ( Index Term Link )
 nissetup — initialize a domain to serve clients ( Index Term Link )
 nisshowcache — NIS+ utility to print out the contents of the shared cache file ( Index Term Link )
 nisstat — report NIS+ server statistics ( Index Term Link )
 nscd — name service cache daemon ( Index Term Link )
 nslookup — query Internet domain name servers ( Index Term Link )
 nstest — query Internet domain name servers ( Index Term Link )
 nsupdate — update Internet name servers interactively ( Index Term Link )
 ntpdate — set the date and time by way of NTP ( Index Term Link )
 ntpq — standard Network Time Protocol query program ( Index Term Link )
  Control Message Commands ( Index Term Link )
  Interactive Commands ( Index Term Link )
 ntptrace — trace a chain of NTP hosts back to their master time source ( Index Term Link )
 nulladm — accounting shell procedure ( Index Term Link )
 obpsym — Kernel Symbolic Debugging for OpenBoot Firmware ( Index Term Link )
  Kernel Symbolic Name Syntax ( Index Term Link )
 OCF server — ocfserv ( Index Term Link )
 ocfserv — OCF server ( Index Term Link )
 operating system
  install SunOS/SVR4 — suninstall ( Index Term Link )
  save core dump — savecore ( Index Term Link )
 operating system, bootable, load and execute — boot ( Index Term Link )
 output system definition, display current — sysdef ( Index Term Link )
 owner of file, change — chown ( Index Term Link )
 pack files and file systems in the cache — cachefspack ( Index Term Link )
 packages, install, upgrade, and remove software — swmtool ( Index Term Link )
 parse clustertoc file based on dynamic entries — parse_dynamic_clustertoc ( Index Term Link )
 parse_dynamic_clustertoc — parse clustertoc file based on dynamic entries ( Index Term Link )
 passmgmt — password files management ( Index Term Link )
 password file, check for inconsistencies — pwck ( Index Term Link )
  installs and updates /etc/shadow with information from /etc/passwd — pwconv ( Index Term Link )
  management — passmgmt ( Index Term Link )
 patchadd — apply a patch package to a Solaris 2 system ( Index Term Link )
 patchrm — remove a Solaris patch package and restore previously saved files ( Index Term Link )
 pbind — control and query bindings of processes to processors ( Index Term Link )
  Binding processes ( Index Term Link )
  Querying Bindings ( Index Term Link )
  Unbinding a process ( Index Term Link )
 pcfs, mount — mount_pcfs ( Index Term Link )
 PCMCIA user daemon — pcmciad ( Index Term Link )
 pcmciad — PCMCIA user daemon ( Index Term Link )
 per-processor statistics report — mpstat ( Index Term Link )
 perform surface analysis — diskscan ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 pfinstall — tests installation profiles ( Index Term Link )
 pgxconfig — configure the PGX32 Graphics Accelerator ( Index Term Link )
 PICL daemon — picld ( Index Term Link )
 picld — PICL daemon ( Index Term Link )
 pkgadd — transfer software packages to system ( Index Term Link )
 pkgask — stores answers to an interactive software package ( Index Term Link )
 pkgchk — check package installation accuracy ( Index Term Link )
 pkgrm — remove package from system ( Index Term Link )
 pmconfig — Configure the power management system ( Index Term Link )
 pntadm — DHCP network table management utility ( Index Term Link )
 Point to point protocol daemon — pppd ( Index Term Link )
 pool administration utility — pooladm ( Index Term Link )
 pool binding command — poolbind ( Index Term Link )
 pooladm — pool administration utility ( Index Term Link )
 poolbind — pool binding command ( Index Term Link )
 populate security attribute databases in a name service — smattrpop ( Index Term Link )
 populate the NIS+ tables in a NIS+ domain — nispopulate ( Index Term Link )
  add or remove a service — pmadm ( Index Term Link )
  create /dev entries and inittab entries for serial lines — ports ( Index Term Link )
  enable or disable a service — pmadm ( Index Term Link )
  install or replace a service configuration script — pmadm ( Index Term Link )
  print requested service information — pmadm ( Index Term Link )
