man pages section 3: Curses Library Functions
 manipulate color information — can_change_color ( Index Term Link )
 manipulate color information — COLORS ( Index Term Link )
 manipulate color information — color_content ( Index Term Link )
 manipulate color information — COLOR_PAIR ( Index Term Link )
 manipulate color information — COLOR_PAIRS ( Index Term Link )
 manipulate color information — has_colors ( Index Term Link )
 manipulate color information — init_color ( Index Term Link )
 manipulate color information — init_pair ( Index Term Link )
 manipulate color information — pair_content ( Index Term Link )
 manipulate color information — PAIR_NUMBER ( Index Term Link )
 manipulate color information — start_color ( Index Term Link )
 map area of parent window to subwindow — mvderwin ( Index Term Link )
 menu library
  See also curses library
 menus — character based menus package ( Index Term Link )
 menus, application-specific routines
  — item_init ( Index Term Link )
  — item_term ( Index Term Link )
  — menu_hook ( Index Term Link )
  — menu_init ( Index Term Link )
  — menu_term ( Index Term Link )
  — set_item_init ( Index Term Link )
  — set_item_term ( Index Term Link )
  — set_menu_init ( Index Term Link )
  — set_menu_term ( Index Term Link )
 menus, associate application data
  — menu_userptr ( Index Term Link )
  — set_menu_userptr ( Index Term Link )
 menus, create and destroy
  — free_menu ( Index Term Link )
  — menu_new ( Index Term Link )
  — new_menu ( Index Term Link )
 menus, rows and columns
  — menu_format ( Index Term Link )
  — set_menu_format ( Index Term Link )
 menus cursor
  — menu_cursor ( Index Term Link )
  — pos_menu_cursor ( Index Term Link )
 menus display attributes
  — menu_attributes ( Index Term Link )
  — menu_back ( Index Term Link )
  — menu_fore ( Index Term Link )
  — menu_grey ( Index Term Link )
  — menu_pad ( Index Term Link )
  — set_menu_back ( Index Term Link )
  — set_menu_fore ( Index Term Link )
  — set_menu_grey ( Index Term Link )
  — set_menu_pad ( Index Term Link )
 menus from associated subwindows, write/erase
  — menu_post ( Index Term Link )
  — post_menu ( Index Term Link )
  — unpost_menu ( Index Term Link )
 menus item, visibility
  — item_visible ( Index Term Link )
  — menu_item_visible ( Index Term Link )
 menus item name and description
  — item_description ( Index Term Link )
  — item_name ( Index Term Link )
  — menu_item_name ( Index Term Link )
 menus item options routines
  — item_opts ( Index Term Link )
  — item_opts_off ( Index Term Link )
  — item_opts_on ( Index Term Link )
  — menu_item_opts ( Index Term Link )
  — set_item_opts ( Index Term Link )
 menus item values, set and get
  — item_value ( Index Term Link )
  — menu_item_value ( Index Term Link )
  — set_item_value ( Index Term Link )
 menus items, associate application data
  — item_userptr ( Index Term Link )
  — menu_item_userptr ( Index Term Link )
  — set_item_userptr ( Index Term Link )
 menus items, connect and disconnect
  — item_count ( Index Term Link )
  — menu_items ( Index Term Link )
  — set_menu_items ( Index Term Link )
 menus items, create and destroy
  — free_item ( Index Term Link )
  — menu_item_new ( Index Term Link )
  — new_item ( Index Term Link )
 menus items, get and set
  — current_item ( Index Term Link )
  — item_index ( Index Term Link )
  — menu_item_current ( Index Term Link )
  — set_current_item ( Index Term Link )
  — set_top_row ( Index Term Link )
  — top_row ( Index Term Link )
 menus mark string routines
  — menu_mark ( Index Term Link )
  — set_menu_mark ( Index Term Link )
 menus options routines
  — menu_opts ( Index Term Link )
  — menu_opts_off ( Index Term Link )
  — menu_opts_on ( Index Term Link )
  — set_menu_opts ( Index Term Link )
 menus pattern match buffer
  — menu_pattern ( Index Term Link )
  — set_menu_pattern ( Index Term Link )
 menus subsystem, command processor, — menu_driver ( Index Term Link )
 menus window and subwindow association routines
  — menu_sub ( Index Term Link )
  — menu_win ( Index Term Link )
  — scale_menu ( Index Term Link )
  — set_menu_sub ( Index Term Link )
  — set_menu_win ( Index Term Link )
 meta — enable/disable meta keys ( Index Term Link )
 move — graphics interface ( Index Term Link )
 move — move cursor in window ( Index Term Link )
 move cursor in window
  — move ( Index Term Link )
  — wmove ( Index Term Link )
 move the cursor — mvcur ( Index Term Link )
 move window — mvwin ( Index Term Link )
 movenextch — moving the cursor by character ( Index Term Link )
 moveprevch — moving the cursor by character ( Index Term Link )
 mvadd_wch — add a complex character (with rendition) to a window ( Index Term Link )
 mvadd_wchnstr — copy a string of complex characters (with renditions) to a window ( Index Term Link )
