System Administration Guide: Basic Administration

How to Create a Multiterabyte UFS File System

Support for a multiterabyte UFS file system assumes the availability of multiterabyte LUNs, provided as Solaris Volume Manager or VxVM volumes, or as physical disks greater than 1 terabyte.

Before you can create a multiterabyte UFS file system, verify that you have done either of the following:

  1. Become superuser.

  2. Create a multiterabyte UFS file system on a logical volume.

    For example, this command creates a UFS file system for a 1.8 terabyte volume.

    # newfs /dev/md/rdsk/d99
    newfs: construct a new file system /dev/md/rdsk/d99: (y/n)? y
    /dev/md/rdsk/d99:       3859402752 sectors in 628158 cylinders of 48 tracks, 
    128 sectors
            1884474.0MB in 4393 cyl groups (143 c/g, 429.00MB/g, 448 i/g)
    super-block backups (for fsck -F ufs -o b=#) at:
     32, 878752, 1757472, 2636192, 3514912, 4393632, 5272352, 6151072, 7029792,
    Initializing cylinder groups:
    super-block backups for last 10 cylinder groups at:
     3850872736, 3851751456, 3852630176, 3853508896, 3854387616, 3855266336,
     3856145056, 3857023776, 3857902496, 3858781216,
  3. Verify the integrity of the newly created file system.

    For example:

    # fsck /dev/md/rdsk/d99
    ** /dev/md/rdsk/d99
    ** Last Mounted on 
    ** Phase 1 - Check Blocks and Sizes
    ** Phase 2 - Check Pathnames
    ** Phase 3 - Check Connectivity
    ** Phase 4 - Check Reference Counts
    ** Phase 5 - Check Cyl groups
    2 files, 2 used, 241173122 free (0 frags, 241173122 blocks, 0.0% 
  4. Mount and verify the newly created file system.

    For example:

    # mount /dev/md/dsk/d99 /bigdir
    # df -h /bigdir
    Filesystem             size   used  avail capacity  Mounted on
    /dev/md/dsk/d99        1.8T    64M   1.8T     1%    /bigdir