  service administration — pmadm ( Index Term Link )
 power manager daemon — powerd ( Index Term Link )
 powerd — power manager daemon ( Index Term Link )
 poweroff — stop the processor ( Index Term Link )
 PPP tunneling driver utility — sppptun ( Index Term Link )
 pppd —Point to point protocol daemon ( Index Term Link )
 PPPoE chat utility — pppoec ( Index Term Link )
 PPPoE server daemon — pppoed ( Index Term Link )
 pppoec — PPPoE chat utility ( Index Term Link )
 pppoed — PPPoE server daemon ( Index Term Link )
 pppstats — Print PPP statistics ( Index Term Link )
 praudit — display audit trail ( Index Term Link )
 prctmp — accounting shell procedure ( Index Term Link )
 prdaily — accounting shell procedure ( Index Term Link )
 prepare an iPlanet Directory Server (iDS) to be populated with data and serve LDAP clients — idsconfig ( Index Term Link )
 print device specific information — devinfo ( Index Term Link )
 print FRUID-specific information about the FRUs on a system or domain — prtfru ( Index Term Link )
 print PICL tree — prtpicl ( Index Term Link )
 Print PPP statistics ( Index Term Link )
 print queue, accept or reject requests — accept, reject ( Index Term Link )
 print requests, accept or reject — accept, reject ( Index Term Link )
 print service, LP, — lpmove ( Index Term Link )
 printer filters
  add and change — lpfilter ( Index Term Link )
  list attributes — lpfilter ( Index Term Link )
  remove — lpfilter ( Index Term Link )
 printer forms
  add or change — lpforms ( Index Term Link )
  delete — lpforms ( Index Term Link )
  list attributes — lpforms ( Index Term Link )
  listing the current alert — lpforms ( Index Term Link )
  provide access — lpforms ( Index Term Link )
  removing an alert definition — lpforms ( Index Term Link )
  setting an alert to mount a form — lpforms ( Index Term Link )
  terminating an active alert — lpforms ( Index Term Link )
  add and change printers — lpadmin ( Index Term Link )
  define alerts for printer faults — lpadmin ( Index Term Link )
  mount printer wheels — lpadmin ( Index Term Link )
  remove printers — lpadmin ( Index Term Link )
  set or change system default destination — lpadmin ( Index Term Link )
  setting priorities — lpusers ( Index Term Link )
 printmgr.1m — Solaris Print Manager is a graphical user interface for managing printers in a network ( Index Term Link )
 prints and updates customer data associated with FRUs — fruadm ( Index Term Link )
 privatepw — administer FTP Server enhanced group access file ( Index Term Link )
 process accounting
  — acctcms ( Index Term Link )
  — accton ( Index Term Link )
  — acctprc ( Index Term Link )
 process scheduler, administration — dispadmin ( Index Term Link )
  initialization — init ( Index Term Link )
  kill all active processes — killall ( Index Term Link )
  using file or file structure — fuser ( Index Term Link )
 program, standalone, load and execute — boot ( Index Term Link )
 programming tools, install — install commands ( Index Term Link )
 projadd — ( Index Term Link )
 projdel — delete a project from the system ( Index Term Link )
 projmod — modify a project's information on the system ( Index Term Link )
 PROM monitor program — monitor ( Index Term Link )
 PROM monitor program, display and load program — eeprom ( Index Term Link )
 prstat — report active process statistics ( Index Term Link )
 prtacct — accounting shell procedure ( Index Term Link )
 prtconf — print system configuration information ( Index Term Link )
 prtdiag — print system diagnostic information ( Index Term Link )
 prtfru — print FRUID-specific information about the FRUs on a system or domain ( Index Term Link )
 prtpicl — print PICL tree ( Index Term Link )
 prtvtoc — report information about a disk geometry and partitioning ( Index Term Link )
 psradm — change processor operational status ( Index Term Link )
 psrinfo — displays information about processors ( Index Term Link )
 psrset — creation and management of processor sets ( Index Term Link )
 putdev — add, modify remove device entry from table ( Index Term Link )
 putdgrep — add, remove and change device group table ( Index Term Link )
