man pages section 3: Library Interfaces and Headers
 accounting files, — acct ( Index Term Link )
 acct — process accounting file format ( Index Term Link )
 alternative memory allocator library — libmapmalloc ( Index Term Link )
 ar — archive file format ( Index Term Link )
 archive file format — ar ( Index Term Link )
 asynchronous I/O library — libaio ( Index Term Link )
 basic security library — libbsm ( Index Term Link )
 C library — libc ( Index Term Link )
 configuration adminstartion library — libcfgadm ( Index Term Link )
 data types, primitive system, — types ( Index Term Link )
 definitions for internet operations — inet ( Index Term Link )
 definitions for ndbm database operations — ndbm ( Index Term Link )
 definitions for network database operations — netdb ( Index Term Link )
 definitions for UNIX-domain sockets — un ( Index Term Link )
 device ID library — libdevid ( Index Term Link )
 layout service library — liblayout ( Index Term Link )
 name—value pair library — libnvpair ( Index Term Link )
 device information library — libdevinfo ( Index Term Link )
 dirent — file system independent directory entry ( Index Term Link )
 dynamic linking library — libdl ( Index Term Link )
 ELF access library — libelf ( Index Term Link )
 encryption/decryption library — libcrypt ( Index Term Link )
 File Access Control List library — libsec ( Index Term Link )
 file control options, — fcntl ( Index Term Link )
 fixed-width data types — types32 ( Index Term Link )
 floatingpoint — IEEE floating point definitions ( Index Term Link )
 forms library — libform ( Index Term Link )
 general administrative library — libadm ( Index Term Link )
 Generic Security Services library — libgss ( Index Term Link )
 graphics interface libraries
  — lib300 ( Index Term Link )
  — lib450 ( Index Term Link )
  — lib4014 ( Index Term Link )
  — lib300s ( Index Term Link )
  — libplot ( Index Term Link )
  — libvt0 ( Index Term Link )
 IEEE arithmetic, floating point definitions — floatingpoint ( Index Term Link )
 in — Internet Protocol family ( Index Term Link )
 inet — definitions for internet operations ( Index Term Link )
  Default ( Index Term Link )
  Standard-conforming ( Index Term Link )
 internationalization library — libintl ( Index Term Link )
 Internet Protocol family — in ( Index Term Link )
 Internet Protocol family — socket ( Index Term Link )
 kernel statistics library — libkstat ( Index Term Link )
 Kernel Virtual Memory access library — libkvm ( Index Term Link )
 langinfo — language information constants ( Index Term Link )
 language data types, native — nl_types ( Index Term Link )
 language information constants — langinfo ( Index Term Link )
 lex library — libl ( Index Term Link )
 lib300 — graphics interface libraries ( Index Term Link )
 lib450 — graphics interface libraries ( Index Term Link )
 lib4014 — graphics interface libraries ( Index Term Link )
 lib300s — graphics interface libraries ( Index Term Link )
 libadm — general administrative library ( Index Term Link )
 libaio — asynchronous I/O library ( Index Term Link )
 libbsdmalloc — memory allocator interface library ( Index Term Link )
 libbsm — basic security library ( Index Term Link )
 libc — C library ( Index Term Link )
 libc — the C library ( Index Term Link )
 libcfgadm — configuration adminstartion library ( Index Term Link )
 libcrypt — encryption/decryption library ( Index Term Link )
 libcurses — screen handling and optimization library ( Index Term Link )
 libdevid — device ID library ( Index Term Link )
 liblayout — layout service library ( Index Term Link )
 libnvpair — name—value pair library ( Index Term Link )
 libdevinfo — device information library ( Index Term Link )
 libdl — dynamic linking library ( Index Term Link )
 libdl — the dynamic linking interface library ( Index Term Link )
 libdmi — Sun Solstice Enterprise Agent DMI library ( Index Term Link )
 libdmici — Sun Solstice Enterprise Agent Component library ( Index Term Link )
 libdmimi — Sun Solstice Enterprise Agent Management library ( Index Term Link )
 libelf — ELF access library ( Index Term Link )
 libform — forms library ( Index Term Link )
 libgen — string pattern-matching library ( Index Term Link )
 libgss — Generic Security Services library ( Index Term Link )
 libintl — internationalization library ( Index Term Link )
 libkstat — kernel statistics library ( Index Term Link )
 libkvm — Kernel Virtual Memory access library ( Index Term Link )
  /usr/lib/ ( Index Term Link )
 libl — lex library ( Index Term Link )
 libmail — user mailbox lockfile management library ( Index Term Link )
 libmalloc — memory allocation library ( Index Term Link )
 libmapmalloc — alternative memory allocator library ( Index Term Link )
 libmenu — menus library ( Index Term Link )
 libmp — multiple precision library ( Index Term Link )
 libmtmalloc — multi-threaded memory allocator library ( Index Term Link )
 libnsl — network services library ( Index Term Link )
 libpam — PAM (Pluggable Authentication Module) library ( Index Term Link )
 libpanel — panels library ( Index Term Link )
 libpicl — PICL library ( Index Term Link )
 libpicltree — PICL plug-in library ( Index Term Link )
 libplot — graphics interface libraries ( Index Term Link )
 libpool — pool configuration manipulation library ( Index Term Link )
 libposix4 — POSIX.1b Realtime Extensions library ( Index Term Link )
 libpthread — POSIX threads library ( Index Term Link )
 libpthread — posix threads library, /usr/lib/ ( Index Term Link )
 librac — remote asynchronous calls library ( Index Term Link )
 library file format — ar ( Index Term Link )
 libresolv — resolver library ( Index Term Link )
 librpcsoc — obsolete RPC library ( Index Term Link )
 librpcsvc — RPC services library ( Index Term Link )
