System Administration Guide: Naming and Directory Services (DNS, NIS, and LDAP)

Using SSL

The rpc.nisd daemon also supports transport layer encryption of LDAP traffic using SSL. Consult your LDAP server documentation to generate an SSL certificate for LDAP server authentication. Store the certificate in a file on the NIS+ server (/var/nis/cert7.db, for example) and modify /etc/default/rpc.nisd as follows.


Be sure to protect the certificate file from unauthorized access. Note that the above provides session encryption and authentication of the LDAP server to the rpc.nisd. It does not provide authentication of the rpc.nisd to the LDAP server, since the certificate does not contain anything that identifies the LDAP client (rpc.nisd). However, you can combine SSL with another authentication method (simple, sasl/digest-md5) in order to achieve mutual authentication.