 query routing daemons for their routing tables — rtquery ( Index Term Link )
 quick halt, — halt ( Index Term Link )
 quota, remote quota daemon — rquotad ( Index Term Link )
  check file system quota for inconsistencies — quotacheck ( Index Term Link )
  display a user's disk quota and usage — quota ( Index Term Link )
  displays number of blocks in filesystem currently owned by each user — quot ( Index Term Link )
  summarize quotas for a file system — repquota ( Index Term Link )
  turn off file system quotas — quotaoff ( Index Term Link )
  turn on file system quotas — quotaon ( Index Term Link )
 quotas, user, edit — edquota ( Index Term Link )
 RARP, server — in.rarpd ( Index Term Link )
 re-preinstall — restore a system to its original factory condition ( Index Term Link )
 real-time clock and GMT-lag management, provide — rtc ( Index Term Link )
 reboot — restart the operating system ( Index Term Link )
 rebuild NIS database — ypmake ( Index Term Link )
 recover soft partition information — metarecover ( Index Term Link )
 reject — reject print requests ( Index Term Link )
 remote execution server — in.rexecd ( Index Term Link )
 remote login server — in.rlogind ( Index Term Link )
 remote shell server — in.rshd ( Index Term Link )
 remote shell server — rshd ( Index Term Link )
 remote system with debugging on, try to contact — Uutry ( Index Term Link )
 remote login server — in.rlogind, rlogind ( Index Term Link )
 remote system with debugging on, try to contact — Uutry, uutry ( Index Term Link )
 remote magtape protocol server — rmt ( Index Term Link )
 Remote Program Load Server
  See rpld
 remote resources
  mount or unmount — mount ( Index Term Link )
  mount NFS — mount_nfs ( Index Term Link )
 remote system
  execute remote command requests — uuxqt ( Index Term Link )
  make local resource unavailable for mounting — unshare ( Index Term Link )
  register with LP print service — lpsystem ( Index Term Link )
  set system date — rdate ( Index Term Link )
  user information server — in.fingerd ( Index Term Link )
 removable media device server — rpc.smserverd ( Index Term Link )
 removable media mounter for CD-ROM and floppy — rmmount ( Index Term Link )
 remove a Solaris patch package and restore previously saved files — patchrm ( Index Term Link )
 removef — remove a file from software database ( Index Term Link )
 removes an application from the Solstice application registry — soldelapp ( Index Term Link )
 report active process statistics — prstat ( Index Term Link )
 report bus-related performance statistics — busstat ( Index Term Link )
 report I/O statistics — iostat ( Index Term Link )
 report information about a disk geometry and partitioning — prtvtoc ( Index Term Link )
 report trap statistics — trapstat ( Index Term Link )
 restart previously shutdown FTP Servers — ftprestart ( Index Term Link )
 restore, incremental file system restore — ufsrestore ( Index Term Link )
 restore NIS+ directory backup — nisrestore ( Index Term Link )
 return user identity — id ( Index Term Link )
 Reverse Address Resolution Protocol
  See RARP
 rlogind — remote login server ( Index Term Link )
 rm_drv — remove a device driver from the system ( Index Term Link )
 rmmount — removable media mounter for CD-ROM and floppy ( Index Term Link )
 rmt — remote magtape protocol server ( Index Term Link )
 roleadd — administer a new role account on the system ( Index Term Link )
 roledel — delete a user's login from the system ( Index Term Link )
 rolemod — modify a role's login information on the system ( Index Term Link )
 root directory, change for a command — chroot ( Index Term Link )
 route — manually manipulate routing tables ( Index Term Link )
  kernel statistics server — rpc.rstatd ( Index Term Link )
  network username server — rpc.rusersd ( Index Term Link )
  network wall server — rpc.rwall ( Index Term Link )
  NIS+ service daemon — rpc.nisd ( Index Term Link )
  program number to universal addresses mapping — rpcbind ( Index Term Link )
  remote execution server — rpc.rexd ( Index Term Link )
