man pages section 7: Device and Network Interfaces
 uata — IDE Host Bus Adapter Driver ( Index Term Link )
 udfs— universal disk format file system ( Index Term Link )
 udp — Internet User Datagram Protocol ( Index Term Link )
 ufs, filesystem — ufs ( Index Term Link )
 uhci — host controller driver ( Index Term Link )
 universal disk, universal disk format file system — udfs ( Index Term Link )
 universal serial optical controller for Fibre Channel arbitrated loop (SOC+) device driver — usoc ( Index Term Link )
 unnamed zeroed memory, source — zero ( Index Term Link )
 audioens — Ensoniq 1371/1373 and Creative Labs 5880 driver support ( Index Term Link )
 usb_ac — USB audio control driver ( Index Term Link )
 usb_as — USB audio control driver ( Index Term Link )
 USB audio HID STREAMS module — usb_ah ( Index Term Link )
 USB hub driver — hubd ( Index Term Link )
 usb_mid — USB Multi Interface Driver ( Index Term Link )
 USB mouse STREAMS module — usbms ( Index Term Link )
 USB Multi Interface Driver — usb_mid ( Index Term Link )
 usbprn — USB printer class driver ( Index Term Link )
 usba — Solaris USB architecture ( Index Term Link )
 usbkbm — keyboard STREAMS module for Sun USB Keyboard ( Index Term Link )
 usbkbm — keyboard STREAMS module for Sun, IOCTLS ( Index Term Link )
 usbms — USB mouse STREAMS module ( Index Term Link )
 uscsi — user SCSI command interface ( Index Term Link )
 user SCSI command interface — uscsi ( Index Term Link )
 usoc— universal serial optical controller for Fibre Channel arbitrated loop (SOC+) device driver ( Index Term Link )