System Administration Guide: Basic Administration

Using Non-Compliant USB Mass Storage Devices

Some devices might be supported by the USB mass storage driver even though they do not identify themselves as compliant with the USB mass storage class or identify themselves incorrectly. The scsa2usb.conf file contains an attribute-override-list that lists the vendor ID, product ID, and revision for matching mass storage devices, as well as fields for overriding the default device attributes. The entries in this list are commented out by default, and can be copied and uncommented to enable support of particular devices.

If you connect a USB mass storage device to a system running the Solaris release and the system is unable to use it, you can check the /kernel/drv/scsa2usb.conf file to see if there is a matching, commented entry for this device. Follow the information given in the scsa2usb.conf file to see if a particular device can be supported by using the override information. For a listing of recommended USB mass storage devices, go to

For more information, see scsa2usb(7D).