  remote quota daemon — rquotad ( Index Term Link )
  report information — rpcinfo ( Index Term Link )
  sends one-way stream of packets to host — spray ( Index Term Link )
  server which records packets sent by spray — rpc.sprayd ( Index Term Link )
  server, Autofs mount/unmount requests — automountd ( Index Term Link )
  server, NFS mount requests — mountd ( Index Term Link )
 RPC, secure, create a new key in publickey database — newkey ( Index Term Link )
 rpc.bootparamd — boot parameter server ( Index Term Link )
 rpc.metad command ( Index Term Link )
 rpc.metamedd command ( Index Term Link )
 rpc.metamhd command ( Index Term Link )
 rpc.nisd — NIS+ service daemon ( Index Term Link )
  rpc.nisd_resolv ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 rpc.nispasswdd — NIS+ password update daemon ( Index Term Link )
 rpc.rexd — remote execution daemon ( Index Term Link )
 rpc.rstatd — kernel statistics server ( Index Term Link )
 rpc.ruserd — network username server ( Index Term Link )
 rpc.rwalld — network wall server ( Index Term Link )
 rpc.smserverd — removable media device server ( Index Term Link )
 rpc.sprayd — records packets sent by spray ( Index Term Link )
 rpc.ypupdated — server for changing NIS information ( Index Term Link )
 rpcbind — converts RPC program numbers to universal addresses ( Index Term Link )
 rpcinfo — report RPC information ( Index Term Link )
 rpld — IA Network Booting RPL (Remote Program Load) Server ( Index Term Link )
 rquotad — remote quota server ( Index Term Link )
 rsh — the restricted shell command interpreter ( Index Term Link )
 rshd — remote shell server ( Index Term Link )
 rtc — provide all real-time clock and GMT-lag management ( Index Term Link )
 rtquery — query routing daemons for their routing tables ( Index Term Link )
 runacct — run daily accounting ( Index Term Link )
 rwall — write to all users over a network ( Index Term Link )
 rwall daemon, network wall server — rpc.rwalld ( Index Term Link )
 sac — Service Access Controller (SAC) ( Index Term Link )
 sacadm — Service Access Controller administration ( Index Term Link )
 sadmind — Distributed system administration daemon ( Index Term Link )
 saf — Service Access Facility (SAF) ( Index Term Link )
  format and output port monitor-specific information — ttyadm ( Index Term Link )
  port monitor for terminal ports — ttymon ( Index Term Link )
 savecore — save OS core dump ( Index Term Link )
 scheduler, process, administration — dispadmin ( Index Term Link )
 sckmd — Sun Fire 15K key management daemon ( Index Term Link )
 SCSI hardware specific commands for cfgadm — cfgadm_scsi ( Index Term Link )
 select a time zone — tzselect ( Index Term Link )
 select naming service for FNS Initial Context — fnselect ( Index Term Link )
 select or display devices used as auxiliary console devices — consadm ( Index Term Link )
 sendmail — mail delivery system ( Index Term Link )
 set serial line interface, set operating parameters — syncinit ( Index Term Link )
 server for changing NIS information
  — rpc.ypupdated ( Index Term Link )
  — ypupdated ( Index Term Link )
  automountd — mount/unmount request server ( Index Term Link )
  biff server — in.comsat ( Index Term Link )
  DARPA TELNET virtual terminal protocol server — in.telnetd ( Index Term Link )
  DARPA trivial name server — in.tnamed ( Index Term Link )
  DHCP server — in.dhcpd ( Index Term Link )
  in.rexecd — remote execution server ( Index Term Link )
  in.uucpd — UUCP server ( Index Term Link )
  inetd — Internet services daemon ( Index Term Link )
  mountd — mount request server ( Index Term Link )
  RARP server — in.rarpd ( Index Term Link )
  system status server — in.rwhod ( Index Term Link )
  talk program server — in.talkd ( Index Term Link )
  yppasswdd — NIS password server ( Index Term Link )
 servers, NIS+, location information — nis_cachemgr ( Index Term Link )
 Service Access Controller
  See SAC
 Service Access Facility
  See SAF
 Service Location Protocol Daemon — slpd ( Index Term Link )
 set printing configuration — lpset ( Index Term Link )
 set the date and time by way of NTP — ntpdate ( Index Term Link )
