man pages section 3: Basic Library Functions
 ualarm — schedule signal after interval in microseconds ( Index Term Link )
 ulltostr — string conversion routines ( Index Term Link )
 umem_alloc — fast, scalable memory allocation ( Index Term Link )
 umem_cache_alloc — allocation cache manipulation ( Index Term Link )
 umem_cache_create — allocation cache manipulation ( Index Term Link )
 umem_cache_destroy — allocation cache manipulation ( Index Term Link )
 umem_cache_free — allocation cache manipulation ( Index Term Link )
 umem_debug — debugging features of the umem library ( Index Term Link )
 umem_free — fast, scalable memory allocation ( Index Term Link )
 umem_nofail_callback — fast, scalable memory allocation ( Index Term Link )
 umem_zalloc — fast, scalable memory allocation ( Index Term Link )
 ungetc — push byte back into input stream ( Index Term Link )
 ungetwc — push wide-character code back into input stream ( Index Term Link )
 unlock a pseudo-terminal master/slave pair — unlockpt ( Index Term Link )
 unlock address space, — munlockall ( Index Term Link )
 unlock memory pages, — munlock ( Index Term Link )
 unlockpt — unlock a pseudo-terminal master/slave pair ( Index Term Link )
 update stack boundaries — stack_setbounds ( Index Term Link )
 updwtmp — user accounting database functions ( Index Term Link )
 updwtmpx — user accounting database functions ( Index Term Link )
 user accounting database functions — endutent ( Index Term Link )
 user accounting database functions — endutxent ( Index Term Link )
 user accounting database functions — getutent ( Index Term Link )
 user accounting database functions — getutid ( Index Term Link )
 user accounting database functions — getutline ( Index Term Link )
 user accounting database functions — getutmp ( Index Term Link )
 user accounting database functions — getutmpx ( Index Term Link )
 user accounting database functions — getutxent ( Index Term Link )
 user accounting database functions — getutxid ( Index Term Link )
 user accounting database functions — getutxline ( Index Term Link )
 user accounting database functions — pututline ( Index Term Link )
 user accounting database functions — pututxline ( Index Term Link )
 user accounting database functions — setutent ( Index Term Link )
 user accounting database functions — setutxent ( Index Term Link )
 user accounting database functions — updwtmp ( Index Term Link )
 user accounting database functions — updwtmpx ( Index Term Link )
 user accounting database functions — utmpname ( Index Term Link )
 user accounting database functions — utmpxname ( Index Term Link )
 user context
  — makecontext ( Index Term Link )
  — swapcontext ( Index Term Link )
 user IDs, get character-string representation — cuserid ( Index Term Link )
 usleep — suspend execution for interval in microseconds ( Index Term Link )
 utmpname — user accounting database functions ( Index Term Link )
 utmpx file, find the slot of current user — ttyslot ( Index Term Link )
 utmpxname — user accounting database functions ( Index Term Link )