System Administration Guide: Resource Management and Network Services

How to Test the sendmail Rule Sets

To check the input and returns of the sendmail rule sets, follow these instructions.

  1. Change to address test mode.

    # /usr/lib/sendmail -bt
  2. Test a mail address.

    Provide the following numbers and address at the last prompt (>).

    > 3,0 mail_address

    Use the mail address that you are testing.

  3. End the session.

    Press Control-d.

The following is an example of the output.

% /usr/lib/sendmail -bt
ADDRESS TEST MODE (ruleset 3 NOT automatically invoked)
Enter <ruleset> <address>
> 3,0 sandy@phoenix
canonify           input: sandy @ phoenix
Canonify2          input: sandy < @ phoenix >
Canonify2        returns: sandy < @ phoenix . example . com . >
canonify         returns: sandy < @ phoenix . example . com . >
parse              input: sandy < @ phoenix . example . com . >
Parse0             input: sandy < @ phoenix . example . com . >
Parse0           returns: sandy < @ phoenix . example . com . >
ParseLocal         input: sandy < @ phoenix . example . com . >
ParseLocal       returns: sandy < @ phoenix . example . com . >
Parse1             input: sandy < @ phoenix . example . com . >
MailerToTriple     input: < mailhost . phoenix . example . com > 
     sandy < @ phoenix . example . com . >
MailerToTriple   returns: $# relay $@ mailhost . phoenix . example . com 
     $: sandy < @ phoenix . example . com . >
Parse1           returns: $# relay $@ mailhost . phoenix . example . com 
     $: sandy < @ phoenix . example . com . >
parse            returns: $# relay $@ mailhost . phoenix . example . com 
     $: sandy < @ phoenix . example . com . >