 set up a virtual FTP host — ftpaddhost ( Index Term Link )
 set up anonymous FTP — ftpconfig ( Index Term Link )
 setuname — changes machine information ( Index Term Link )
 sf880drd — Sun Fire 880 Dynamic Reconfiguration daemon ( Index Term Link )
 share — make local resource available for mounting by remote systems ( Index Term Link )
 share_nfs — make local NFS file system available for mounting by remote systems ( Index Term Link )
 shareall — multiple resources ( Index Term Link )
 SHELL variable — rsh ( Index Term Link )
 shells, the restricted shell command interpreter — rsh ( Index Term Link )
 show Mobile IP Mobility Agent status — mipagentstat ( Index Term Link )
 show network status — netstat ( Index Term Link )
 showmount — display remote mounts ( Index Term Link )
 showrev — displays revision information for current hardware and software ( Index Term Link )
 shutacct — accounting shell procedure ( Index Term Link )
 shutdown — shutdown system, change system state ( Index Term Link )
 slpd — Service Location Protocol Daemon ( Index Term Link )
 smartcard — configure and administer a smartcard ( Index Term Link )
 smattrpop — populate security attribute databases in a name service ( Index Term Link )
 smc — start the Solaris Management Console ( Index Term Link )
 smccompile — build class list and compile Solaris Management Console service beans for remote use ( Index Term Link )
 smcconf — configure the Solaris Management Console ( Index Term Link )
 smcron — manage jobs in the crontab database ( Index Term Link )
 smdiskless — manage diskless client support for a server ( Index Term Link )
 smexec — manage entries in the exec_attr database ( Index Term Link )
 smgroup — manage group entries ( Index Term Link )
 smlog — manage and view WBEM log files ( Index Term Link )
 smmaillist — manage email alias entries ( Index Term Link )
 smmultiuser — manage bulk operations on user accounts ( Index Term Link )
 smosservice — manage OS services ( Index Term Link )
 smpatch — manage patches ( Index Term Link )
 smprofile — manage profiles in the prof_attr and exec_attr databases ( Index Term Link )
 smrole — manage roles and users in role accounts ( Index Term Link )
 smserialport — manage serial port ( Index Term Link )
 smuser — manage user entries ( Index Term Link )
 snmpdx — Sun Solstice Enterprise Master Agent ( Index Term Link )
 snmpXdmid — Sun Solstice Enterprise SNMP-DMI mapper subagent ( Index Term Link )
 snoop — capture and inspec tnetwork packets ( Index Term Link )
 soconfig — configure transport providers for use by sockets ( Index Term Link )
 software package
  add a file to the software installation database — installf ( Index Term Link )
  check installation accuracy — pkgchk ( Index Term Link )
  remove a file from software database — removef ( Index Term Link )
  remove package from system — pkgrm ( Index Term Link )
  stores answers to an interactive package — pkgask ( Index Term Link )
 soladdapp — adds an application to the Solstice application registry ( Index Term Link )
 Solaris Network Cache and Accelerator (NCA) configuration daemon — ncaconfd ( Index Term Link )
 Solaris Print Manager is a graphical user interface for managing printers in a network — printmgr.1m ( Index Term Link )
 Solaris Web Start installer utility — installer ( Index Term Link )
 soldelapp — removes an application from the Solstice application registry ( Index Term Link )
 solstice — access system administration tools with a graphical user interface ( Index Term Link )
 SPARCstorage Array, administration program — ssaadm ( Index Term Link )
 special NTP query program — xntpdc ( Index Term Link )
 sppptun — PPP tunneling driver utility ( Index Term Link )
 spray — sends one-way stream of packets to host ( Index Term Link )
 ssaadm — administration program for the SPARCstorage Array ( Index Term Link )
 standard Network Time Protocol query program — ntpq ( Index Term Link )
 start a Message Queue broker instance — imqbrokerd ( Index Term Link )
 Start and stop NIS services, — ypstart ( Index Term Link )
 Start NIS services, — ypstart ( Index Term Link )
