System Administration Guide: Basic Administration

Example—Identifying Damaged Software Components

The following example shows how to determine if the ExampleSoft software component is damaged.

% prodreg browse -m Examplesoft
BROWSE #  +/-/.  UUID                                  #  NAME
========  =====  ====================================  =  ============
1         -      root                                  1  System 
2          +     a01ee8dd-1dd1-11b2-a3f2-0800209a5b6b  1  Solaris 9 4/03 
3          +     8f64eabf-1dd2-11b2-a3f1-0800209a5b6b  1  Unclassified 
4          -     95842091-725a-8501-ef29-0472985982be  1  ExampleSoft
233         .    90209809-9785-b89e-c821-0472985982be  1  Example Doc
234         .    EXSOzzt                               1
235         .    EXSOblob                              1  Example Data

The ExampleSoft child component EXSOzzt does not have an entry in the NAME column of the Solaris Product Registry. The ExampleSoft software might be damaged. Use the prodreg info command with the -u, -i, and -d options to determine if the ExampleSoft software is damaged.

% prodreg info -u 95842091-725a-8501-ef29-0472985982be -i 1 -d 

The output of the previous command indicates that the ExampleSoft software is damaged. Use the -a PKGS option to the prodreg info command to identify the ExampleSoft software packages.

% prodreg info 
     -u 95842091-725a-8501-ef29-0472985982be 
     -i 1 -a PKGS 
EXSOzzt EXSOblob

Use the pkginfo command to verify that the EXSOzzt and EXSOblob packages are installed on the system.

% pkginfo EXSOzzt 
ERROR: information for "EXSOzzt" was not found 

% pkginfo EXSOblob
application EXSOblob       Example Data

The output of the pkginfo command indicates that the EXSOzzt package is not installed on the system.