 librsm — remote shared memory interface library ( Index Term Link )
 librt — POSIX.1b Realtime Extensions library ( Index Term Link )
 librtld_db — runtime linker debugging library ( Index Term Link )
 libsec — File Access Control List library ( Index Term Link )
  /usr/lib/ ( Index Term Link )
 libsecdb — security attributes database library ( Index Term Link )
 libsendfile — sendfile library ( Index Term Link )
 libslp — service location protocol library ( Index Term Link )
 libsmartcard — smartcard library ( Index Term Link )
 libsocket — sockets library ( Index Term Link )
 libssagent — Sun Solstice Enterprise Agent library ( Index Term Link )
 libssasnmp — Sun Solstice Enterprise SNMP library ( Index Term Link )
 libsys — system library ( Index Term Link )
 libtermcap — screen handling and optimization library ( Index Term Link )
 libtermlib — screen handling and optimization library ( Index Term Link )
 libthread — threads library ( Index Term Link )
 libthread_db — threads debugging library ( Index Term Link )
 libtnfctl — TNF probe control library ( Index Term Link )
 libucb — UCB source compatibility library ( Index Term Link )
 libvolmgt — volume management library ( Index Term Link )
 libvt0 — graphics interface libraries ( Index Term Link )
 libw — wide character library ( Index Term Link )
 libwsreg — product install registry library ( Index Term Link )
 libxfn — X/Open Federated Naming (XFN) library ( Index Term Link )
 libxnet — X/Open Networking library ( Index Term Link )
 liby — yacc library ( Index Term Link )
 machine-dependent values, — values ( Index Term Link )
 math — math functions and constants ( Index Term Link )
 math functions and constants — math ( Index Term Link )
 memory allocation library — libmalloc ( Index Term Link )
 memory allocator interface library — libbsdmalloc ( Index Term Link )
 menus library — libmenu ( Index Term Link )
 multi-threaded memory allocator library — libmtmalloc ( Index Term Link )
 multiple precision library — libmp ( Index Term Link )
 ndbm — definitions for ndbm database operations ( Index Term Link )
 netdb — definitions for network database operations ( Index Term Link )
  Default ( Index Term Link )
  Standard-conforming ( Index Term Link )
 network services library — libnsl ( Index Term Link )
 nl_types — native language data types ( Index Term Link )
 obsolete RPC library — librpcsoc ( Index Term Link )
 PAM (Pluggable Authentication Module) library — libpam ( Index Term Link )
 panels library — libpanel ( Index Term Link )
 PICL library — libpicl ( Index Term Link )
 PICL plug-in library — libpicltree ( Index Term Link )
 pool configuration manipulation library — libpool ( Index Term Link )
 POSIX.1b Realtime Extensions library — libposix4 ( Index Term Link )
 POSIX.1b Realtime Extensions library — librt ( Index Term Link )
 POSIX threads library — libpthread ( Index Term Link )
 process accounting, — acct ( Index Term Link )
  base signals — signal ( Index Term Link )
  signal generation information — siginfo ( Index Term Link )
  wait status — wstat ( Index Term Link )
 product install registry library — libwsreg ( Index Term Link )
 remote asynchronous calls library — librac ( Index Term Link )
 remote shared memory interface library — librsm ( Index Term Link )
 resolver library — libresolv ( Index Term Link )
 RPC services library — librpcsvc ( Index Term Link )
 runtime linker debugging library — librtld_db ( Index Term Link )
 screen handling and optimization library
  — libcurses ( Index Term Link )
  — libtermcap ( Index Term Link )
  — libtermlib ( Index Term Link )
 security attributes database library — libsecdb ( Index Term Link )
 sendfile library — libsendfile ( Index Term Link )
 service location protocol library — libslp ( Index Term Link )
 signal — base signals ( Index Term Link )
 signal generation information, — siginfo ( Index Term Link )
 smartcard library — libsmartcard ( Index Term Link )
 socket — Internet Protocol family ( Index Term Link )
 sockets library — libsocket ( Index Term Link )
 standard symbolic constants and types — unistd ( Index Term Link )
 stat — data returned by stat system call ( Index Term Link )
 string pattern-matching library — libgen ( Index Term Link )
 Sun Solstice Enterprise Agent Component library — libdmici ( Index Term Link )
 Sun Solstice Enterprise Agent DMI library — libdmi ( Index Term Link )
 Sun Solstice Enterprise Agent library — libssagent ( Index Term Link )
 Sun Solstice Enterprise Agent Management library — libdmimi ( Index Term Link )
 Sun Solstice Enterprise SNMP library — libssasnmp ( Index Term Link )
 system calls, — stat ( Index Term Link )
 system library — libsys ( Index Term Link )
 threads debugging library — libthread_db ( Index Term Link )
 threads library — libthread ( Index Term Link )
 TNF probe control library — libtnfctl ( Index Term Link )
 types32 — fixed-width data types ( Index Term Link )
 the UCB compatibility library — libucb ( Index Term Link )
 un — definitions for UNIX-domain sockets ( Index Term Link )
 unistd — standard symbolic constants and types ( Index Term Link )
 UNIX System Code, data types — types ( Index Term Link )
 user context, — ucontext ( Index Term Link )
 user mailbox lockfile management library — libmail ( Index Term Link )
 values — machine-dependent values ( Index Term Link )
 variable arguments
  handle list — stdarg ( Index Term Link )
  handle list — vararg ( Index Term Link )
 volume management library — libvolmgt ( Index Term Link )
 wait status, — wstat ( Index Term Link )
 wide character library — libw ( Index Term Link )
 X/Open Federated Naming (XFN) library — libxfn ( Index Term Link )
 X/Open Networking library — libxnet ( Index Term Link )
 yacc library — liby ( Index Term Link )