 start Sun WBEM User Manager — wbemadmin ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 start the LP print service — lpsched ( Index Term Link )
 start the Solaris Management Console — smc ( Index Term Link )
 start WBEM Log Viewer — wbemlogviewer ( Index Term Link )
 startup — accounting shell procedure ( Index Term Link )
 startup procedures — boot ( Index Term Link )
 statd — network status monitor ( Index Term Link )
  audit — auditstat ( Index Term Link )
  for file system — ff ( Index Term Link )
  for ufs file system — ff ( Index Term Link )
  I/O — iostat ( Index Term Link )
  NFS, display — nfsstat ( Index Term Link )
  per-processor — mpstat ( Index Term Link )
 stop the processor — halt ( Index Term Link )
 stop the processor — poweroff, poweroff ( Index Term Link )
 Stop NIS services, — ypstop ( Index Term Link )
 stop the LP print service — lpshut ( Index Term Link )
 store mail in a mailbox — mail.local ( Index Term Link )
  automatically pushed modules — autopush ( Index Term Link )
  detach a name from file descriptor — fdetach ( Index Term Link )
  error logger cleanup program — strclean ( Index Term Link )
  error logger daemon — strerr ( Index Term Link )
  port monitor for terminal ports — ttymon ( Index Term Link )
  print trace messages — strace ( Index Term Link )
 su — become super user or another user ( Index Term Link )
 sulogin — single-user mode automatically invoked when system is first started ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 Sun Fire 880 Dynamic Reconfiguration daemon — sf880drd ( Index Term Link )
 Sun Fire 15K key management daemon — sckmd ( Index Term Link )
 Sun SNMP Agent — mibiisa ( Index Term Link )
 Sun Solstice Enterprise DMI Service Provider — dmispd ( Index Term Link )
 Sun Solstice Enterprise Master Agent — snmpdx ( Index Term Link )
 Sun Solstice Enterprise SNMP-DMI mapper subagent — snmpXdmid ( Index Term Link )
 SUNWgfb_config — configure the XVR-1000 Graphics Accelerator ( Index Term Link )
 suninstall — install SunOS/SVR4 ( Index Term Link )
 SUNWpfb_config — fbconfig module for configuring XVR-100 Graphics Accelerator ( Index Term Link )
 SUNWzulu_config — fbconfig module for configuring Sun XVR-4000 Graphics Accelerator ( Index Term Link )
 super user command — su ( Index Term Link )
 swap — administer the system swap areas ( Index Term Link )
 swmtool — install, upgrade and remove software packages ( Index Term Link )
 sxconfig — configure contiguous memory for sx video ( Index Term Link )
 sync — update super block ( Index Term Link )
 synchronous serial link, report driver statistics — syncstat ( Index Term Link )
 synchronous serial loopback test program — syncloop ( Index Term Link )
 syncinit — set serial line interface operating parameters. ( Index Term Link )
 syncloop — synchronous serial loopback test program ( Index Term Link )
 syncstat — report driver statistics from a synchronous serial link. ( Index Term Link )
 sys-unconfig — undo system configuration ( Index Term Link )
 sysdef — displays current system definition ( Index Term Link )
 sysevent event specification administration — syseventadm ( Index Term Link )
 syseventadm — sysevent event specification administration ( Index Term Link )
 syseventconfd — kernel system event command invocation daemon ( Index Term Link )
 syseventd — kernel system event notification daemon ( Index Term Link )
 sysidconfig — execute or define configuration applications ( Index Term Link )
 sysidnet — system configuration ( Index Term Link )
 sysidpm — system configuration ( Index Term Link )
 sysidroot — system configuration ( Index Term Link )
 sysidtool — system configuration ( Index Term Link )
 syslogd — system log message daemon ( Index Term Link )
 system activity reports — sar ( Index Term Link )
 system status server — in.rwhod ( Index Term Link )
 system administration
  access control lists — admintool ( Index Term Link )
  add a file to the software installation database — installf ( Index Term Link )
  control for basic administrative functions — uadmin ( Index Term Link )