 mvadd_wchstr — copy a string of complex characters (with renditions) to a window ( Index Term Link )
 mvaddch — add a character (with rendition) to a window ( Index Term Link )
 mvaddchnstr — copy a character string (with renditions) to a window ( Index Term Link )
 mvaddchstr — copy a character string (with renditions) to a window ( Index Term Link )
 mvaddnstr — add a multi-byte character string (without rendition) to a window ( Index Term Link )
 mvaddnwstr — add a string of wchar_t characters to a curses window and advance cursor ( Index Term Link )
 mvaddnwstr — add a wide-character string to a window ( Index Term Link )
 mvaddstr — add a multi-byte character string (without rendition) to a window ( Index Term Link )
 mvaddwch — add a wchar_t character (with attributes) to a curses window and advance cursor ( Index Term Link )
 mvaddwchnstr — add string of wchar_t characters (and attributes) to a curses window ( Index Term Link )
 mvaddwchstr — add string of wchar_t characters (and attributes) to a curses window ( Index Term Link )
 mvaddwstr — add a string of wchar_t characters to a curses window and advance cursor ( Index Term Link )
 mvaddwstr — add a wide-character string to a window ( Index Term Link )
 mvchgat — change the rendition of characters in a window ( Index Term Link )
 mvcur — move the cursor ( Index Term Link )
 mvdelch — remove a character ( Index Term Link )
 mvderwin — map area of parent window to subwindow ( Index Term Link )
 mvget_wch — get a wide character from terminal ( Index Term Link )
 mvget_wstr — get a wide character string from terminal ( Index Term Link )
 mvgetch — get a single-byte character from terminal ( Index Term Link )
 mvgetn_wstr — get a wide character string from terminal ( Index Term Link )
 mvgetnstr — get a multibyte character string from terminal ( Index Term Link )
 mvgetnwstr — get wchar_t character strings from curses terminal keyboard ( Index Term Link )
 mvgetstr — get a multibyte character string from terminal ( Index Term Link )
 mvgetwch — get (or push back) wchar_t characters from curses terminal keyboard ( Index Term Link )
 mvgetwstr — get wchar_t character strings from curses terminal keyboard ( Index Term Link )
 mvhline — use single-byte characters (and renditions) to draw lines ( Index Term Link )
 mvhline_set — use complex characters (and renditions) to draw lines ( Index Term Link )
 mvin_wch — retrieve a complex character (with rendition) ( Index Term Link )
 mvin_wchnstr — retrieve complex character string (with rendition) ( Index Term Link )
 mvin_wchstr — retrieve complex character string (with rendition) ( Index Term Link )
 mvinch — return a single-byte character (with rendition) ( Index Term Link )
 mvinchnstr — retrieve a single-byte character string (with rendition) ( Index Term Link )
 mvinchstr — retrieve a single-byte character string (with rendition) ( Index Term Link )
 mvinnstr — retrieve a multibyte character string (without rendition) ( Index Term Link )
 mvinnwstr — get a string of wchar_t characters from a curses window ( Index Term Link )
 mvinnwstr — retrieve a wide character string (without rendition) ( Index Term Link )
 mvins_nwstr — insert a wide character string ( Index Term Link )
 mvins_wch — insert a complex character ( Index Term Link )
 mvins_wstr — insert a wide character string ( Index Term Link )
 mvinsch — insert a character ( Index Term Link )
 mvinsnstr — insert a multibyte character string ( Index Term Link )
 mvinsnwstr — insert wchar_t string before character under the cursor in a curses window ( Index Term Link )
 mvinsstr — insert a multibyte character string ( Index Term Link )
 mvinstr — retrieve a multibyte character string (without rendition) ( Index Term Link )
 mvinswch — insert a wchar_t character before the character under the cursor in a curses window ( Index Term Link )
 mvinswstr — insert wchar_t string before character under the cursor in a curses window ( Index Term Link )
 mvinwch — get a wchar_t character and its attributes from a curses window ( Index Term Link )
 mvinwchnstr — get a string of wchar_t characters (and attributes) from a curses window ( Index Term Link )
 mvinwchstr — get a string of wchar_t characters (and attributes) from a curses window ( Index Term Link )
 mvinwstr — get a string of wchar_t characters from a curses window ( Index Term Link )
 mvinwstr — retrieve a wide character string (without rendition) ( Index Term Link )
 mvprintw — print formatted output window ( Index Term Link )
 mvscanw — convert formatted input from a window ( Index Term Link )
 mvvline — use single-byte characters (and renditions) to draw lines ( Index Term Link )
 mvvline_set — use complex characters (and renditions) to draw lines ( Index Term Link )
 mvwadd_wch — add a complex character (with rendition) to a window ( Index Term Link )
