System Administration Guide: Resource Management and Network Services

UUCP Hardware Configurations

UUCP supports the following hardware configurations:

Direct links

You can create a direct link to another computer by running RS-232 cables between serial ports on the two machines. Direct links are useful when two computers communicate regularly and are physically close—within 50 feet of each other. You can use a limited-distance modem to increase this distance somewhat.

Telephone lines

Using an automatic call unit (ACU), such as a high-speed modem, your machine can communicate with other computers over standard phone lines. The modem dials the telephone number that is requested by UUCP. The recipient machine must have a modem capable of answering incoming calls.


UUCP can also communicate over a network that runs TCP/IP or an other protocol family. After your computer has been established as a host on a network, it can contact any other host that is connected to the network.

This chapter assumes that your UUCP hardware has already been assembled and configured. If you need to set up a modem, refer to System Administration Guide: Basic Administration and the manuals that accompanied the modem for assistance.