  create formatted files for manual pages — catman ( Index Term Link )
  get entries from administrative database — getent ( Index Term Link )
  install commands — install ( Index Term Link )
  NIS+ aliases — aliasadm ( Index Term Link )
  system databases — admintool ( Index Term Link )
 system configuration
  print information — prtconf ( Index Term Link )
  — sysidnet ( Index Term Link )
  — sysidpm ( Index Term Link )
  — sysidroot ( Index Term Link )
  — sysidtool ( Index Term Link )
  undo — sys-unconfig ( Index Term Link )
 system definition, display current — sysdef ( Index Term Link )
 system diagnostic, print information — prtdiag ( Index Term Link )
 system diagnostic messages, error log — dmesg ( Index Term Link )
 system information, displays revision information for current hardware and software — showrev ( Index Term Link )
 system log daemon — syslog ( Index Term Link )
 system parameters, change value — setuname ( Index Term Link )
 System Performance Analysis Utilities Tools, system activity report package — sar ( Index Term Link )
 system PROM monitor program — monitor ( Index Term Link )
 system shutdown, — halt ( Index Term Link )
 tapes — adds /dev entries for tape drives attached to the system ( Index Term Link )
 tcxconfig — configure the default linearity of the 24-bit TrueColor Visual for OpenWindows with an S24 frame buffer system (TCX) ( Index Term Link )
 telinit — process control initialization ( Index Term Link )
  compare or print terminfo descriptions — infocmp ( Index Term Link )
  set type, modes, speed, and line discipline — getty ( Index Term Link )
 terminfo, compiler — tic ( Index Term Link )
 test installation profiles — pfinstall ( Index Term Link )
 test NIS+ and LDAP mapping configuration files — nisldapmaptest ( Index Term Link )
 time zone
  compiler — zic ( Index Term Link )
  print current time in each named on command line — zdump ( Index Term Link )
 timed event services, daemon for cron — cron ( Index Term Link )
 tmpfs, mount — mount_tmpfs ( Index Term Link )
 trace a chain of NTP hosts back to their master time source — ntptrace ( Index Term Link )
 trace messages, STREAMS — strace ( Index Term Link )
 transfer software packages to system — pkgadd ( Index Term Link )
 trapstat — report trap statistics ( Index Term Link )
 TTY ports, maintain line settings and hunt sequences — sttydefs ( Index Term Link )
 ttyadm — format and output port monitor-specific information ( Index Term Link )
 ttymon — port monitor for terminal ports ( Index Term Link )
 tunefs — tuneup an existing file system ( Index Term Link )
 turnacct — accounting shell procedure ( Index Term Link )
 tzselect — select a time zone ( Index Term Link )
  check and repair — fsck_ufs ( Index Term Link )
  construct file system — mkfs_ufs ( Index Term Link )
  display amount of disk space — df_ufs ( Index Term Link )
  generate a list of pathnames vs i-numbers — ncheck_ufs ( Index Term Link )
  incremental file system restore — ufsrestore ( Index Term Link )
  make image copy of file system— volcopy_ufs ( Index Term Link )
  mount — mount_ufs ( Index Term Link )
  provide labels for ufs — labelit_ufs ( Index Term Link )
 ufs file system debugger — fsdb_ufs ( Index Term Link )
 ufsdump — incremental file system dump ( Index Term Link )
 umount — unmount file systems and remote resources ( Index Term Link )
 umountall — unmount multiple file systems ( Index Term Link )
 unconfigure, undo system configuration — sys-unconfig ( Index Term Link )
 UNIX system executable file containing basic operating system services — kernel ( Index Term Link )
 unshare — make local resource unavailable for mounting by remote systems ( Index Term Link )
 unshare_nfs — make local NFS filesystem unavailable for mounting by remote systems ( Index Term Link )
 unshareall — multiple resources ( Index Term Link )
 update_drv — modify device driver attributes ( Index Term Link )
 update Internet name servers interactively — nsupdate ( Index Term Link )
 update super block — sync ( Index Term Link )
 user IDs
  administer a new user login on the system — useradd ( Index Term Link )