 mvwadd_wchnstr — copy a string of complex characters (with renditions) to a window ( Index Term Link )
 mvwadd_wchstr — copy a string of complex characters (with renditions) to a window ( Index Term Link )
 mvwaddch — add a character (with rendition) to a window ( Index Term Link )
 mvwaddchnstr — copy a character string (with renditions) to a window ( Index Term Link )
 mvwaddchstr — copy a character string (with renditions) to a window ( Index Term Link )
 mvwaddnwstr — add a string of wchar_t characters to a curses window and advance cursor ( Index Term Link )
 mvwaddnwstr — add a wide-character string to a window ( Index Term Link )
 mvwaddstr — add a multi-byte character string (without rendition) to a window ( Index Term Link )
 mvwaddwch — add a wchar_t character (with attributes) to a curses window and advance cursor ( Index Term Link )
 mvwaddwchnstr — add string of wchar_t characters (and attributes) to a curses window ( Index Term Link )
 mvwaddwchstr — add string of wchar_t characters (and attributes) to a curses window ( Index Term Link )
 mvwaddwstr — add a string of wchar_t characters to a curses window and advance cursor ( Index Term Link )
 mvwaddwstr — add a wide-character string to a window ( Index Term Link )
 mvwchgat — change the rendition of characters in a window ( Index Term Link )
 mvwdelch — remove a character ( Index Term Link )
 mvwget_wch — get a wide character from terminal ( Index Term Link )
 mvwget_wstr — get a wide character string from terminal ( Index Term Link )
 mvwgetch — get a single-byte character from terminal ( Index Term Link )
 mvwgetn_wstr — get a wide character string from terminal ( Index Term Link )
 mvwgetnstr — get a multibyte character string from terminal ( Index Term Link )
 mvwgetnwstr — get wchar_t character strings from curses terminal keyboard ( Index Term Link )
 mvwgetstr — get a multibyte character string from terminal ( Index Term Link )
 mvwgetwch — get (or push back) wchar_t characters from curses terminal keyboard ( Index Term Link )
 mvwgetwstr — get wchar_t character strings from curses terminal keyboard ( Index Term Link )
 mvwhline — use single-byte characters (and renditions) to draw lines ( Index Term Link )
 mvwhline_set — use complex characters (and renditions) to draw lines ( Index Term Link )
 mvwin — move window ( Index Term Link )
 mvwin_wch — retrieve a complex character (with rendition) ( Index Term Link )
 mvwin_wchnstr — retrieve complex character string (with rendition) ( Index Term Link )
 mvwin_wchstr — retrieve complex character string (with rendition) ( Index Term Link )
 mvwinch — return a single-byte character (with rendition) ( Index Term Link )
 mvwinchnstr — retrieve a single-byte character string (with rendition) ( Index Term Link )
 mvwinchstr — retrieve a single-byte character string (with rendition) ( Index Term Link )
 mvwinnstr — retrieve a multibyte character string (without rendition) ( Index Term Link )
 mvwinnwstr — get a string of wchar_t characters from a curses window ( Index Term Link )
 mvwinnwstr — retrieve a wide character string (without rendition) ( Index Term Link )
 mvwins_nwstr — insert a wide character string ( Index Term Link )
 mvwins_wch — insert a complex character ( Index Term Link )
 mvwins_wstr — insert a wide character string ( Index Term Link )
 mvwinsch — insert a character ( Index Term Link )
 mvwinsnstr — insert a multibyte character string ( Index Term Link )
 mvwinsnwstr — insert wchar_t string before character under the cursor in a curses window ( Index Term Link )
 mvwinsstr — insert a multibyte character string ( Index Term Link )
 mvwinstr — retrieve a multibyte character string (without rendition) ( Index Term Link )
 mvwinswch — insert a wchar_t character before the character under the cursor in a curses window ( Index Term Link )
 mvwinswstr — insert wchar_t string before character under the cursor in a curses window ( Index Term Link )
 mvwinwch — get a wchar_t character and its attributes from a curses window ( Index Term Link )
 mvwinwchnstr — get a string of wchar_t characters (and attributes) from a curses window ( Index Term Link )
 mvwinwchstr — get a string of wchar_t characters (and attributes) from a curses window ( Index Term Link )
 mvwinwstr — get a string of wchar_t characters from a curses window ( Index Term Link )
 mvwinwstr — retrieve a wide character string (without rendition) ( Index Term Link )
 mvwprintw — print formatted output window ( Index Term Link )
 mvwscanw — convert formatted input from a window ( Index Term Link )
 mvwvline — use single-byte characters (and renditions) to draw lines ( Index Term Link )
 mvwvline_set — use complex characters (and renditions) to draw lines ( Index Term Link )
 mwwaddnstr — add a multi-byte character string (without rendition) to a window ( Index Term Link )