System Administration Guide: Basic Administration

Overview of the EFI Disk Label

This Solaris release provides support for disks that are larger than 1 Tbyte on systems running a 64-bit Solaris kernel. The Extensible Firmware Interface (EFI) disk label is not available for disks connected to a system running a 32-bit Solaris kernel, such as a system running the Solaris x86 Platform Edition.

You can download the EFI specification at

The EFI label provides support for physical disks and virtual disk volumes. This release also includes updated disk utilities for managing disks greater than 1 Tbyte. The UFS file system is compatible with the EFI disk label, but you cannot create a UFS file system greater than 1 Tbyte. The Solaris Volume Manager software can be used to manage disks greater than 1 Tbyte in this Solaris release. For information on using Solaris Volume Manager, see Solaris Volume Manager Administration Guide.

The VTOC label is still available for disks less than 1 Tbyte in size. If you are only using disks smaller than 1 Tbyte on your systems, managing disks will be the same as in previous Solaris releases. In addition, you can use the format-e command to label a disk less than 1 Tbyte with an EFI label. For more information, see Example—Labeling a Disk Less Than 1 Tbyte with an EFI Label.

Comparison of the EFI Label and the VTOC Label

The EFI disk label differs from the VTOC disk label in the following ways:

Restrictions of the EFI Disk Label

Keep the following restrictions in mind when determining whether using disks greater than 1 Tbyte is appropriate for your environment:

Installing a System With an EFI-Labeled Disk

The Solaris installation utilities automatically recognize disks with EFI labels, but cannot use the Solaris installation utilities to repartition these disks. You must use the format utility to repartition this disk before or after installation. The Solaris Upgrade and Live Upgrade utilities also recognize a disk with an EFI label. However, you cannot boot a system from an EFI-labeled disk.

After the Solaris release is installed on a system with an EFI-labeled disk, the partition table looks similar to the following:

Current partition table (original):
Total disk sectors available: 2479267806 blocks

Part      Tag    Flag     First Sector          Size          Last Sector
  0       home    wm                34         1.15TB           2479251421    
  1 unassigned    wm                 0            0                0    
  2 unassigned    wm                 0            0                0    
  3 unassigned    wm                 0            0                0    
  4 unassigned    wm                 0            0                0    
  5 unassigned    wm                 0            0                0    
  6 unassigned    wm                 0            0          

Managing Disks With EFI Disks Labels

Use the following table to locate information on managing disks with EFI disk labels.


For More Information 

If the system is already installed, connect the disk to the system and perform a reconfiguration boot. 

SPARC: Adding a System Disk or a Secondary Disk (Task Map)

Repartition the disk with the format utility, if necessary.

SPARC: How to Create Disk Slices and Label a Disk

Create disk volumes, and if needed, create soft partitions with Solaris Volume Manager. 

“Storage Management Concepts” in Solaris Volume Manager Administration Guide

Create UFS file systems for the new disk with the newfs command if the file systems are less than 1 Tbyte.

SPARC: How to Create File Systems

Or, create a QFS file system.

Cloning a Disk with an EFI Label

In previous Solaris releases, slice 2 (s2) was used to represent the whole disk. You could use the dd command to clone or copy disks by using syntax similar to the following:

dd if=/dev/rdsk/c0t0d0s2 of=/dev/rdsk/c0t2d0s2 bs=128k

Now, you must use a slightly different procedure to clone or copy disks larger than 1 Tbyte so that the UUID of cloned disks are unique. For example:

  1. Use the dd command to clone the disk with an EFI label:

    # dd if=/dev/rdsk/c0t0d0s2 of=/dev/rdsk/c0t2d0s2 bs=128k
  2. Pipe the prtvtoc output of the disk to be copied to the fmthard command to create a new label for the cloned disk.

    # prtvtoc /dev/rdsk/c0t0d0 | fmthard -s - /dev/rdsk/c0t2d0

Caution – Caution –

If you do not create a new label for the cloned disk, other software products might corrupt data on EFI-labeled disks if they encounter duplicate UUIDs.

Troubleshooting Problems With EFI Disk Labels

Use the following error messages and solutions to troubleshooting problems with EFI-labeled disks.

Error Message

Dec  3 09:26:48 holoship scsi: WARNING: /sbus@a,0/SUNW,socal@d,10000/
sf@1,0/ssd@w50020f23000002a4,0 (ssd1):
Dec  3 09:26:48 holoship disk has 2576941056 blocks, which is too large 
for a 32-bit kernel

You attempted to boot a system running a 32-bit SPARC kernel with a disk greater than 1 Tbyte.


Boot a system running a 64-bit SPARC kernel with a disk greater than 1 Tbyte.

Error Message

Dec  3 09:12:17 holoship scsi: WARNING: /sbus@a,0/SUNW,socal@d,10000/
sf@1,0/ssd@w50020f23000002a4,0 (ssd1):
Dec  3 09:12:17 holoship corrupt label - wrong magic number

You attempted to add this disk to a system running a Solaris release older than the Solaris 9 4/03 release.


Add this disk to a system running the Solaris 9 4/03 release.