  become super user or another user — su ( Index Term Link )
 user information, server, remote — in.fingerd ( Index Term Link )
 user quotas, remote quota daemon — rquotad ( Index Term Link )
 useradd — administer a new user login on the system ( Index Term Link )
 userdel — delete a user's login from the system ( Index Term Link )
 usermod — modify a user's login information on the system ( Index Term Link )
  list login information — logins ( Index Term Link )
  who is doing what — whodo ( Index Term Link )
 utmp2wtmp — create an entry for each user logged on in file /var/adm/wtmpx ( Index Term Link )
 utmpd — utmpx monitoring daemon ( Index Term Link )
 utmpx monitoring daemon — utmpd ( Index Term Link )
 uucheck — check the uucp directories and permissions file ( Index Term Link )
 uucico — file transport program for uucp system ( Index Term Link )
 uucleanup — uucp spool directory clean-up ( Index Term Link )
  check directories and permissions file — uucheck ( Index Term Link )
  clean-up of spool directory — uucleanup ( Index Term Link )
  file transport program — uucico ( Index Term Link )
  scheduler for file transport program — uusched ( Index Term Link )
  server — in.uucpd ( Index Term Link )
 uusched — scheduler for uucp transport program ( Index Term Link )
 Uutry — try to contact remote system with debugging on ( Index Term Link )
 uutry — try to contact remote system with debugging on ( Index Term Link )
 uuxqt — execute remote command requests ( Index Term Link )
 virtual console daemon — cvcd ( Index Term Link )
 virtual memory, display statistics — vmstat ( Index Term Link )
 vmstat — display virtual memory statistics ( Index Term Link )
 vold — Volume Management daemon to manage CD-ROM and floppy devices ( Index Term Link )
 Volume Management
  floppy and CD-ROM management daemon — vold ( Index Term Link )
  removable media mounter — rmmount ( Index Term Link )
 wall — write to all users ( Index Term Link )
 wbemadmin — start Sun WBEM User Manager ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 wbemconfig — convert a JavaSpaces datastore to the newer Reliable Log datastore format ( Index Term Link )
 wbemlogviewer — start WBEM Log Viewer ( Index Term Link )
 whodo — who is doing what ( Index Term Link )
 wracct — write extended accounting records for active processes and tasks ( Index Term Link )
 write extended accounting records for active processes and tasks — wracct ( Index Term Link )
 wtmpfix — correct connect accounting records date/time stamp ( Index Term Link )
 xntpd — Network Time Protocol daemon ( Index Term Link )
  Access Control Commands ( Index Term Link )
  Authentication Commands ( Index Term Link )
  Authentication Key File Format ( Index Term Link )
  Configuration Commands ( Index Term Link )
  Miscellaneous Commands ( Index Term Link )
  Monitoring Commands ( Index Term Link )
  Primary Clock Support ( Index Term Link )
 xntpdc — special NTP query program ( Index Term Link )
  make ndbm file — makedbm ( Index Term Link )
  rebuild database — ypmake ( Index Term Link )
 ypbind — NIS binder process ( Index Term Link )
 ypinit — set up NIS client ( Index Term Link )
 ypmake — rebuild NIS database ( Index Term Link )
 yppoll — return current version of a NIS map at a NIS server host ( Index Term Link )
 yppush — force propagation of changed NIS map ( Index Term Link )
 ypserv — NIS server and binder processes ( Index Term Link )
  ypserv ( Index Term Link )
 ypset — point NIS binder process ypbind at a particular server ( Index Term Link )
 ypstart — Start and stop NIS services ( Index Term Link )
 ypstop — Start and stop NIS services ( Index Term Link )
 ypupdated — server for changing NIS information ( Index Term Link )
 ypxfr — transfer NIS map from a NIS server to host ( Index Term Link )
 ypxfrd — NIS server and binder processes ( Index Term Link )
 yppasswdd — NIS password server ( Index Term Link )
 zdump — prints the current time in each zonename named on command line ( Index Term Link )
 zic — time zone compiler ( Index Term Link )
 zuludaemon — load microcode for Sun XVR-4000 Graphics Accelerator device ( Index Term Link )